核扩散,nuclear proliferation
1)nuclear proliferation核扩散

1.a non-proliferation treaty aimed at stopping the spread of nuclear weapons旨在制止核武器扩散的防止核扩散条约.
2.A Study on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy of European Union in a Nuclear Proliferation World;全球核扩散形势下的欧盟核不扩散政策研究
3.The Nuclear Weapon Legacy and the Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Crisis after the Breakup of the Soviet;论苏联解体后的“核遗产”及核扩散危机
4.Deepening Predicament of International Security:The DPRK s Nuclear Test and Its Empirical Implications;核扩散与反扩散:当代国际安全深化的困境——以朝鲜核试验为例
5.Nuclear proliferations have speeded space war.核扩散使空间战进程加快了速度。
6.The urgent need for nuclear nonprolifeation is undeniable .防止核扩散的紧迫性是不可否认的。
7.The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚。
8.International efforts against nuclear proliferation are faced with severe challenges.防止核扩散的国际努力受到严峻挑战。
9.Intelligence and the American Non-Proliferation Policy;美国情报界防核扩散监控的特点评析
10.Crisis of Nuclear Proliferation:Situation,Origins and Countermeasures;全球核扩散危机:现状、根源及对策
11.Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Treaty on the反核子武器扩散条约
12.A nonproliferation treaty.防止(核武器)扩散条约
13.Treaty on the Non - proliferation of Nuclear Weapons防止核武器扩散条约
14.Fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate.对核武器扩散的恐慌
15.loBBied against the proliferation of nuclear arms.反对核武器扩散而游说
16.Nonproliferation: Adjustment of American Nuclear Strategy Since 9/11;核不扩散:9/11后美国核战略的调整
17.Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons-An Observation on the Eve of the Fourth NPT Review Conference不扩散核武器——写在《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国第四次审议会议之前
18.The Bush's Administration's Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy and the Future of International Non-proliferation小布什政府的核不扩散政策与国际核不扩散的未来

diffusion NMR扩散核磁
3)Sperm nuclear dispersion精核扩散
1.Sperm nuclear dispersion and meiotic maturation in fertilized eggs of pacific oyster were studied by light microscope.(3)第一次成熟分裂结束,精核扩散速度减慢,核内染色体致密环状结构。
5)nuclear non-proliferation核不扩散
1.From the perspective of international nuclear security, the former Soviet Union had a large nuclear arsenal, therefore, the collapse of it inevitably affects the international nuclear non-proliferation regime heavily and brings lots of practical problems to Russia—the legal successor of Soviet Union, in the field of nuclear non-prolife.从国际核安全的角度讲,由于前苏联拥有庞大的核武库,所以苏联的解体必将对国际核不扩散形势带来负面影响,这也使其合法继承者俄罗斯在核不扩散领域不得不面对诸多急需解决的现实问题。
2.The Treaty On the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is the core of nuclear non-proliferation system.《不扩散核武器条约》是核不扩散机制的核心,但是它决不仅涉及不扩散,而是涉及了核裁军、无核区、安全保证、核禁试、核出口控制、核安全以及反核恐怖等多个相关问题。
6)diffusion kernel扩散核
