普遍价值,universal value
1)universal value普遍价值
1.The process of globalization and the world modernization constitutes the important view-fields of universal value production.全球化进程或世界现代化进程构成了普遍价值的重要生成语境,但它不是普遍价值生成的历史根源或逻辑起点;全球化条件下的民主化策略致使普遍价值的生成陷入了极为严重的困境之中,由此形成了主体合成谬误、客体合成谬误、制度合成谬误以及扭曲了的普遍价值;事实表明,文化宽容是普遍价值的历史生成机制。
2.Based on the dual critique for the Western-center principles and the human-center principles in the context of the universal value production,we consider that the cultural difference and the differential value restructuring constitute the primary context of the universal value production.在实现对普遍价值生成语境中西方中心主义与人类中心主义的双重批判的基础上,文化的差异与差异的价值重构构成了普遍价值生成的原初语境;立足于普遍价值生成的原初语境,可以发现文化差异语境中的文化宽容就是普遍价值的生成机制。
3.In process of historical development, harmony has different connotations in essence, and education is universal value to help people find global harmony and is effective means to move toward the harmonious envi.在历史发展过程中,和谐有着不同的本质内涵,教育是帮助人们找到全球和谐的普遍价值、走向“真善美”和谐境界的有效途径。

1.On Universal Human Values of Music Aesthetics in Yue Ji(Records of Music);论《乐记》音乐美学的人类普遍价值
2.This modest little matrix has proven immensely valuable in a variety of ways.恰当的小矩阵经多方证实是具有普遍价值的。
3.The Democratized Strategies and Surmounting on View-fields of Universal Value Production;普遍价值生成语境中的民主化策略及其超越
4.A Common Value under the Background of Cultural Difference;文化差异背景下的普遍价值——一种人性论的视角
5.The Cultural Tolerance:the Production Mechanism of Universal Value in the Context of Cultural Difference;文化宽容:文化差异语境下普遍价值的生成机制
6.On the Historic types and the Common Values of the Economic Ethics;试论经济伦理的历史类型及其普遍价值
7.Research on outstanding universal value and the analysis method of heritage assessment-the Grand Canal as an example突出普遍价值评估与遗产构成分析方法研究——以大运河为例
8.Minus function in agricultural value is ubiquitous.农业价值中普遍存在负功能的现象。
9.On the Universality Demand of People-orient Value;试论以人为本价值取向的普遍性诉求
10.Value evaluation ought to have universal rationality, but Si Maqian’s value evaluation seems to be partial sometimes.价值评价应具有普遍合理性,但有时司马迁的价值评价有其片面性。
11.The Olympics volunteer activity has lofty but widespread spirit value.奥运志愿者行动具有崇高而普遍的精神价值。
12.The Universality and the Value of the Self-help Group in Hong Kong;自助团体在香港发展的普遍性与价值性
13.The God-human Variation in Christian Philosophy;基督教哲学中的神人变奏——普遍人权的价值追问
14.News and Values in the "Known Science"--Concurrently on the Generality of Value and its Basis;从所知学的角度看新闻与价值——兼论价值的普遍性及其根据
15.Prices were running wild all over the country.全国物价普遍在暴涨。
16.Price generally advanced on the stock market股市上的价格普遍上涨
17.the program of PC can be used as serial port debugging program, and is applicable universally.PC机的程序可以作为串口调试程序使用,具有普遍的应用价值。
18.The maximum of enterprise value has already become the enterprise goal that people have generally accepted to suppose.企业价值最大化已经成为人们普遍接受的企业目标假设。

general value普遍价值
1.Almost all of the western axiology hold fast to general value for exerting the social standard function of the axiology.西方价值哲学诸流派为了发挥价值哲学的社会规范功能,大都坚持价值普遍主义的立场,先后提出了形式先验主义、直觉主义、现象学、经验直觉主义和自然主义等诸种追寻普遍价值的思路。
2.Nowadays, globalization has become more and more an obvious time characteristics , it is, therefore, of utmost urgency to establish the general human ethics and its general value.今天 ,人类进入全球一体化的时代特征越来越明显 ,建立人类的普遍论理或普遍价值的要求极为迫切 ,既然问题的提出并不是西方思维模式演绎的结果 ,而是基于全人类命运的共同要求 ,那么对问题的回答 ,也就要借鉴人类有史以来所有文化的思想资源从而作出回答。
3)univcrsal value普遍性价值
4)universalistic values.普遍的价值
5)Generalist Values普遍主义价值观
6)value universalism价值普遍主义
1.The universalism we want to defend is not only a cultural universalism,but also one that is supported by a value universalism in .我们所要辩护的普遍主义立场,不仅是文化普遍主义,而且是受价值普遍主义、尤其是道德普遍主义支持的文化普遍主义。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分