符合论,correspondence theory
1)correspondence theory符合论
1.A Study on Theoretical Defects in Correspondence Theory of Truth浅析传统符合论真理观的理论缺陷
2.Tarski s semantic theory of truth is often taken as a correspondence theory.塔斯基的语义真理论常被当作符合论
3.On the basis of analyzing The Nature of the Judicial Process and combining correspondence theory and coherence theory,the author of this paper think that,in Cardozo s judicial philosophy,pragmatism is combination cor.通过对《司法过程的性质》进行分析,并结合符合论和融贯论的基本理论,指出卡多佐的实用主义或实用论的真理观并非是绝对的社会效用至上理论,而是对符合论和融贯论之优点的综合借鉴,所以社会效用与法官精英化意识和遵循先例观念并存。

1.Criticism on the Correspondence Theory of Turth-toward Sense-based Construction Theory真理符合论批判—走向基于意义的建构论
2.The Theory of Coincidence in Modern Western Philosophy and Maxist View on Truth;现代西方哲学符合论与马克思主义真理观
4.To be specific, the argument in your graduation thesis is logical.具体地说, 你的毕业论文符合逻辑。
5.Using Symbolic Math Toolbox of MATLAB in Circuit Theory Education;论合理应用MATLAB的符号运算功能
6.(in formal discussions,eg debates)matter of correct procedure (according to the rules)(正式讨论中,如辩论时)(符合规定的)程序问题
7.Further Research on Cinematographic Semeiology and Metz's Grande Syntagmatique再论电影符号学以及麦茨的大组合段理论
8.A Kind of Semiotics Theory And Its Function to Advertisements;符号学横组合/纵聚合理论及其对广告的运用
9.coincidence and anti-coincidence analyzer符合及反符合分析器
10.It conforms to the diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the medicine.各药之间君臣分明,共奉舒肝解郁、结消肿之功效,既符合中医辨证论治的原则,又符合西医理论。
11.(of arguments,reasons,etc)well based or logical;sound(指论据、理由等) 有充分根据的,符合逻辑的,确凿的
12.The test results showed that the practical requirements can be met by the optimal parameters of the auger.应用结果表明,研究结论完全符合实际要求。
13.Near-perfect theoretical agreement with experiment was achieved.理论与实验达到了近乎完美的符合一致。
14.Every argument was stated with logical precision.每一个论点都阐述得精确严密,符合逻辑。
15." That may sound like a clear cut piece of biological determinism.“这听起似乎完全符合生物决定论的观点。
16.Conclusion: The dissolution of indapamide capsules are coincidence with requirement.结论:所研制的吲达帕胺胶囊溶出度符合要求。
17."Our Party's theory, guidelines and policies are in keeping with the real conditions of China."我们党的理论路线方针政策是符合实际的。
18.The allocation of college education capital accords with theory of cardinal utility.高校教育资本的配置符合基数效用论规律。

correspondence theory of truth符合论
1.In the view of postmodernism, the correspondence theory of truth is God-eye truth theory or mirror-like truth theory, and the theoretical premises of logic centralism of the correspondence theory of truth, representationalism, foundationalism, essentialism and so on, are unreasonable.在后现代主义看来,符合论真理观是神目真理观和有镜真理观,符合论的逻各斯中心主义、表象主义、基础主义、本质主义等理论前提都是不合理的。
2.The tension between PTOT and the traditional correspondence theory of truth (CTOT) reflects their theoretical divergences of ontological foundation and philosophical orientation, of which the most noteworthy is the transcendence of Pragmatists beyond the "vision metaphor" and the thinking model of "subject-object division" underlying CTOT.实用主义从真理发生学及其实际经验兑现价值的角度 ,提出了独特的真理效用论 ;其与传统符合论真理观之间的张力关系 ,反映了双方在本体基础乃至哲学旨趣方面一系列的理论分歧。
3)coincidence theory符合理论
1.This paper makes comprehensive statistic of recent years development of stocked literatures and condition of readers information requirement of university library and, with the concrete statistic data of the library of Nantong Teachers College, probes into the coincidence theory between readers information requirement and stock structure.对高校图书馆近年来的馆藏文献发展和读者信息需求状况进行了综合统计,并以南通师范学院图书馆的具体统计数据对读者信息需求和藏书结构之间的符合理论进行了探索。
4)correspondence theory of truth真理符合论
1.From the view of correspondence theory of truth, we think that logical truth is absolutely different from realistic truth.从真理符合论的观点看,逻辑真理与一般的事实真理有本质的不同。
2.In the first half of 20 th century, three theories of truth, namely, correspondence theory of truth, coherence theory of truth, and pragmatic theory of truth, were recast on contemporary philosophy basis.2 0世纪前半期既是真理符合论、真理实用论和真理融贯论三大真理观在当代哲学基底上重新铸造和蓬勃发展的辉煌时期 ,又是三大真理观鼎足而立、激烈论战的时期。
3.This conventional correspondence theory of truth of Austin s is weakened and purified correspondence theory, and it avoids the ambiguity of traditional correspondence theory and many difficulties of strong c.奥斯汀的这种约定的真理符合论是一种弱化的、精致化的符合论 ,它避免了传统符合论的模糊性 ,又避免了强符合论的诸多困
5)the correspondent thought符合论思想
6)modern correspondence theory of truth现代符合论

符合和反符合系统  核物理中有许多同时发生或在短时间间隔内发生并有内在因果联系的相关事件称为符合事件。测量符合事件的电子学系统称为符合系统。相反的,有些测量要排除符合事件,这种系统称为反符合系统。这些系统主要由一组射线探测器并接到符合电路或反符合电路的输入端组成。两个并列的探测器所组成的两重符合,更多的则分别组成三重、四重等等多重符合系统。    符合和反符合电路都有确定的分辨时间τ,若探测器分别记录一组时间间隔小于 τ的符合事件,符合电路便可输出一个符合脉冲,而反符合电路则只在相反的情况下才能有脉冲输出。    探测器记录到的在时间上符合的粒子,并不一定是相关的,相关事件的符合称为真符合,非相关事件的符合称为偶然符合。例如符合事件是原子核的级联衰变,则符合系统记录的真符合计数率Nr与偶然符合计数率Na的比值存在下列简单关系:,  式中A为放射源的活度。据此,在A确定的情况下可选择适当的分辨时间以获得足够的值。    对于整个符合系统,它的时间分辨本领由探测器、拣出电路和符合电路确定,这是因为拣出电路从探测器拣出的时间信号存在时散和时颤(见核电子学),当它的大小接近符合电路的分辨时间 τ时,真符合信号可能丢失,而在保持符合计数不显著丢失的条件下能获得的最小分辨时间定义为符合系统的时间分辨本领,因此要获得好的时间分辨本领必须选择快时间响应的射线探测器和信号拣出方法。    符合和反符合系统常常是组合核物理实验装置的重要组成部分,它可以把脉冲幅度分析和时间分析系统联结起来组成双参量或多参量分析系统。