实践观,view of practice
1)view of practice实践观
1.The view of practice is the core theory of Marxist philosophy as well as the cornerstone of all Mao Zedong s philosophical thought.实践观是马克思主义哲学的核心理论 ,也是整个毛泽东哲学思想的基石。
2.Deng Xiao-ping s view of innovation practice is the inheritance and deveploment of Marxist view of practice.邓小平创新实践观是马克思主义实践观的继承和发展。
3.The first view of practice holds that theory and practice only have a external connection which means that practice is simply the tool to obtain perceptual material and test the truth of cognition, while from the other two views of practice, theory and practic.在中国马克思主义哲学界,存在着三种类型的实践观,其间的根本区别主要在于对于理论与实践关系的理解,以及在这种理解中所做的本体论预设。

1.On the Transcendence of Marxist Practical Views over Moral and Production Ones;论马克思实践观对道德实践观与生产实践观的超越
2.Formation of the Idea of Practice and Development of Practical Aesthetics;从萨特的实践观念看实践美学的发展
3.An Attempt to Analyze Person Praxis in the Frame of Practical Idea of Marxism;马克思主义实践观框架内的个体实践
4.On Integral Theory of Practice: Three-Fold Relationship of Man in Practice;立体实践观:人在实践中的三重关系
5.The Comparision of Aristotle s Practical View with Marx s;亚里士多德实践观与马克思实践观之比较
6.The Inspiration of Hegel's Concept of Practice to Marxist Scientific Concept of Practice黑格尔实践观对马克思科学实践观的启示
7.Discussion of offering an electronic technics course and cultivating the notion of engineering practice;开设电子工艺实践课 培养工程实践观
8.The Frame of“Rational-practice-Irrational practice”of Marxist Viewon Practice;“合理实践—不合理实践”:马克思实践观的深层框架及其意义
9.Ecological Civilization:Interpretation from Views of Development,Value and Practice生态文明:发展观、价值观、实践观视域解读
10.On the Marxist view of praxis论马克思的实践观——兼评实践美学论者的一些观点
11.Bidding Farewell to the Practice Aesthetics--Comments on the Two Different Development Views of Practice Aesthetics;告别实践美学——评两种实践美学发展观
12.Comment on the Kantian Practical Freedom Viewpoint:Reading"Critique of Practical Reason"论康德的实践自由观——读《实践理性批判》
13.A rational belief or practice.理性观点,理性实践
14.Organization culture and value in practice企业文化价值观实践
15.Love as an idea is a product of objective practice.爱是观念的东西,是客观实践的产物。
16.The Sense of the Practice and Object and the Object of the Sense;实践与对象的观念化和观念的对象化
17.The Scientific Concept of Development From the Marxist Practical Historical View科学发展观的马克思实践历史观解读
18.Educational Practice and Practical Education: A Point of Adult Pedagogy;“教育实践”与“实践教育”:成人教育学的观点

Practical view实践观
1.Marxist practical view scientifically solves the basic contradictions in philosophy as well as the basic problems in epistemology,and thus constitutes the primary and fundamental view of Marxism.马克思主义实践观科学地解决哲学基本矛盾和认识论的基本问题,构成了马克思主义哲学首要的和基本的观点。
2.The tension between the two practical views has great infl.这两种实践观之间的张力对现代社会产生了深刘的影响,并对我们今天如何应对现代化和全球化的问题有着重要的启示。
3.And in it, Marx established the essential connotation and theory framework of his practical view.《1 8 44年经济学哲学手稿》是马克思哲学思想发展史上的“黑格尔论纲”时期 ,在其中 ,马克思确立了他实践观思想的主要内涵和理论框架 ,这是马克思哲学实践观思想的内篇。
3)view on practice实践观
1.Approach to the innovation of Deng Xiaoping s view on practice;论邓小平在实践观上的创新
2.In Philosophy Notes,Lenin studies in depth Hegellian views on the objective,medium,and thisness of practice and develops the usefulness and discards the useless,makes many prominent judgments that clarify Marxist view on practice scientifically and enrich and develop Marxist practice theories.列宁在《哲学笔记》中,对黑格尔关于实践的且的性、中介性、现实性等观点进行了深入研究,并加以扬弃,作出了许多卓越的论断,科学地阐明了马克思主义实践观,丰富和发展了马克思主义的实践理论。
3.Marxism s view on practice has a dialectical and harmonious relation with the scientific view on material.只有建立在实践观基础上的物质观才是彻底的、可知论的和辩证的物质观;马克思主义实践观与科学物质观是辩证统一的。
4)the view of practice实践观
1.From Experimental Exploration to Innovative Deploitation —— On the Development and Transition of the View of Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;从试验探索到开拓创新——中国特色社会主义实践观的演进和转换
1.Being a kind of function-unified and value-created activity, Marx s practice has both scientific and humanistic attribute, and is the unification of scientific spirit and humanistic spirit.实践观的科学精神主要表现为探索求知的理性精神,辩证否定的批判精神以及永不枯竭的创造精神;实践观的人文精神表现为在“批判旧世界中发现新世界”的内在超越精神,寻求具体、反对抽象的精神以及健康全面、辩证综合的精神。
2.Marx’s practice is not of cognition or history, but noumenon.马克思在该文中主要是通过以下几个方面确立其本体论意义的实践观的 :(1)由“物质”到“实践”:哲学逻辑起点的重建 ;(2 )对“抽象的个人”进行批判 :回到历史本身 ;(3 )以实践为基础扬弃人的存在及其历史的二律背反 :实践唯物主义的真谛 ;(4 )由“说”回到“做” :哲学观的历史性转变。
3.The substance of Practice in Marx s Philosophy is not onlymaterial production, but also including revolution practice, existencepractice.马克思的实践观是将实践概念引向人生在世,引向人的现实当下生成,引向人类日常生活。
6)conception of practice实践观
1.The conception of practice, a fundamental view of Marxist philosophy, can be understood from different perspectives, and perspective matters in the right understanding of the whole nature of Marxism.实践观是马克思主义哲学的根本观点,但对这个观点的理解有不同的视角,而不同视角的理解涉及到对马克思主义哲学整体性质的准确把握。
2.Marxist conception of practice,the practice of the scientific concept throughout the entire system of Marxist theory,is the key to understand the relationship between man and nature and achieve the harmonious development between man and nature.马克思主义实践观,即科学的实践观贯穿于整个马克思主义理论体系的始终,是理解人与自然关系、实现人与自然和谐发展的关键。

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。