辩证推理,Dialectical Reasoning
1)Dialectical Reasoning辩证推理

1.On Practical Deduction and the Dialectical Deduction in Legal Deduction;法律推理中的辩证推理与实践推理刍议
2.The Selection of Sumption in Dialectical Reasoning--Pragmatics Perspective;辩证推理中的大前提的选择——语用学的视角
3.The phenomenon of sophistry is usually occurred from during the processing between reasoning and proof.诡辩通常产生在推理和论证过程中。
4.Of or relating to the matter of reasoning, rather than the form.辩证的,推论的属于或关于推理根据的,而不是形式的
5.Deductive reasoning in debate.在辩论中用演绎法推理
6.Logic, or dialectic as it is sometimes called, shows how to reason correctly.逻辑或者有时候叫做辩证法,它要说明的是如何进行正确的推理;
7.Revelation of basic dialectical logic category to high school Physics teaching;辩证逻辑基本范畴的推演过程对中学物理教学的启示
8.Counsel infers that the witness has not been present at the time of the accident.辩护人推断事故发生时证人不在场。
9.affirmative defence以新证据推翻原告所控事实的抗辩
10.Counsel infer that the witness have not is present at the time of the accident.辩护人推断事故发生时证人不在
11.Counsel inferred that the witness had not been present at the time of the accident辩护人推断事故发生时证人不在场
12.Mao Zedong s On Contradictions Brings Forth the New Through the Old Chinese Ancient Dialectics;《矛盾论》对中国古代辩证法的推陈出新
13.The Logic for Dialectics of Nature--from Dialectics of Nature to the Principle for Dialectics of Nature自然辩证法的逻辑——从《自然辩证法》原著到《自然辩证法原理》
14.Practice the Victory of the Dialectics--Theoretical logic marriage of modern dialectics;实践辩证法的胜利——近代辩证法理论的逻辑归宿
15.If there is no language, the processing of reasoning with proof must not be existed.如果没有语言,推理和论证就无法进行,这就使语言和诡辩结下了不解之缘。
16.A debater's highest criterion is reasoning.衡量辩论家的最高标准是推理能力。
17.Discussion of the Evolvement Factors of Basketball Promotion with the Materialistic Dialectic Method;试以唯物辩证法浅析推动篮球运动演变的因素
18.Developing Subjcct of Dialectics of Naturc by Science Rescarch;以学术发展研究推动自然辩证法学科建设

reasoning dialectic推理辩证
3)dialectic logic inference辩证逻辑推理
4)Dialectical theory辩证理念
5)fluctuation order theory辩证理解
6)dialectical philosophic theory辩证哲理
1.Reverse development of thinking and unity of opposites demonstrated a profound dialectical philosophic theory,thus sublimating the theme of the poem.臧克家诗作《有的人》以近似口语化的非常态逻辑语言开篇,凭借"生"与"死"两个矛盾概念的两极碰撞,勾勒出诗歌的艺术框架,思想意义反向扩张,对立中求得统一,显示出深邃的辩证哲理,主题因此而得以升华。

概念判断推理(见思维形式的辩证法)概念判断推理(见思维形式的辩证法)concept, judgement and reasoning  andgolnionpondUOntUi}l-概念判断推理(c。nceP。,judgomentreasoni且g)见思维形式的辩证法。