张东荪,Zhang Dongsun
1)Zhang Dongsun张东荪
1.The Debates on the May 4th Eastern-Western Culture in Zhang Dongsun s Perspective;张东荪视角下的五四东西文化论争
2.Zhang Dongsun and Zhang Junmai in the Preliminary Path to Constitution;初踏宪政之路的张东荪与张君劢
3.Comparative Study on the Theory of the Cosmic Degree between Zhang Dongsun and Zhang Dainian;张东荪与张岱年的宇宙层次论比较研究

1.Turning Morality into Culture--Zhang Dongsun s Theory of Ethics;化道德为文化——张东荪的伦理思想
2.What is Philosphy on Earth--On the Zhang Dong Xun s Opinion of Philosphy;哲学究竟是什么——张东荪的哲学观述评
3.Comparative Study on the Theory of the Cosmic Degree between Zhang Dongsun and Zhang Dainian;张东荪与张岱年的宇宙层次论比较研究
4.Analyse the Reasons of Chang-junmai and Chang-dongsun’s Diffidation--An Compare on their Constitutional Ppinions;张君劢与张东荪绝交原因探析——一个宪政主张上的比较
5.Language and the Differences Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture--On Zhang Dong-suns Opinion of Language;言语与中西文化差异——张东荪的言语观诠次
6.Zhang Dongsun's Discussions between Language and Relationship of Chinese and Western Philosophy论张东荪关于语言与中西哲学形态关系的论述
7.The Socialist Camping Ground of Freedom the Difference between Zhang Dongsun and Zhang Junmais,Socialism Thought in the First Years of the Republic of China;自由的“社会主义”营地——民国初年张东荪与张君劢“社会主义”思想差异
8.The Starting Point of Liberty Originating from Old Theory--comparing Zhangdongsun liberty thought with Zhangjunmai s;源于旧学的自由起点——张东荪和张君劢自由思想比较
9.Nibble Each Other or Each Complements the Other --A study of Zhang Dongsun s idea on the relationship between science and philosophy;蚕食替代,还是相得益彰——张东荪科学与哲学关系主张述评
10.A Concise Paper on the Modern Location of Confucianism简论儒学的现代定位问题——兼论张东荪何以不能被称为“现代新儒家”
11.Liang Qichao s and Zhang Dongsun s Views of Personality and Rights;道德人格与法权人格——梁启超和张东荪论人格与权利
12.Role Transformation of Intelligentsia in Modern Society;论“士”在现代社会中的角色转换——三论张东荪先生的儒学观
13.In the40' s of20 century, Zhang Dong-sun advanced his knowledge of pluralistic which payed more attention to social and cultural factors of knowledge.张东荪在20世纪40年代提出了自己多元交互主义知识论,注重知识所受的社会文化影响。
14.The Liberalistic Intellectual s Pursuit of Socialism--The Analysis of Zhang Dong-sun s Ideological Course in around 1920s;自由知识分子的社会主义诉求——略论20世纪20年代前后张东荪的心路历程
15.Tu Wei-yueh laid before Wu Sun-fu a list of recommendations which he had prepared.屠维岳又接着说,拿出一张纸来放在吴荪甫面前。
16.Wu Sun-fu picked up the telegram and handed it to Kao Sheng, waved him away and said:荪甫拿起那张电稿交给高升,一面挥手,一面说:
17.This diagnosis came from Tu Chu-chaff. He glanced at Wu Sun-fu, fumbled nervously for his snuff-box and gave it to him.竹斋看着荪甫说,慌慌张张地把他那个随身携带的鼻烟壶递过去。
18.Directly Tu Chu-chaff sat down, and before he could say a word, Wu Sun-fu tossed over a sheet of paper.杜竹斋刚刚坐下,还没开口,荪甫就将一张纸撩给他看。

Zhang Dong-sun张东荪
1.The Liberalistic Intellectual s Pursuit of Socialism——The Analysis of Zhang Dong-sun s Ideological Course in around 1920s;自由知识分子的社会主义诉求——略论20世纪20年代前后张东荪的心路历程
2.Language and the Differences Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture——On Zhang Dong-suns Opinion of Language;言语与中西文化差异——张东荪的言语观诠次
3)Chang Tung-sun's Theory of Knowledge张东荪的知识论
4)Constitutional ideas of Chang Dong-sun张东荪的宪政观
5)Zhang Dongsun s View of Life张东荪的人生观
6)The Explanation and Understanding of Zhang Dongsun s Cultural Perspective张东荪文化观解读

民国曹云荪《净土圣贤录》【民国曹云荪《净土圣贤录》】  曹云荪,法名了义,江西九江人。家贫,经商,好施与,性尤孝。自以幼孤失学,创办本族小学校,以继父志。母谭氏,信佛,发愿朝普陀九华,未行而卒。云荪为了慈帏心愿,于光绪癸卯二月朝九华。继转普陀,至紫竹林,见其母俨然在内,狂呼遽进,忽失所在,乃恸哭。寺僧怪问,知其故,曰,此大士化身,慰汝孝思。次礼洛迦,归舟时,海面现千叶莲华,上坐千手眼观音菩萨。由是悲喜交集,信根深植。后亲近印光法师,知念佛法门,即于九江庐山各寺,起念佛七,提倡净土。民国乙丑夏,舍住宅,为念佛林。己巳夏,结东林莲社,与住僧立约,公诸十方,开单接众,云荪任经费。冬季,建文殊阁,材木粗备,忽示微疾。庚午春,观音大士诞日,集众居士,谓文殊菩萨,许后三日来迎,乞诸君前来助念,闻者颇为疑讶。至期,唤子天樟,取水沐浴更衣,正坐,按珠念佛。旋谓,我今生西期至,不能延误。所创办之莲社,及重建文殊阁,汝当继志勿懈,言毕而寂。时民国十九年春分日,年六十三。(俞慧郁钞集)