传统孝道,traditional filial piety
1)traditional filial piety传统孝道
1.The Practical Significance of the Traditional Filial Piety for the Aged Problems in Rural Area传统孝道对解决我国农村养老问题的现实意义分析
2.With the entry into population aging,appreciating the social value of traditional filial piety and bring it into full play have a significa.传统孝道蕴含了十分丰富的养老思想,是我国传统养老的道德准则和基本的行为规范。
3.To analyse this issue,including the influence of traditional filial piety on it and offer some suggestion is of great significance to eliminate the special contradictions in this field.就传统孝道对农村养老的影响进行分析,提出一些对策,有助于化解和缓和农村养老中的一些突出矛盾。

1.On the Morden Transformation of the Traditional Filial Piety and the Construction of Harmonious Family;传统孝道的现代转换与构建和谐家庭
2.Importance and Significance of Traditional Filial Piety in Providing for the aged;传统孝道在养老中的作用及现实意义
3.Reflections on Continuation of China s Traditional Filial Piety;对中国传统孝道长期延续的几点思考
4.On the Analyzing About the Digging and Utilizing of Traditional Filial Piety;浅谈中国的传统孝道及其发掘与利用
5.Carry on the traditional culture of filial duty,concern to the raising issue of rural old-ages弘扬传统孝道文化,关注农村养老问题
6.Interpretation of Traditional Filial Piety--In the Perspective of Moral Beliefs;对传统孝道的解读——从社会道德信仰视阈的审视
7.Pondering the Value of the Chinese Tradition Filial Piety in the Modern Moral Construction;中国传统孝道在现代道德建设中的价值思考
8.On Gratitude Education Among Present Youths--A Traditional Filial Piety Perspective;当代青少年感恩教育探究——以传统孝道为视角
9.Traditional Filial Piety Encountering Modern People-oriented Values;传统孝道与以人为本价值观的当代际遇
10.On the Influence of the Traditional Filial Duty Upon the Building-up of Socialist Spiritual Civilization;论传统孝道在社会主义精神文明建设中的作用
11.Research on Traditional Virtues of Filial Piety in the Family Construction传统孝道在家庭美德建设中的价值研究
12.Inheritance and Innovation of the Traditional Support Way under the Angle of New-type-countryside Construction新农村建设视野下传统孝道的继承与创新
13.The Attitude to the Traditional Filial Piety and Famillism of College Student大学生的传统孝道态度与家族主义关系的研究
14.The Influence of Chinese Traditional Filial Piety on Family Support of Aged in Rural Areas in China传统孝道对当代农村家庭养老问题的影响
15.Inheriting and Going Beyond "the Traditional Filial Piety" --An Investigation of College Students’ Thought of "Filial Piety";对传统“孝道”的继承和超越——大学生“孝”观念调查
16.In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed.在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。
17.The Traditional Filial Piety Morality and Modern Citizen's Moral Quality Education传统孝德观与现代公民道德素质教育
18.Comparison of Traditional Moral View of Filial Piety Culture with Contemporary Moral Values;传统孝文化道德观与当代道德价值观之比较

filial piety传统孝道
1.Therefore,when reinforcing gratitude education, it is effective and practical to take filial piety as the opening and new contents and meanings in the teaching process.因此,对青少年进行感恩教育,可以以传统孝道为视角和切入点,并结合时代特征赋予其新的内涵,为家庭、学校和社会在对青少年进行感恩教育的过程中注入新的内涵和具体内容,在传承传统文化和美德的同时,增强感恩教育的针对性和实效性。
2.Data were collected via the FPS administered to a sample of 885 adoles cents of grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 to investigate the adolescents at t itudes toward filial piety.本研究采用传统孝道态度问卷对 885名初三、高一、高二、高三城乡青少年的传统孝道态度进行了初步探讨。
3)the traditional filial piety传统孝道
1.In modern society,the traditional filial piety is hard to hold on.在当代社会中,传统孝道已难以维系,同时却出现了长幼颠倒、小依长、“养儿防不了老”等,与父母缺乏自省自律这些不和谐的亲子关系,如何构建当代的“新孝道”日益显得重要。
4)Chinese traditional filial piety中国传统孝道
1.This article presents a basic concept of Chinese traditional filial piety:Inheriting in criticism,and exceeding in inheritance.本文在阐述对中国传统孝道继承与超越必要性的基础上,通过反思传统孝道的内涵,重新审视其价值,提出了对传统孝道继承与超越的基本观点:在批判中继承,在继承中超越。
5)Ethics of Traditional Filial Piety传统孝道伦理
6)Attitude of finial piety传统孝道态度

孝道1.谓以孝为本的理法规范。 2.孝行,尽心奉养父母。 3.指孝顺的人。