现代新儒家,Modern New Confucianism
1)Modern New Confucianism现代新儒家
1.The representatives of the Modern New Confucianism laid great stress on Yi Zhuan, with the interpretation of which they have elucidated their philosophical ideas.现代新儒家代表人物特重《易传》,他们借助于诠释《易传》来阐发自己的哲学思想。
2.The cultural value of modern new Confucianism and that of Mao Zedong are the interesting topic but attract little attention.现代新儒家的文化观与毛泽东的文化观是一个少有人关注的饶有兴味的话题。

1.The Interpretation and Reference of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism to Buddhism;现代新儒家对传统佛学的诠释与借鉴
2.Primary Discussion on the Philosophy of "Monarchy Outside" of the Modern Neo-Confucianism;现代新儒家的“外王”论政治哲学初探
3.A Re-discussion of the Ideal, Bewilderment and Wilderment of Modern Neo-Confucianism;再论现代新儒家的理想、困境与迷失
4.A Concise Paper on the Modern Location of Confucianism简论儒学的现代定位问题——兼论张东荪何以不能被称为“现代新儒家
5.Tradition and Surmounting: Contemporary Confucianism s Cultural Characteristic of the Post-west Times;传统与超越:现代新儒家的后西方时代文化特征
6.The May Fourth New Culture Movement in the Context of Neo-Confucianism;现代新儒家对五四新文化运动的省察梳要
7.Neo-Daoism must develop harmoniously with modern Neo-Confucianism and modern Daoism.新道家当与现代新儒家和现代道教和谐相处、共同发展。
8.The Development and Use of Western Philosophy by Modern Confucianism;论现代新儒家对西方哲学资源的开发和利用
9.The Achievement of Value View of Transcendence of Modern Neo-Confucianists and Theoretical Lack;现代新儒家超越价值观的成就及理论不足
10.Modern Neo-Confucianism s Confrontational Introspection to "The May Fourth Movement";现代新儒家对“五四”反传统的反思——以徐复观为例
11.Non-Cooperation without the Same Ideological Concepts --on YU Ying-shi and Modern New Confucianist;道不同不相为谋——论余英时与现代新儒家
12.The victory of ethnics over knowledge--On the way of thinking of neo-Confucianism;道德对知识的胜利——现代新儒家思维方式论衡
13.Chinese Students Studying Abroad and Modern New Confucianism --taking Feng Youlan and Wu Mi as the Representatives;中国留学生与现代新儒家——以冯友兰、吴宓为中心
14.The Cultural Value of Modern New Confucianism and That of Mao Zedong;现代新儒家的文化观与毛泽东的文化观
15.Science Covered with Human Studies--The culture outlook of modern Neo-Confucianism and its bias;以人文涵盖科学——现代新儒家文化观及其偏颇
16."To Return to Root, to Create the Rew"--Research on the Exploration, Carried Out by the New Modern Confucianism, of the Relation-Ship between Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Sciences;“返本开新”——现代新儒家之于传统文化与现代科学关系探索的研究
17.A General Review of the Religions in Modern China--Exemplified by Early New Confucianism;中国近代宗教观的一般回顾——以早期现代新儒家为例
18.Research on the Enlightenment of Early Ch in Dynasty Confucian Philosophy to the Modern News Dissemination;先秦儒家哲学对现代新闻传播的启示

modern Neo-Confucianism现代新儒家
1.Science Covered with Human Studies——The culture outlook of modern Neo-Confucianism and its bias;以人文涵盖科学——现代新儒家文化观及其偏颇
2.This thesis focuses on the dilemma and outlet of the Modern Neo-Confucianism on the basis of the debate of conservatism and liberalism in culture.本文以文化保守主义与自由主义的论争为视域,探讨现代新儒家所面临的困境及其出路。
3)new Confucianism现代新儒家
1.This paper, by means of the combination method of history and logic, analyses the thought of cultural philosophy of Fang Dong-mei, analyses a representative figure of modern Chinese philosophers and those with new Confucianism.采用历史与逻辑相结合的方法,分析了中国现代著名哲学家、现代新儒家中有浓厚诗人气质的代表人物方东美的文化哲学理念,阐释其经由中西文化的比较以及对中国文化和哲学精神的阐扬所建构的以科学文化为基础、以哲学文化为核心的"艺术、哲学、宗教"三者"合德"的思想文化体系,衡论方东美文化哲学思想在20世纪中国文化哲学尤其是现代新儒家文化哲学中的地位和特殊影响。
2.After 1949,New Confucianism in Hong kang and Tai Wan carried on cultural conservatism.其实,现代新儒家的文化哲学思想中包含了大量的诗学思想。
3.He Lin was a famous thinker in Chinese contemporary history , and one of important members of New Confucianism.贺麟是中国现代思想史上著名的思想家,也是现代新儒家的重要成员之一。
4)Modern Neo-Confucianist现代新儒家
1.Philosophization Poetics of the Early Scholars of Modern Neo-Confucianist;现代新儒家早期学者的哲性诗学
2.Modern Neo-Confucianists Scientific View and It s Enlightenment;现代新儒家的科学观及其启示
5)modern neo-Confucian现代新儒家
1.Based on the modern theoretical vision, this thesis tries to do an analysis of it from these aspects like the cultural essence, the cultural environment, the cultural progress, the cultural continuity, the cultural nationalism and the cultural Utopianism, revealing the totally marginal position of modern neo-Confucian studies and the partially transformable resources .现代新儒家的文化观主要包括文化形上学、中国文化观、西方文化观等内容,本文立足当代的理论视域,主要从文化本质主义、文化环境主义、文化进步主义、文化连续主义、文化民族主义、文化空想主义等方面尝试对其进行分析,以揭示现代新儒学在中国走向现代化过程中的总体性边缘地位及其文化观中的部分可转换资源。
6)contemporary Neo-Confucianism现代新儒家
1.From the viewpoints of the cultural philosophy and the poetics,the contemporary Neo-Confucianism initiated the ecol -ogical aesthetics in the fields of humanity of China in the 20th Century and called on the attitude of the "Universal Love"to build a harmonious but different, co-existing and co-prosperous ecosystem.在20世纪中国人文社科领域,现代新儒家较早从文化哲学和诗学角度倡导生态之美,呼吁以一种"民胞物与"的态度,建立一种和而不同、共生共荣的生态系统。
2.Under the broad cultural background,contemporary Neo-Confucianism recasts the soul of national aesthetics,and re-examines from historical and aesthetic perspective such traditional Chinese aesthetic concepts as human relations,minds and feelings,life and interest,and aesthetic invigoration.现代新儒家在广阔的文化背景中重铸民族文艺美学之魂,对人伦世相、心迹情怀、生命意趣和审美感兴等中国美学观念,进行了庄严的历史和美学透视,使中国审美精神显露光芒,从而为建构中国特色的美学体系作出了宝贵贡献。
