道德形上学,moral metaphysics
1)moral metaphysics道德形上学
1.Modernity and Mou Zongsan s Moral Metaphysics;现代性和牟宗三的道德形上学
2.The difference between Mous moral metaphysics and Heideggers fundamental ontology lies in their different understanding of the subject.作者认为牟氏对海德格尔的哲学做了不适当的存在主义的诠释 ,牟宗三道德形上学与海德格尔基础存在论的根本差别在于两人对主体理解的差异 ,前者要彰现的是一无限的主体 ,而后者开出的则是一有限的主
3.Basing on achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject, he melts the Chinese and western culture to oneness, the constructs his strict and huge system of “Moral metaphysics.在半个多世纪的学术生涯中,牟宗三致力于发掘传统文化之精义,吸收西方文化特别是康德哲学之精髓,在会通之基础上,将中西文化融为一炉,建构了其严整而庞大的道德形上学体系,本文即是对牟宗三道德形上学进行的相关研究。

1.The Analogy in the Confucius Moral Metaphysics and its Meaning儒家道德形上学中的类比推衍及其意义
2.A Comparative Study of Mou Zongsans Moral Metaphysics and Heideggers Fundamental Ontology;牟宗三的道德形上学与海德格尔的基础存在论互参
3.From Kant’s‘Things in Themselves’to Confucianists Moral Metaphysics;从康德的“物自身”到儒家道德的形上学
4.On the founding of moral metaphysics of the Confucians--On HE Lin s moral value;儒家道德形而上学的建立——论贺麟的道德观
5.Thereupon, Kant finally achieved Metaphysic of Morals or Moral theology while Mou Tsung-san achieved Moral Metaphysics.故康德最终只能成就道德底形上学或道德神学,而牟宗三则成就道德的形上学;
6.The Concept of De in the DAODEJING and the Ethics of Chinese Metaphysics;《道德经》中的“德”概念与中国形而上学伦理学
7.On Kant s Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals;康德道德哲学的三个层次——《道德形而上学基础》述评
8.Empiricism or Transcendentalism: Revelation from Kant s Metaphysics in Morality;道德何以可能:经验抑或超验——康德道德形而上学的建构及其启示
9.Empiricism or Transcendentalism--Revelation from Kant s Metaphysics in Morality;道德何以可能:经验抑或超验——康德道德形而上学之启示
10.Go Back to Moral Phenomena Themselves: On Kant s Reasoning Methods of Moral Metaphysics;回到道德现象本身——康德道德形而上学的论证方法初探
11.Moral Metaphysics--on the Metaphysical Ground that MOU Zong-san Putting Neo-Confucianism into Three Schools道德的形上学——牟宗三宋明理学三系说的形上根据
12.Reflection On the Construction of China Modern Metaphysics -study on Mou Zongsan’moral metaphysics;中国现代形上学建构的反思——以牟宗三“道德的形而上学”为例
13.Inquiry of Kant s Moral Metaphysics Base and Transcending in Existence;对康德的道德形而上学基础的追问及存在论意义上的超越
14.Kant's philosophy of law is a part in the system of his metaphysics of morals.康德的法哲学是他的道德形而上学理论的一部分。
15.From Moral Self to Mind Realm--A Study of Metaphysics of Tang Jun-Yi;从道德自我到心灵境界——唐君毅形上学研究
16.Development of Intelligent Intuition by Moral Metaphysics of Confucianism;论儒家道德形而上学对“智的直觉”原理的发展
17.On the Transformation of Moral Metaphysics in Pre-Qin Confucianism--From Golden Mean to Mencius;先秦儒学道德形而上的转进——由《中庸》到孟子
18.After the Metaphysics of Goodness: the Moral Analysis of the Mencius Theories of Goodness and Evil;善的形上学追问——孟子善恶观的道德解析

moral metaphysics道德形而上学
1.On the founding of moral metaphysics of the Confucians——On HE Lin s moral value;儒家道德形而上学的建立——论贺麟的道德观
2.This article attempts to examine Kant s reconstruction towards metaphysical redemption by considering criticisms to Kant s rational perception and establishment of moral metaphysics,so as to arouse more people s attention to the fate and the future development of me.本文通过对康德的纯粹理性批判和道德形而上学的建立进行再度思考,试图重新审视康德对形而上学的拯救与重新建构,旨在引起更多的人能够关心形而上学的命运,关心它未来的发展走向。
3.Detailed analysis and expounding are made on three layer structures of Kant′s moral philosophy, namely, popular moral philosophy, moral metaphysics and practice ration criticism.对康德道德哲学三个层次结构进行了详细的分析和解读,即通俗道德哲学、道德形而上学、实践理性批判。
3)ethical metaphysical aesthetics道德形上美学
4)Moral metaphysics道德的形上学
1.The moral metaphysics was the metaphysical ground that MOU Zong-san put Neo-Confucianism into three schools, Mr.牟先生宋明理学三系说的形上根据是“道德的形上学”。
2.This concept is accepted by some New Confucianists who try to merge it with traditional Confucian concept such as”natural instincts”and”humanity”so as to justify the existence of moral metaphysics.在康德的哲学中,“物自身”是一个价值意味的概念,部分新儒家接受了这一概念,并将之与传统儒家哲学中的“本心”、“仁体”等概念汇通思考,最终力图证明道德的形上学的成立,从而实现其道德关怀。
3.Mou zongsan is one of the most speculative and original philosophers in todays new Confucian school,He was proficient in east and west and establish his own philosophy system—moral metaphysics in his later years.牟宗三是现代新儒家中最富思辨性与原创性的哲学家之一,他会通中西并于晚年构建起自己的哲学体系——道德的形上学。
5)metaphysical moral道德的形上学是
6)moral metaphysical theory道德形上

《道德形而上学探本》  德国哲学家I.康德的系统的伦理学著作。又译《道德形而上学基础》、《道德形而上学原理》。成书于1785年。该书是康德另一部伦理学著作《实践理性批判》的准备和纲要。全书分为3章,论述了善良意志、绝对命令、人是目的和意志自律等思想。在西方伦理思想史上,第一次系统地阐发了纯粹理性主义的自律伦理学说。书中认为道德上的善恶和行为标准是超经验的,人作为有理性者自我立法,道德律纯粹出于义务,与任何利益无关。所谓"道德形而上学",是研究道德的超经验的、纯粹的普遍形式,即绝对命令。该书对西方后世伦理学的发展影响很大,问世后的200年间,先后被译成英、法、俄、日等多种文字。 中国于 1937年第一次由唐钺根据1911年英译本转译为中文。1957年和1959年商务印书馆两次再版。