身体哲学,Body philosophy
1)Body philosophy身体哲学
1.Recognition of Wushu from perspective of body philosophy;从身体哲学视角出发对武术文化的再审视

1."Human body philosphy" as the philosophical history of China;作为“身体哲学”的中国哲学的历史
2.Tending towards "Body Philosophy"--Transformation of the Traditional Chinese Philosophical Research Paradigms;走向“身体哲学”——中国传统哲学研究范式的变革
3.Further Discussion of 'Body' of Body Philosophy--A Reply to Mr.Tang's 'Response'再谈身体哲学的“身体”——对唐涛先生“回应”的答复
4.Modern Interpretation of the Value of Self-cultivation from the Perspective of Physical Philosophy;身体哲学视域下修身理论价值的现代阐释
5.Recognition of Wushu from perspective of body philosophy;从身体哲学视角出发对武术文化的再审视
6.On education-in-itself--the Ontology of Prof. Tu You - guang s Educational Philosophy;论教育自身——涂又光教育哲学之本体论
7.Subjectivity,Genealogy and Flesh--Foucault's Acceptance of Nietzsche's Philosophy主体性、谱系学和身体——福柯对尼采哲学的接受
8.Analyzing Word-Making Motivation of Body Metaphor from Embodied Philosophy;从体验哲学角度解析身体隐喻的构词理据
9.The Significance of Re-Cognizing Body from Philosophic Angle to Expounding Essence of Sport;从哲学角度再认识身体对揭示体育本质的意义
10.Philosophical interpretation of sport based on human body instinct基于人类身体本能的体育运动哲学解读
11.Criticism of Body Politics in the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy--On Eagleton s Criticism of Body Politics;文化哲学视域下的身体政治批评——伊格尔顿的身体政治批评浅析
12.On the Light of Body--Reflection on the Bodyness Theory in the Western Philosophy;身体的澄明之途——对西方哲学中的“身体性”问题的思考
13.Post-Feminist Critics of Dualism: Philosophical of Body;后女性主义对二元论的批判——身体的哲学剖析
14.Minds,Body and Web--A Explonation of Philosophy of Minds in Virtual World;心、身体与互联网——一种虚拟世界心灵哲学的解释
15.The Awaking and Advancing of the Body Consciousness in Western Philosophy;论西方哲学中身体意识的觉醒及其推进
16.Costume,Body and Self:Female Costume Philosophy in The Awakening;服装、身体与自我——论《觉醒》中的女性服装哲学
17.What Is and What Can Do--Reflect on Some Questions to Philosophy Itself;何谓哲学与哲学何为——指向哲学本身的几点“思”
18.member of a Hindu sect practicing gymnosophy (especially nudism).印度教流派中的身体力行裸体主义哲学(特别是裸体主义)的一支。

classical Chinese body philosophy中国传统的身体哲学
3)Philosophizing Gene and Body基因与身体的哲学
4)hiding overcoat" philosophy"隐身衣"哲学
6)Embodied Philosophy体验哲学
1.Transcendence and Non-transcendence Regression——On the Transcendence of Embodied Philosophy and New Increment Point in the Linguistics Research;既超越又不超越的回归——兼谈体验哲学的超越性和语言学研究的新增长点
2.On the Embodiment of Language:A New Language Feature Based on Embodied Philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics;论语言的体验性——基于体验哲学和认知语言学提出的语言新性质
3.The Cognitive -World Analysis of Dis course Coherence——The Embodied Philosophy and CL Explanation of Discourse Coherence;语篇连贯的认知世界分析方法——体验哲学和认知语言学对语篇连贯性的解释

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀