性善,good nature
1)good nature性善
1.Moreover, linking benevolence with human nature he put forward his theory of good nature.孟子认为仁爱是处理人与人交互主体性关系的基本原则,对社会共同体的稳定和谐具有决定性意义,并把仁爱与人的本性相结合,提出了性善论。
2.The debate on the good nature and bad nature of human between Mengzi and Xunzi came to birth.人性论最早由春秋末年的孔子提出,至战国时期才成为学术界谈论的热点话题,孟子和荀子的性善性恶之辨便在此背景中展开。
3.Starting with the four kinds of teaching methods of master of Tientai as a Buddhist,from the aspects of theory connotation,thought origin,and historical influence,this article is to analyze master of Tientai\'s human nature theory,that is,the four types of dharma: the evil nature,the good nature,the nature of good and evil,and the nature of no good or evil.从理论内涵、思想渊源和历史影响等方面,分析了智者大师的人性论思想,即:藏教的性恶论、通教的性善论、别教的性具善恶论、圆教的性无善恶论。

1.Recent understanding of Mencius’theory of original goodness of human nature--"Righteousness"and"nature";孟子性善论新解——“义”与“性”
2.The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;本原意义的善——孟子性善论的理论旨归
3.The Important Meanging of Performing Goodness in Mencius' Goodness略论“行善”在孟子性善中的重要意义
4.4. Women are good problem-solvers.女性善于处理问题。
5.He is essentially a good man.他是个本性善良的人。
6.Fromm s Theory of Good Nature and Its Comparison with the Theory of Mencius;弗洛姆的性善论及其与孟子性善论的比较
7.Goodness I call the habit, and goodness of nature the inclination.爱人的习惯我叫做“善”,其天然的倾向则叫做“性善”。
8.Human Nature:Good or Evil--On the Conception of Good and Evil of Kant s Moral Philosophy and His Theory of Human Nature;性善乎 性恶乎——康德道德哲学之善恶概念及其人性论
9.Of a kind and gentle disposition.善良的性情善良与温和的
10.benign:Of a kind and gentle disposition.善良的:性情善良与温和的。
11.It is the essence of humanness to try to improve the world and oneself.人性本就是想要改善世界、改善自己。
12.Kindness is one of his characteristics.和善是他的特性之一。
13.The sentimental is her character .多愁善感是她的性格。
14.annealing for workability改善加工性能的退火
15.Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理
16.Path to increase collaborative development改善合作性开发的途径
17.Good nature emaneted from her.她表现出她的性情善良。
18.This doctrine holds that people are inherently good.这种教义强调人性本善

Goodness of human nature性善
1.Lin Yutang utmost canonizes Mencius theory of goodness of human nature, he admires Mencius "the strong man" and the noble spirit, he enjoys Mencius style of great momentum, he gasps admiration Mencius the wisdom of life, such as attaching importance to life,loving elders, liking waterness.林语堂极力推崇孟子的"性善"说,赞赏孟子的"大丈夫"和浩然正气,欣赏孟子气势磅礴的文体,叹服于孟子重生活、爱老人、喜平淡等人生智慧。
3)the goodness of human nature性善
1.The conflict between Mencius doctrine of the goodness of human nature and Xunzi s that of evil originates from the difference on the point about heaven and man relation. 孟子、荀子间的性善论与性恶论之争源自天人观上的分歧。
1.Testing Evaluation of Reservoir Property and Perfection in Chengdao Field;埕岛油田油水井储层物性及完善性试井评价
5)performance improvement性能改善
1.Study on Flow Field Simulation and Performance Improvement of the Medium-High Specific Speed Francis Turbine;中比转速混流式水轮机内流场数值模拟及性能改善研究
1.Research in GNSS Based Train Positioning Integrity;基于GNSS的列车定位完善性研究
2.It is concluded that this method has better performance of integrity and continuity.在任意B值排除方法的基础上提出了最大B值排除方法 ,通过分析得到 ,该方法有较好的完善性和连续性性能。
3.The article gone deep into the analysis of the LGF and researching on Integrity of LAAS with the background of precision aircraft approach and landing.把GPS作为一种主要的导航手段应用于飞机的精密进场与着陆,需要进一步提高系统的定位精度、连续性、完善性和可用性等性能,美国联邦航空管理局由此设计了GPS局域增强系统(Local Area Augmention System,LAAS)。

性善  中国战国时孟子关于人性的思想,指人之所以区别于禽兽而固有的基本特征。孟子说:"人之所不学而能者,其良能也;所不虑而知者,其良知也。孩提之童,无不知爱其亲者,及其长也,无不知敬其兄也。亲亲仁也,敬长义也"(《孟子·尽心上》)。孟子认为具备仁义是人天生的禀赋,但是在人的本性中只是开端、萌芽,即善端,并不等于善的完成。只有少数人能够保持这种禀赋,所以他强调环境和教育在道德品质形成过程中的作用。他认为,年成的好坏,职业的不同,周围人们的影响,都对一个人的道德品质起制约作用。对于一般老百姓来说,有无恒产(固定的产业收入)起决定作用。高于一般老百姓的士人,道德品质的形成主要在于主观的努力。如果珍惜人性固有的善端,志趣远大,即使环境恶劣,也不能动摇一个人奋发向上的意志。相反,如果自暴自弃,人性就会丧失,把自己降低到禽兽的水平。孟子一方面要求统治者施行仁政,给人民提供一定的物质生活条件,以便进一步诱导他们向善;另一方面,又提出了一套"养心莫善于寡欲"以及尽心-知性-知天的修养方法,要求人们努力提高自己的道德品质。这种人性论是一种先验的唯心论。宋代以后,为理学所继承,成为占统治地位的人性学说,在中国古代哲学史上有重要地位。