家庭美德,Family virtue
1)Family virtue家庭美德
1.Family virtue is very important in the development of the both individual and the race.家庭美德对个体和族群的发展都十分重要,本研究以现代社会为背景,以整体文化的视野,采用调查法就蒙古族整体文化中的家庭美德进行了较为系统的研究。
2.The family virtue construction is the most important part in the building of a harmonious socialism society,and it is the obligations and responsibilities of each family member.家庭美德建设是建设社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,是每个家庭成员的义务和责任。
3.The Analects contains abundant and abstruse moral philosophy,mercy,justice and courtesy are the core of social morality,faithfulness is the base of professional morality and piety family virtue.《论语》含有丰富而深邃的道德哲学,其中以“仁”、“义”、“礼”为核心的社会公德;以“忠”为基础的职业道德;以“孝”为起点的家庭美德

1.Administering the Family Well by Virtue--The Sublimation of the Traditional Family Virtue in Contemporary China;以德“齐家”——传统家庭美德的当代升华
2.Significance of Zhu Xi’s Moral Principles to the Conhstruction of "Family Virtue;朱熹的道德观对家庭美德建设的意义
3.Developing Chinese Traditional Family Virtue and Founding Socialist Harmonious Household;传承中华传统家庭美德,创建社会主义和谐家庭
4."We should vigorously advocate social, occupational and family ethics."大力倡导社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德
5.Strengthen Education of Social Morality, Professional Morality and Family Morality;加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育
6.A Investigation on Modern Mongolian Family Virtue s Structure;现代蒙古族家庭美德结构的调查研究
7.Exploiting Female Potential and Promoting Family Virtues Construction;积极开发女性潜能 促进家庭美德建设
8.The Signifinance of Traditional Interpersonal Virtues in a Family;传统人际道德在家庭美德教育中的意义
9.Chinese Traditional Morals and the Contemporary Family Virtue;中国传统道德与当代家庭美德建设论析
10.On the Construction of Personal Moralit,with Social Morality,Professional Ethics and Family Virtue论个人品德与社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德建设
11.Construction Current Situation Analyses and the Countermeasure Studies Rural Area Family Virtues;农村家庭美德建设现状分析与对策研究
12.On the Inheritance and Innovation of the Traditional Family Virtues;析对传统家庭美德的历史继承和超越创新
13.Research on Traditional Virtues of Filial Piety in the Family Construction传统孝道在家庭美德建设中的价值研究
14.We must intensify education in social and professional ethics and family virtues and especially intensify the ideological and ethical improvement among youth.加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育,特别要加强青少年的思想道德建设.
15.Logical Frame and Theoretical Center of Socialist Family Ethics with Chinese Characteristics--Study on Luo Guojie's Family Ethics中国特色社会主义家庭美德建设的逻辑框架和理论基点——罗国杰家庭伦理思想研究
16.It's necessary to keep on the wonderful family traditions.保持家庭传统美德,很有必要
17.The Disillusionment of American Dream in Sam Shepard s Family Trilogy;浅析萨姆·谢泼德家庭三部曲中美国梦的幻灭
18.The Significance of Chinese Traditional Virtues on Building Modern Harmonious Family中华民族传统美德对现代和谐家庭建设的意义

Family Virtues家庭美德
1.Budhism has been existing in Chinese Civilization for about two thousand years, and its creed is the main constitution in Chinese family virtues.可见 ,倡导传统家庭美德 ,“古为今用”,具有十分重要的社会意
3)Family virtue structure家庭美德结构
4)family virtue construction家庭美德建设
1.Taking the angle of psychology, the article intends to analyse the psychological function of family virtue construction.家庭美德建设是公民道德建设的着力点之一。
5)traditional familyvirtues传统家庭美德
6)mongolian family virtue蒙古族家庭美德

动物的“美德”猴子平素虽然顽皮嬉闹,但在集体吃食时,却让“猴头”和长者先吃,所剩的再分而食之。 沙丁鱼在海中遨游遇到狭窄通道时,会自觉地排成整齐队伍,让年幼者在上层,年长的在下层,井然有序,依次前进,从不争先恐后。 寒鸦一旦发现食物,总让最老的先吃,并派出“鸦保姆”带食物回巢去哺喂幼鸦,然后自己再吃。   螃蟹脱壳时,常成群地趴伏在一起,凡是不脱壳或已长好硬壳者,就自动担当哨兵,保证正在脱壳者免受侵害。   非洲的羚羊群内,倘若有一头年老的在场,那么,其余羚羊便都不会躺在地上。偶尔有不懂事的小羚羊躺下了,也会被叫起来让老者去躺。   大雁睡觉时,几只年长的就自动站岗,一旦发现“敌人”,“哨兵”就“咯咯”地叫,群雁闻讯便展翅高飞。