老庄,Laozi and Zhuangzi
1)Laozi and Zhuangzi老庄
1.Lv Zu-qian s compatibility and remolding for thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi;吕祖谦对老庄思想的兼容与改造
2.A Brief Discussion of Philosophical Thinking of Laozi and Zhuangzi and an Outlook on Sustainable Development;略论老庄哲学思想与可持续发展观

1.Laozi and Zhuangzi Are Not the Same .三)有无之辨----老庄莫并提.
2.Talk About Truth and Falsehood --Key to Understanding Gaolaozhuang;说“实”论“虚”——解读《高老庄
3.On the Harmonious Society Form the Perspective of Zhuang Zi s Dao--the Philosophic Thought on Zhuangzi s Dao;论老庄哲学视野中的和谐社会——对老庄之“道”的哲学思考
4.Joint Dance of Man,God and Devil--A Glimpse on Gao Lao Zhuang人、神、魔共舞的时空——管窥《高老庄
5.The Analysis of Jingchu Patterns Evolution on the Impact of Taoist Philosophy;解析老庄哲学对荆楚纹样流变的影响
6.Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi s Doctrines in Culture Perspective and Their Origin in Religion;文化视域中的老庄义理及其宗教原蕴
7.The Taoist Idealogy in Wang wei s Poetry;“诗佛”王维诗歌中的老庄思想探微
8.The Re-activation of Zhuangzi s "Human Naturalization";老庄“人的自然化”美学精神的现代激活
9.The Contribution of Huainanzi to Converge Lao and Zhuang;《淮南子》融合老庄的思想及其后世影响
10.UGLINESS:AESTHETIC CONCERN OF JIA PING-WA--Taking "Gao Laozhuang" as an Example;丑:贾平凹的审美观照——以《高老庄》为例
11.The Theory of Crucible by Taoists and the Theory of Black Hole by Hawking;老庄的“熔炉理论”与霍金的“黑洞理论”
12.Taoist And The Construction Of Neutrality Principle In Early Days;老庄道家与早期“中和”理念的重建
13.The Thought of “Pu” in Lao Zhuang and the Austere Beauty Of Chinese Classical Artistic Composition;老庄“朴”的思想与古典艺术创作朴拙美
14.Zhuangzi" and" Laozi" are all the important historical documents.庄子》与《老子》同是道家重要的文献,但《庄子》对《老子》既有继承也有发展。
15.Morgenroth the clothier and Gibson the dry goods man."有服装店老板摩根洛,还有绸缎庄老板吉勃生。”
16.The Image of and the Introspection to Lao Zi in Zhuang Zi;《庄子》中老子形象的塑造及对老子的反思
17.Buried in the sands was an ancient village.埋在沙土之中的是一个古老的村庄。
18.In the dooryard fronting an old farm-house一座旧老农庄门前的院落里,

1.Rational Repudiation and Humanism Concern——Comparison and thinking between Martin Heidegger and Laozhuang Philosophy;理性批判与人文关怀——海德格尔与老庄哲学思想的比较与思考
2.Influence of Laozhuang Thought in the New Anecdotes of the Time;从《世说新语》看魏晋士人对老庄思想的接受
3)Lao Zhuang老庄
1.Lao Zhuang s Attitude to the World and Human Love;老庄的处世情怀与人类之爱
2.The understanding of Lao Zhuang to life-in-itself,that is Tao of Lao Zhuang,has provided metaphysical basis for the formation of the artistic conception.从中国人的整体思维方式出发来认识意境的形成,意境的生成与中国人天人合一的整体思维方式联系非常紧密,老庄对生命本体(道)的认识为意境的生成提供了形而上的依据,形成了意境最基本的特征,即意境重视整体效果、境生于象外、物我交融等等;老庄和佛教禅宗对“道”、“法”真谛的认识又为意境理论的形成提供了方法论的借鉴。
3.From researching Wang Studies, Neo Confucianism and Zen, then to research Lao Zhuang, the author has an important discovery: Lao Zhuang was different from Neo Taoism ,but identical with Neo Confucianism.由研究王学、理学与禅学再到老庄 ,可以发现 :老庄思想与玄学迥异 ,与理学、禅学相通。
1.This dissertation applies the modern becoming theory and the new view of inneraesthetic to focus on the thesis of Lao-zhuang’s life realm, and want to dissolve theproblem of transformation between life realm and aesthetic realm.《老庄人生境界的审美生成》一文运用现代生成论思想,从内审美的观点出发,接着新儒家、新道家以及非儒非道家关于老庄人生境界的话题,着力探讨老庄人生境界的审美生成问题。
5)Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi老庄
1.From the differcence of Tao of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi to the differcence of their life state;由老庄“道”之别论其生命境界
2.Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi s spirit of art;太极诗学——老庄艺术精神
6)Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi philosophy老庄哲学
1.The three philosophy-thought foundations of ecological idea of Chinese classical garden were Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi philosophy,Zen,and Confucianism philosophy.老庄哲学、禅宗以及儒家哲学是构建中国古典园林生态观的三大哲学思想基础。

老庄1.老子和庄子的并称。春秋﹑战国时道教的主要思想家。亦指以老子﹑庄子学说为代表的道教思想。老庄并提﹐始于汉﹐盛于魏晋以后。 2.方言。庄稼人。