文化伦理,cultural ethics
1)cultural ethics文化伦理
1.The choice and fixed position of cultural ethics about network culture construction;网络文化建设的文化伦理选择和定位
2.The Ming Dynasty forbade and ruined the ancient novels,not only because of direct political reasons,social current of thoughts,but also of the claimming of the latent cultural ethics and cultural conflicts.明代禁毁小说的背后,不仅隐藏着直接的政治经济的原因,也有潜在的文化伦理方面的诉求和冲突。
3.The value goals of the cultural ethics of the contemporary Chinese city are the humanity-oriented urban cultural ethics,the ecological urban cultural ethics of "unity man and nature",the citizen s public morals of keeping pace with the times,the rational and thrifty urban cultural production,dissemination and consumption ethics.当代中国城市文化伦理的价值目标体现为人性化价值取向的城市文化伦理、“天人合一”的生态城市文化伦理、与时俱进的城市市民道德素质和理性节俭的城市文化生产、传播、消费伦理。

1.The choice and fixed position of cultural ethics about network culture construction;网络文化建设的文化伦理选择和定位
2.Lnitial Exploration of Chinese National Culture Ethical Construction Under the Background of Electronic Culture;电子文化背景下我国民族文化伦理建设初探
3.An ethical culture is the soul of business ethics.伦理文化是经济伦理的灵魂。
4.Describe an ethical culture.形容一种伦理文化。
5.A Contrastive Study on Pre-Qin Confucian Ethical Culture and Muslim Ethical Culture;先秦儒家伦理文化与伊斯兰伦理文化的比较
6.On the Impact of Ethics and Folk Culture on the Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai;伦理、民俗文化对青海审美文化的影响
7.The Ethical Path of Rule of Law Culture in the Context of Harmonious Culture;和谐文化语境下法治文化的伦理路径
8.Cultural globalization, global ethic and renovation of education philosophy;文化全球化、全球伦理与教育理念更新
9.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化
10.Emergence of Environmental Ethics: the Drastic Change in the History of Ethical Culture;环境伦理学的产生是伦理文化史上的深刻变革
11.The Psychological,Theoretical and Ethical Issues in Cultural Exchange;文化交流中的心理、学理与伦理问题
12.Chinese Traditional Culture and Ancient Ethic──An Culture Investigation of the Chinese Ancient Ethic;中国传统文化与古代伦理──中国古代伦理的文化考察
13.Turning Morality into Culture--Zhang Dongsun s Theory of Ethics;化道德为文化——张东荪的伦理思想
14.Ecological Ethic:Culture-Function-Ethical Attention to the Edging People;生态伦理:文化·功能·边缘化关注
15.On the Psychological Foundation of Culture of Harmony from the Degree of Chinese Traditional Ethic;从中国传统伦理看“和”文化的心理基础
16.The Ecological Ethical Conception of Traditional Yi Culture;试论彝族传统文化中的生态伦理理念
17.Cross-cultural comparative research on ethical management between Chinese and Korean enterprises;中韩企业伦理管理的跨文化比较研究
18.Chinaese traditional culture is a kind of ethic culture in the nature in which Confucianism is its main body and core.中国传统文化本质上是一种人伦文化,其中儒家伦理是主体与核心。

ethical culture伦理文化
1.Discussion on the Islamic Ethical Culture and the Constructing of Socialism Harmonious Society;试论伊斯兰伦理文化与社会主义和谐社会的构建
2.Harmonious culture,with the rule of law culture and ethical culture as its main content,guides and supports the building and development of a harmonious society.和谐文化引领与支撑着和谐社会的建设与发展,法治文化与伦理文化是和谐文化的主要内容;在构建和谐社会的历史进程中,弘扬法治精神与培育法治文化理念是实现国家各项工作法治化的必然选择;自由、公平、正义等法治精神引领着伦理文化的创新与进步,而伦理文化则以其丰富的资源与深刻的内涵支撑着法治文化的生成与发展;立法的伦理形式、司法的伦理适用与守法的伦理机制是法治文化的主要伦理路径。
3.The pre-Qin Confucian ethical culture representative of the Chinese traditional culture and the Muslim ethical culture in the Islam world have much in common while differing in may respects.中国先秦时期逐步形成以儒家伦理思想为代表的中国传统伦理文化体系。
3)Ethics culture伦理文化
1.Ethics culture coordinated science and technology development.科技发展与伦理文化是相互作用的。
2.business ethics culture is the basic part in business culture,it is the social code of conduct and code of ethic,which is Sanctified by usage and obey by enterprise.企业伦理文化,是企业文化中基础部分的已约定俗成的并且为企业所奉行的社会行为准则和道德规范之内容。
3.In the face of three kinds of the compatible phenomenon of Chinese traditional ethics culture,western modern ethics culture and Marxist ethics culture,we can t absolutely affirm or deny any kind of culture,but proceed from the reality and adopt the policy of "take Marxism as the core,merge the Chinese and the western,well versed in at all times,plural an organic whole,combine and innovate.面对中国传统伦理文化、西方现代伦理文化和马克思主义伦理文化的三元并行现象,我们不能绝对地肯定或否定任何一种文化,而应当从实际出发,采取“以‘马’为主,融合中西,贯通古今,多元一体,整合创新”的方针,让马克思主义的伦理文化在政治和意识形态领域继续起主导作用;让西方现代文化中的自由平等精神在经济领域发挥激励作用;让中国传统伦理文化在个人生活、家庭生活、职业生活和社会公共生活领域发挥更多的积极作用。
4)ethic culture伦理文化
1.The study on the Zhou-Qin ethic culture in 2006 was more abundant and developed.从周秦伦理文化中寻找和挖掘古人的道德价值的精髓,为我们构建和谐社会提供科学的借鉴和启迪是十分必要的。
2.There existed two outstanding features in the probing of ethic culture in the local novels of the 40th.在伦理文化的探求方面,20世纪40年代乡土小说呈现两大特点:解放区的小说把30年代对新的伦理的憧憬变成了活生生的现实,既确立了新的伦理道德观念,又写出了“建设”的艰巨性。
3.The evolvement of spouses title system has close relation with evolvement of Chinese society and of ethic culture.夫妻称谓系统的发展演变与中国社会和伦理文化的发展演变有着密切关系。
5)view of ethics culture伦理文化观
1.Their view of ethics culture is embodied in concepts,action,regulation and utensils.伦理文化观的核心是道德观。
6)ethical-type culture伦理型文化
