应用伦理,Applied ethics
1)Applied ethics应用伦理
1.Applied ethics,a branch of ethics,aims at studying difficult moral problems in real social life.应用伦理学是一门以现实社会生活中的道德难题为研究对象的伦理学的分支学科,它以道德理论和原则规范应用于实际生活的具体规律为研究主题。

1.Applied Ethics: the Modern Conversation of the Research Mode in Ethics;应用伦理学:伦理致思范式的现代转换
2.On Information Ethics;信息伦理学:应用伦理学研究的新领域
3.Rectifying Name:Replacing Applied Ethics With Department Ethics正名:以“部门伦理学”替代“应用伦理学”
4.Reflections on Applied Ethics--Concurrently on the relationship between applied ethics and theoretical ethics;反思应用伦理学——兼论应用伦理学与理论伦理学的关系
5.Environmental Ethics: An Applied Ethics?--A Reflection on the Theoretical Basis of Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学是一门应用伦理学吗?——对环境伦理学理论基础的反思
6.The Rising of Applied Ethics and the Constructing of Contemporary Chinese Sports Ethics;应用伦理学的兴起与当代中国体育伦理的建构
7.Disaster Epidemic Ethics:The Great Vision Profile and the Shifted Focus Of Applied Ethics灾疫伦理:应用伦理研究的视野廓大与重心转移
8.Some Advantages of the Principle Mode Applied Ethics;应用伦理学的原则应用模式及其优点
9.Understanding Applied Ethics from Meanings of "Applied" --Discussing Relationship between Applied Ethics and Theoretical Ethics;从“应用”一词的语义看应用伦理学——兼论应用伦理学与理论伦理学的关系
10.Scientific spirit designing that as for applying ethics ken;从应用伦理学视野看设计的科学精神
11.Research on Applied Ethics in the past 30 years: Retrospect and Reflection;应用伦理学研究30年:回顾与反思
12.On the Issues of Applied Ethics Properties and Research methods;试论应用伦理学的特点及其研究方法
13.What Is Applied Ethics?;究竟什么是应用伦理学?(专题讨论)
14.On the Research Object, Tasks and Methods of Applied Ethics;略论应用伦理学的对象、任务和方法
15.The Nature of Applied Ethics: A View from Contemporary Philosophy and its Practice;从当代哲学及其应用看应用伦理学的性质
16.Form and Perfect the Noble Ethical Spirit in Research;建立和完善高尚的科技伦理——略论科技应用伦理问题
17.Nursing Aesthetics in "Nursing Ethics" Teaching护理美学在《护理伦理学》教学中的应用
18.The Standpoint and Application of Habermas Discourse Ethics;哈贝马斯商谈伦理理论的立场和应用

applied ethics应用伦理学
1.Patient-Professional Relationship: A Study From Applied Ethics Perspective;医患矛盾:应用伦理学视角的解答
2.On double reflection of applied ethics;论应用伦理学的双向反思
3.Reflections on Applied Ethics——Concurrently on the relationship between applied ethics and theoretical ethics;反思应用伦理学——兼论应用伦理学与理论伦理学的关系
3)application ethic应用伦理准则
4)essence of applied ethics应用伦理的本质
5)Question on Applied Ethics质疑应用伦理学
6)engineering applied ethics工程模式应用伦理学
