传统伦理学,traditional ethics
1)traditional ethics传统伦理学
1.Environmental issues have not only its real root causes, but also its theoretical roots, that is, traditional ethics.环境问题的产生不仅有其现实根源,更在于其理论根源,即传统伦理学
2.This article holds that post-modernism launched a fierce critique to western traditional ethics since ancient Greece including moral viewpoint of subjectivity,rational ethics and ethical viewpoint of essentialism,foundationalism,and centralism.后现代主义对西方自古希腊以来的传统伦理学理论,包括主体性道德观、理性主义伦理学以及本质主义、基础主义、中心主义伦理观都展开了猛烈批判,文章试图在这种彻底的批判中实现对传统伦理学的超越,从而达到一种无主体、非理性、不确定、无基础、相对化的伦理境界。
3.The research of traditional ethics has shifted it focus to value ethics.传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向,一是基于研究重心由“应当”问题转换为“德行之所以然”的问题,二是基于研究范式上由目的论、德性论、义务论等转换为价值论。

1.Evolutional Ethics and its Challenge to Traditional Western Ethics;进化伦理学及其向西方传统伦理学的挑战
2.On Critique and Transcendence of Traditional Ethics by the Ethical Viewpoints of Post-modernism;后现代伦理观对传统伦理学的批判和超越
3.From Intellectual Ethics to Family-Based Ethics--A Comparison of Chinese and Western Traditional Ethics从“知性伦理”到“家本伦理”——关于中西传统伦理学的一个比较
4."Promoting Virtue and Respected Knowledge":Traditional Confucian Theory of Knowledge-Ethics;“尊德性而道问学”:传统儒学知识伦理论
5.From Traditional Ethics to Comsumption Ethics--A Point of View on Contemporary Ethics Reformation从传统伦理到消费伦理——当代伦理学变革中的一种立场
6.The Impact of Chinese Traditional Ethic and Morality on Scientific Innovation;中国传统伦理道德对科学创新的影响
7.Ethical Thought of Lack of Honesty and Trust in Traditional Chinese Society;中国传统社会诚信缺失的伦理学思考
8.Impacts of Traditional Ethics Thinking on the Development of Administration;论传统伦理思维对行政学发展的影响
9.A Brief Study of Wang School and the Chinese Traditional Ethic Crisis;略论王学与中国传统伦理道德的危机
10."Retribution Concept"and Chinese Traditional Medical Ethics“果报观”与中国传统医学伦理道德
11.On Our Traditional Ecologic Ethic Resources of Eco-Literature论我国生态文学的传统生态伦理资源
12.Essential Step of Localization: Enlightenment of Traditional Culture to Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学本土化的必要环节:传统文化对环境伦理学的重要启示
13.Conflict Between Traditional Culture and Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学本土化的重要视点:传统文化与环境伦理学的冲突
14.The basic demands and norms of both business ethics and traditional ethical ideas ought to exist in conformity with each other.经济伦理学和传统伦理思想的基本要求和准则应该说是一致的
15.Ultimate Concern of Economics: An Inspection of the Ethical Traditions of Western Economics;经济学的终极关怀:西方经济学伦理传统的审视
16.Difficulties in Net Ethics and the Conformity of Traditional Ethic Resources;网络伦理难题与传统伦理资源的整合
17.Traditional Ethics and the May Fourth Movement Writer's Personality and Literary Creation;传统伦理与五四作家人格及其文学创作
18.Research on the Doctrine of Ecological Ethics in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的生态伦理学观点的研究

Western traditional ethics西方传统伦理学
3)Traditional Ethics传统伦理
1.The Traditional Ethics of Tai People Along the Lancang River and the Prevention of HIV;澜沧江流域傣族传统伦理与艾滋防治
2.Saying Good-bye to the Traditional Ethics and Moving Towards the Modern Ethics;告别传统伦理 走向现代伦理
3.Chinese traditional ethics is a long-term accumulation of culture, 5,000 years in the development process of the formation of a unique cultural identity.传统伦理是我国悠久文化的积淀,在五千年的发展过程中形成了独特的文化特征。
4)Traditional humanism ethics传统人道主义伦理学
5)traditional view of ethics传统伦理观
6)traditional Chinese morality中华传统伦理
1.On the basis of the rational analysis of the traditional Chinese morality profit conception which means morality overweighs profit and seeking profit by moral means,and on the basis of analyzing the modern menaing of the morality profit conception,the reasons of the corrupted phe.本文在对中华传统伦理义利观“以义为上,以义导利”的基本思想进行理性分析,对其赋予的现代意义进行探析的基础上,分析了“黑色现象”产生的原因,论述了传统伦理义利观对现代竞技体育事业发展的启示。
