二程,ER Cheng
1)ER Cheng二程
1.Shao Yong s View of Knowing and Doing and Its Difference with Er Cheng s;邵雍的知行观及其与二程的差异——兼论蒙培元先生关于理学知行问题的论述
2.On Taoism Origin of Er Cheng s Theory of Human Nature;二程人性论的道家思想渊源
3.Er Cheng Literature Thought and Poetic Prose Study;二程文学思想及诗文研究
2)the Cheng brothers二程
1.Facing the conflicts and collisions among the theories of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism,the Cheng Brothers,the greatmasters of the theory Confucianism in the Song Dynasty,drew the virtues from Confucianism and Taoism and then initiated a new theory named "the Luo Learning".尤其是二程以书院为阵地,使洛学得以传播和弘扬,成为北宋末年的“显学”,更使宋代河南书院得以快速发展。
2.Reason and spirit are two important dimensions of idealism advanced by the Cheng brothers.理与气是理学奠基者二程理学本体论的重要范畴。
3)Cheng Brothers二程
1.Cheng Brothers Thoughts of Honesty and its Inspiration to University Students Education;二程“诚”思想对当代大学生诚信教育的启示
2.Influence of Cheng brothers "for onseslf" on Korea education;论二程的“为己之学”及其对朝鲜教育理念的影响
3.Zhuxi\'s views on knowing and doing are creatively developed after the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius and the moral thoughts of Cheng brothers.朱熹的知行理论是在继承孔孟和二程思想基础上的创造性发展。
4)Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi二程
1.The Buddha Origins and the Cultural Sense of the Heavenly Principles Theory of CHENG hao and CHENG yi of the Song Dynasty;二程天理论的佛学渊源及其文化学意义
2.He was a student of both Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi,and he was banished to Yongzhou during the Yuanyou time(1086-1194).邢恕是北宋重要的政治人物和理学人物,二程弟子,元间贬谪永州。
5)Two Chengs二程
1.The Inheritance and Development of Jurisprudence of Song and Ming Dynasties——a comparison of philosophy of Two Chengs,Zhuxi and Feng Youlan;宋明理学的继承与发展——二程、朱熹、冯友兰哲学思想之比较
1.Studies on biodegradable water-cooling two-stroke engine oil;可生物降解TC-WⅡ水冷二冲程发动机油的研究
2.Research of Combustion Chambers for FAI Two-stroke GDI Engine;FAI二冲程缸内直喷发动机燃烧室的试验研究
3.A Study of EFI System of Small Two-Stroke Gasoline Engines;小型二冲程汽油机电控汽油喷射系统的研制

1.Sulzer two-cycle engine苏尔泽二冲程发动机
2.two-stroke marine diesel engine二冲程船用柴油发动机
3.air-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine风冷二冲程汽油发动机
4.Research on Thermo-dynamic Emulation of Two-Stroke-Cycle SparkIgnition Diesel Ship Engines;船舶二冲程柴油机热力过程仿真研究
5.single-acting turbocharged two-stroke engine单作用增压式二冲程发动机
6.direct-coupled two stroke engine直接连接式二冲程发动机
7.Study on FAI Injection Two-Stroke DISI Engine;FAI二冲程缸内直喷汽油机的研究
8.Study on Exhaust Temperature Drop of Turbocharged Two Stroke SI Engine二冲程增压汽油机排气温降特性研究
9.Studies on Amphibian Two-stroke Oils and Evaluating Techniques;水陆通用二冲程油及其评定技术的研究
10.Study of Biodegradable EGD Two-stroke Gasoline Engine Lubricant and Evaluating Techniques;EGD生物降解二冲程油及其评定技术的研究
11.Numerical Simulation of Gas Flow and Internal EGR Rate in a Two-Stroke Diesel Engine;二冲程柴油机的气体流动和内部EGR的数值模拟
12.Research on Fuel Injection Control Strategy of a Small Two-Stroke Gasoline Engine;小型二冲程电控汽油机ECU喷油控制策略的研究
13.Research and Development of ECU on Two-Stroke GDI Gasoline Engine;二冲程缸内直喷汽油机电控单元的研究与开发
14.Solutions of Second Order Impulsive Intrgro-differential Equations in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中二阶脉冲微分-积分方程的解
15.Oscillations of a Clall of Second Order Impulses Delay Differential Equations;一类二阶脉冲时滞微分方程的振动性
16.Oscillations of Second-order Nonlinear Impulsive Differential Equations;二阶非线性脉冲微分方程解的振动性
17.Oscillation of the Solutions of the Second-order Super-linear Impulsive Equations二阶超线性脉冲微分方程解的振动性
18.Second order Impulsive Integro-Differential Equations with a Derivative in Banach SpacesBanach空间二阶带导脉冲积分-微分方程

the Cheng brothers二程
1.Facing the conflicts and collisions among the theories of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism,the Cheng Brothers,the greatmasters of the theory Confucianism in the Song Dynasty,drew the virtues from Confucianism and Taoism and then initiated a new theory named "the Luo Learning".尤其是二程以书院为阵地,使洛学得以传播和弘扬,成为北宋末年的“显学”,更使宋代河南书院得以快速发展。
2.Reason and spirit are two important dimensions of idealism advanced by the Cheng brothers.理与气是理学奠基者二程理学本体论的重要范畴。
3)Cheng Brothers二程
1.Cheng Brothers Thoughts of Honesty and its Inspiration to University Students Education;二程“诚”思想对当代大学生诚信教育的启示
2.Influence of Cheng brothers "for onseslf" on Korea education;论二程的“为己之学”及其对朝鲜教育理念的影响
3.Zhuxi\'s views on knowing and doing are creatively developed after the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius and the moral thoughts of Cheng brothers.朱熹的知行理论是在继承孔孟和二程思想基础上的创造性发展。
4)Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi二程
1.The Buddha Origins and the Cultural Sense of the Heavenly Principles Theory of CHENG hao and CHENG yi of the Song Dynasty;二程天理论的佛学渊源及其文化学意义
2.He was a student of both Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi,and he was banished to Yongzhou during the Yuanyou time(1086-1194).邢恕是北宋重要的政治人物和理学人物,二程弟子,元间贬谪永州。
5)Two Chengs二程
1.The Inheritance and Development of Jurisprudence of Song and Ming Dynasties——a comparison of philosophy of Two Chengs,Zhuxi and Feng Youlan;宋明理学的继承与发展——二程、朱熹、冯友兰哲学思想之比较
1.Studies on biodegradable water-cooling two-stroke engine oil;可生物降解TC-WⅡ水冷二冲程发动机油的研究
2.Research of Combustion Chambers for FAI Two-stroke GDI Engine;FAI二冲程缸内直喷发动机燃烧室的试验研究
3.A Study of EFI System of Small Two-Stroke Gasoline Engines;小型二冲程汽油机电控汽油喷射系统的研制

二程  中国北宋思想家、教育家程颢(1032~1085)、程颐(1033~1107)的并称。二人为嫡亲兄弟,河南洛阳人。程颢字伯淳,又称明道先生。生于宋仁宗明道元年,卒于宋神宗元丰八年。官至监察御史里行。程颐字正叔,又称伊川先生。生于宋仁宗明道二年,卒于宋徽宗大观元年。曾任国子监教授和崇政殿说书等职。二人都曾就学于周敦颐,并同为宋明理学的奠基者,世称二程。    二程的心理学思想较为丰富,在他们的思想体系中的地位也至关重要,因此后世称为"身心之学"或"心性之学"。他们的最高哲学范畴是"理",它作为绝对本体而衍生出宇宙万物;他们的最高心理范畴是"心",它作为"理"的等同物而产生人的形体:"有是心,斯具是形以生。"(《遗书》卷二十一下)这样就把客观精神的"理"和主观精神的"心"共同看作是世界的本原,它无疑是唯心主义的心理观。在人性论方面,他们对告子的生之谓性,孟子的性善论和韩愈、李翱的性品类说进行了综合改造,并袭用了张载关于"天命之性"和"气质之性"的区分。他们认为,天命之性就是所谓"天理",包括仁、义、礼、智、信等道德内容,是一切人固有的先天本性,也是人区别于禽兽的根本特点:"人之所以为人者,以有天理也。"(《粹言》卷二)当抽象的天命之性通过"气"的中介作用降落到人体时,就产生了"气质之性",由于气禀的清浊偏正不同,也就造成了人的贤智愚不肖乃至柔缓刚急等心理差异。他们对人类和动物的本能进行了比较:"万物皆有良能,如每常禽鸟中,做得窠子,极有巧妙处,是他良能,不待学也。人初生,只有吃乳一事不是学,其他皆是学。"(《遗书》卷十九)他们对思维问题也有精辟见解,认为"感悟"是思维的结果:"思虑久后,睿自然生。"(《遗书》卷十八)指出要善于灵活转移自己的思维路线:"若于一事思未得,且别换一事思之,不可专守著这一事。"其原因是"人之知识,于这里蔽著,虽强思亦不通也。"(同上)他们继承和发展了《关尹子》的"情波说",认为性之有喜怒,犹水之有波浪。他们认为,情是人对于内部和外部事物的反应,人的"喜怒哀乐爱恶欲"七情是"外物触其形"而产生的。主张对于情欲要采取节制态度,心理必须服从伦理:"饿死事极小,失节事极大。"(《遗书》卷二十二下)这两句话成为长期束缚中国妇女的锁链。他们认为恐惧情绪的产生是由于"烛理不明"和"气不充"、"敬不足",如果知道了所惧对象不过是虚妄之物,采取积极的适应方法,就可消除恐惧。他们对"怒"也颇有研究。程颢在《答横渠张子厚先生书》中指出:"怒"是七情中最容易发出,同时又是最难以克制的。人将发怒时,要忘掉怒心,转移目标,以"观理之是非",才能平息怒气,出现心平气和的局面(《文集》卷二)。他们认为梦是一种延迟反应:"譬如水为风激而成浪,风既息,浪犹汹涌未已也。"指出"梦见之者,只为心中旧有此事,平日忽有事与此事相感,或气相感,然后发出来"(《遗书》卷十八)。    二程的心理学思想对后世有较大影响,南宋朱熹正是继承和发展了他们的学说。他们的心理学思想主要见于《遗书》、《文集》和《经说》等,均收入《二程集》中,中华书局1981年出版该书校点本。