道德律,moral law
1)moral law道德律
1.Exposition On“Proof To Kant s Moral Law”;对“康德道德律证明”的论述
2.The kind will,that takes the(widespread) legislation form——moral law as its basis or motive,is congenital and pure will.善良意志以普遍的立法形式———道德律为其根据或动机,是先天的、纯粹的意志;它决定、影响并体现在人的个体意志之中,使个体意志在方向上和自己保持一致。
3.The procedure of kantian ethics is beginning at establishing the moral law,and regards it as the principle of moral worth,and so as to discuss the pracitical possibility of the highest goods.道德律是康德道德形而上学的出发点,在本质上是自律的法则,不仅构成意志的规定根据,而且构成诸至善的可能条件。

1.Engaged in mopping-up operations道德律、道义上的责任、道义上的义务
2.Moral Puzzlement and Moral Self-discipline in Women Intellectuals in Institutions of Higher Learning;高校知识女性的道德困惑及道德自律
3.Codifying Morals-An Important Way of Cultivating Morals at Present;道德法律化:当前道德建设的重要途径
4.contrary to conscience or morality or law.与良心、道德和法律相反。
5.transgressing a moral or divine law.违犯道德或神界律令的。
6.Research on the Internal Morality of Law--on Fuller s The Morality of Law;探寻法律的内在道德——兼论富勒《法律的道德性》
7.On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture;论中国传统文化中的"道德法律化"和"法律道德化
8.From Heteronomous Morality to Autonomous Morality --Comments on Kohlberg s Moral Typology;从他律道德到自律道德——科尔伯格的道德类型说评介
9.Network moral education:the awakening of the moral self-discipline and the rebuilding of the moral personality;网络德育:道德自律的觉醒与道德人格的重塑
10.not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention.不符合法律,道德规律,或社会习俗。
11.Self-discipline & Heteronomy-Practice of Rationality in Moral Building;自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践品性
12.Analyzing the Legalization of the Chinese Traditional Morality through the Law of West Han Dynasty;从西汉法律看中国传统道德的法律化
13.The Thought of Illustrating Illustrious Virtue of the Study on Mind of Confucianism and Netizen Morality Autonomy;儒家心学“明明德”思想与网民道德自律
14.Freedom and Autonomy: Kant s Moral Education Ideology;自由与自律:康德道德教育思想研究
15.The critique of P·Devlin s theory of the enforcement of morality;德富林的道德法律强制理论及其批判
16.The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant's View从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系
17.Law and Ethics under the Legal Goal;法律目的下的法律与道德——庞德的阐释及启示
18.Self-discipline and External Restraint in the Present Virtue Construction of Our country;论我国当前官德建设中的道德自律与他律

moral self-discipline道德自律
1.However,people do not automatically enter the stage of moral self-discipline,there is a need for moral education.实现从道德他律向道德自律的过渡,必须建立道德他律的机制、将自律观念运用于道德教育实践中,在道德教育实践中将他律与自律进行有机结合。
2.From the point of inherrent moral reason,the main reason for the loss of credibity is the ignorance of moral self-discipline, the basic reason for it is the weakening of moral responsibility and the loss of moral beliefs is its further cause.从道德内因看,诚信失范的主要原因是道德自律意识的淡化,诚信失范的根本原因是道德责任的弱化,诚信失范的深层原因是道德信仰的危机。
3)Moral autonomy道德自律
1.Being Alert to Historical Misunderstanding in the Development of Ruling Ability: Politics of Confucian Moral Autonomy;执政能力建设必须警惕的历史误区:儒家道德自律型政治
2.The value of moral autonomy in Marx s idea of subject;马克思主体性思想的道德自律价值
3.According to Kant s Ethics,original position,which is based on people s free will,moral autonomy and categorical imperative,is a programmed interpretation of justice principle.用康德的话来说,原初状态是建立在人的意志自由、道德自律和绝对命令基础之上的对正义原则的一种程序性解释。
4)morality heteronomy道德他律
1.In the condition of morality heteronomy weakening and moral guidance being ineffective,we should strengthen mechanism of morality heteronomy to enhance the binding force of morality.在道德他律弱化、道德导向失去作用的情况下,必须强化道德他律机制,以增强道德约束力。
5)Moral law道德规律
6)heteronomy morals他律道德
1.However,Kant researches moral realm by a kind of analytical and logic way,so his moral philosophy is only a type of heteronomy morals.然而康德对道德领域的探究采取的却是一种分析、分解的逻辑架构之路,所以使得他的道德哲学在终极的意义上只能是一种外在超越型的他律道德。
