生活伦理,life ethics
1)life ethics生活伦理
1.Marx was thinking actively with extensive interests in his high middle school period and his thought reflected his original life ethics.马克思在中学时代思想活跃、兴趣多样,其思想在伦理视域中再现马克思中学时代思想的"原道"——生活伦理思想。
2.Life ethics in the 21th century requires that the traditional modes of ethical education should be given up, and a new mode of education in agreement with life ethics should be introduced: communication and interaction, dialogue and consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences, self-perfection.2 1世纪的生活伦理要求彻底改变传统的伦理教育方式 ,代之以与生活伦理相适应的全新教育方式 ,即采用交往互动、对话协商、求同存异、自我完善的方

1.From Ethical Life to Life Ethics --Prospects for Citizen Ethic Education in the 21st Century;从伦理生活到生活伦理——展望21世纪的公民伦理教育
2.Views on the Ethical Shapes of Public Life from Ethic and Politic Sturcture;从伦理政治架构看公共生活伦理形态变迁
3.Confucian Ethics and Constructing Ethics of the Current Public Life;孔子的伦理思想与当代公共生活伦理建设
4.The Construction of Daily-life Ethic in Contemporary China;当代中国日常生活伦理的建构——以重建儒家伦理与日常生活的联系为起点
5.An Ethical Philosophy of Life一个伦理的生活哲学
6.Ethic,Status and Identity:The Ethical Life of Christians in Contemporary China;伦理·身份·认同——中国当代基督教徒的伦理生活
7.From Different Being to Different Form:on Ethical Dimension of Life Poetics;从“异在”到“异态”:生活诗学的伦理维度
8.Artification of Life--On Michel Foucault s aesthetic ethics;论生活的艺术化——谈福柯的美学伦理学
9.Religious Ethics and Everyday Life--An Introduction to Marx· Weber 5 Religious Ethical Thoughts;宗教伦理与日常生活——马克斯·韦伯宗教伦理思想引论
10.The government shoulders ethic obligation, she has to induct and maintain the rationalization of the living world.政府在生活世界中引导和维护生活世界的合理化,肩负着伦理责任;
11.Financial ethics is the ethic nature and ethic characteristic of financial activities.财务伦理是财务活动的伦理性质和伦理特征,是财务行为所彰显的生存准则。
12.The Exploration for the Sublime Words with Deep Meaning of Confucian Ethical Thought--A Reading of the Analects of Confucius in Contextualization of Modern Life孔子伦理思想发微——现代生活语境中的《论语》解读
13.The Change of the Consumption Lifestyle and the Restoration of Consumption Ethics;消费生活方式的变革与消费伦理的重建
14.Influences of Environmental Ethics on Minority People s Traditional Way of Life;环境伦理观念对少数民族传统生活方式的影响
15.Comment on Wei Wei's Paradox of Body, Daily Life and Narrative Ethics魏微的“异”:身体叙述、生活美学与叙事伦理
16.Life Values Experience from the Perspective of Humanistic Ethics in Modern Society现代社会人本伦理诉求下的生活价值体验
17.Between the Public Life and the Private Life:The Modern Condition of the Traditional Ethics;在公共生活与私人生活之间:传统伦理的现代境遇
18.Ethical Conflicts and Harmony in Daily and Public Life During the Social Transformation Period;社会转型时期日常生活和公共生活的伦理冲突与调适

ethical life伦理生活
1.This value shift profoundly affects people s ethical life.现代人的生存样式和道德心态的变化造成了现代性价值的位移 ,这一位移意味着启蒙运动所奠定的理性主义价值的颠覆 ,从而深刻地影响了现代人的伦理生活 ,现代伦理从日常生活的价值的共挈性伦理转变为主观性的相对性伦理 ,从禁欲型、克制型伦理转变成享乐型和惬意型伦理 ;从精神品质型、理想型道德转变成规则型、约束型和肉身感觉性道德。
2.So far the most of ethic doctrines place ethical life into too narrow a framework, as a result of which their educational role is much limited.迄今为止的大多数伦理学说对伦理生活的框设均失之于狭隘 ,因而对于公民的教育作用都是极其有限的。
3)On Living Ethics"生活伦理"论
4)daily-life ethic日常生活伦理
1.The construction of contemporary Chinese daily-life ethic is an urgent problem confronted with China s social transition.日常生活是人的最基本的活动形式和寓所,日常生活伦理是为维持日常生活的最基本秩序而确立的规范,具有"底线伦理"的性质。
5)the ethics of private life私人生活伦理
1.The ethics of Confucianism placed the same emphasis on both the ethics of private life and the ethics of public life.孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。
6)the ethics of public life公共生活伦理
1.The ethics of Confucianism placed the same emphasis on both the ethics of private life and the ethics of public life.孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。
