信任文化,trust culture
1)trust culture信任文化
1.The generation of trust society depends on the founding of trust culture.信任的社会生成主要取决于信任文化的建立。
2.This article aims to show the conception of trust,the type of trust and the function of trust and to evaluat the model of the development of the trust culture.什托姆普卡提出的信任文化模型可以对消除当下的信任危机提供有效的借鉴。
3.The traditional trust culture coerces the turbulent public opinion,pushes the private enterprises′ social responsibility and vivid brand to the top of wind and wave in the disaster relief donation.传统信任文化裹挟的汹涌民意,在救灾捐赠这个特殊的接骨点上,将民企的社会责任与形象品牌,推到了历史的风口浪尖。

1.A Discussion of the Development of Trust Culture From Social Cognition;从社会认知的角度浅议信任文化生成
2.Connecting Cultures, Creating Trust.连接文化,建立信任。”
3.Ethical Discussion on the Interaction between Social Trust and Multitude Cultures;社会信任与群众文化互动的伦理辨析
4.Trust:Triple Perspectives of Psychology,Society And Culture信任:心理、社会与文化的三重视角
5.The Impact of Trust and Empowerment Culture on Curriculum Reform信任与赋权文化在课程改革中的作用
6.Viewing Chinese Interpersonal Trust from the Angle of Traditional Culture从传统文化视角看中国人的人际信任
7.Fairness and Trust– We respect your culture and statues.平等与信任–们尊重不同种族的文化和宗教信仰。
8.The Exploring Research about Effect of Impression Management on the Trust between the Superior and Subordinate;本土文化背景下印象管理对上下级信任的影响
9.Study on the Influence of Corporate Cultures on Employee Trust;企业文化对员工信任度水平的影响研究
10.Trust and Communication,the Groundwork for Construction of Corporate Culture;信任感和沟通力是电力企业文化建设的根基
11.The Implementation of SCM in a Country with “No Trust” Culture Context;“缺乏信任”文化背景下的供应链管理实施
12.A Research on Mechanism of Trust in Supply Chain: A Corporate Culture Perspective基于企业文化差异的供应链信任机制研究
13.On Regional Cross-Cultural Psychology of Self-consistency and Interpersonal Trust自我和谐与人际信任的区域跨文化心理学研究
14.The Tension of Discourse:Loss of Political Trust--Speak of "Shanzhai Subculture"话语的张力:政治信任流失——从“山寨文化”说起
15.Impact of Cultural Distance on the Inter-corporate Trust and Commitment in International Marketing Channels跨文化营销渠道中文化差异对企业间信任与承诺意愿的影响
16.Fairness and Trust ? We respect your culture and statues.平等与信任?我们尊重不同种族的文化和宗教信仰。
17.A C2C Personalized Trust Mechanism Based on Recommended Trust基于推荐信任的C2C个性化信任机制
18.give [refuse] credence to...信任 [不信任] …

Distrust Culture不信任文化
1.Anonymous Evaluation, Age Limits, and Unified Arrangements:Impersonal Administrative Mechanism under the Distrust Culture;不信任文化中的非人格化管理——匿名评审、年龄界限与一刀切现象的综合分析
3)low trust culture低信任度文化
4)organizational trust culture组织信任文化
1.In the recent more than ten years,the trust culture,especially the organizational trust culture,has gradually become the hot issue of management psychology.通过对国内外相关研究成果的梳理,可以发现已有研究的主题涉及了组织信任的涵义、测量、特点,组织文化的概念、结构、测量,以及组织信任文化的涵义、测量等方面。
5)trust summarization信任文摘
6)cultural responsibility文化责任
1.Furthermore,this is also the cultural responsibility of contemporary intellectuals.这也是当代知识分子的文化责任。
