反思平衡,reflective equilibrium
1)reflective equilibrium反思平衡
1.On the Method of Reflective Equilibrium in Rawls Theory of Justice;论罗尔斯正义理论中的“反思平衡法”
2.Although reflective equilibrium can justify Rawls s justice principles,it has its limits on justification.反思平衡是在比较多种正义原则的情况下,在深思熟虑的道德判断、正义原则和背景理论三者之间的一种平衡;反思平衡是证明正义原则的主要方法;反思平衡是融合主义而不是基础主义;反思平衡具有一定的证明力,但是也具有局限性。
3.The idea of Rawlsian reflective equilibrium plays an important role in his theory, especially in his theory justification.罗尔斯的反思平衡理念在其理论中,尤其是其理论的证明过程中占有极其重要的地位。

1.On the Method of Reflective Equilibrium in Rawls Theory of Justice;论罗尔斯正义理论中的“反思平衡法”
2.It secondly illuminates the characters of Rawls' reflective equilibrium by analyzing the contrast between Rawls ' theory and intuitionism.再根据反思平衡在罗尔斯的理论与直觉主义中的不同,进一步说明罗尔斯的反思平衡的特点。
3.On the Reflective Equilibrium: Its Meaning and Limitation;作为伦理学方法的反思平衡:意义与局限
4.A Reflective Equilibrium between Big Questions and Small Particulars--Conceptual Distinctions between Action and Behavior;大问题和小细节之间的“反思平衡”——从“行动”和“行为”的概念区分谈起
5.Reflection on Flaw of Balanced Mechanism in our Countersuit System;对我国反诉制度中平衡性机制缺失的反思
6.Rethinking Balanced Protecting Rights in Interlocked Penal and Civil Cases刑民交叉案件中权益平衡保护的法理反思
7.Makes a Countersuit in The System to Our Country Balanced Machine-madeflaw Reconsidering and the Idea Heavy Construction;对我国反诉制度中平衡性机制缺失的反思与理念重构
8.non-equilibrium plasma reactor不平衡等离子反应器
9.non-equilibrium reaction kinetics非平衡态反应动力学
10.CREK = combustion reaction equilibrium and kinetics燃烧反应平衡动力学
11.Rethinking the Imbalance between the Internationalization and Nationalization in China s Higher Education Development;国际化与民族化在高等教育发展中的不平衡性之反思
12.Reflection on Economic Aspect of Total Arable Land Dynamic Balance Policy and Trade of Arable Land Possession Permits;对耕地占补动态平衡的经济学反思——兼论建立耕地占用权交易
13.D.H.Lawrence s Polarity Thought and Its Reflections upon His Viewpoint about Manwoman Relationship;D.H.劳伦斯的“两极平衡”思想及其在两性观上的反映
14.Beflection On The Current Research About Mental Health Criterion --also on the Balance Theory of Mental Health;心理健康标准研究现状的反思——兼论心理健康的平衡说
15.Discussion about a Newly Assessment Mechanism of Arable Land Requsition-compensation-balance--An Demonstration from Jingmen City,Hubei Province对耕地“占补平衡”考核新机制的政策反思——以湖北荆门市为例
16.Balance is opposed to imbalance; the two change into each other, oppose yet complement each other.平衡与不平衡相对,二者相互转化、反相成。
17.” It holds that balance and gradual change is normal, whereas imbalance is abnormal.认为平衡、变是正常的,不平衡则是反常的。
18.Discussion of equilibrium relations for chemical reactions in perfect gases at constant temperature and volume等温、等容化学反应平衡时平衡关系的讨论

The Thought of Balance平衡思想
3)balance thinking平衡思维
1.To practice the scientific outlook on development and realize the overall planning need the balance thinking to adjust the interests nelationship.实践科学发展观,做到统筹兼顾,就要体现平衡思维,使各方面的利益关系达到平衡。
4)the reflective equilibrium反思性均衡
1.Dworkin s legal hermeneutics is based on the methodology of the reflective equilibrium,and the standard of legal interpretation is the coherence among the conceptions and experience,so the theory of "single answer of jurisdiction" gains the justified basement from philosophy.德沃金的法律解释思想以融贯论作为法律真理观,以罗尔斯的"反思性均衡"作为法律解释的方法,以信念之间、信念和经验之间的融贯性作为法律解释的标准,从而为"法律唯一正解"提供了哲学上的正当化根据。
5)equilibrium reaction平衡反应
1.A new algorithm has been developed to simulate the catalytic distillation process with both equilibrum and nonequilibrium reactions.针对既有可逆平衡反应又有非平衡反应的催化精馏过程,提出了一组适用于非理想系统的微分数学模型和新的模拟算法,即用反应速率方程计算非平衡反应的反应量,用可逆反应平衡常数作为组分浓度的约束,使迭代变量数减少;联用Newton-Raphson迭代法和多目标打靶法对模型求解。
6)reaction equilibrium反应平衡
1.The amount of oxygen accumulated in BOF is obtained from the off-gas analysis, Mathematical models for predicting w[P]t and w[Mn]t at the end of blowing are established through analyzing this parameter with reaction equilibrium and mass balance.运用转炉炉气分析技术,对转炉内氧积累量进行了研究,通过对此参数的分析并结合反应平衡和质量守恒定律,建立预测吹炼终点w[P]t和w[Mn]t的数学模型。
2.The Relationship for the reaction conditions,reaction equilibrium and ratealso have been studied and discussed in this paper.在酯化反应中,为了提高酯的产率,需加大反应物任何一种物质的量,或者在反应体系中将生成的酯或水移去,并加入硫酸做为催化剂,以提高反应速率,本文对乙酸乙酯的反应条件之间的关系,酯化反应的反应平衡、反应速率相互之间的的影响因素做了研究和讨论。
