王茂荫,Wang Maoyin
1)Wang Maoyin王茂荫
1.The Research of Wang Maoyin s Reconsideration about Currency Reformation;也谈王茂荫《再议钞法折》——兼论对文献的辨析
2.New Explorations into Wang Maoyin Since 1998;1998年以来王茂荫研究的新进展
3.An Economic Analyses on Wang Maoyin s Theory of Monetary Reform in Modern China;中国近代王茂荫货币改革论的经济学分析

1.Textual criticism and commentary to Assistant Minister Wang’s Posthumous Manuscript in Wang Mao-yin’s Corpus;《王茂荫集·王侍郎遗稿》校读、注疏
2.New Explorations into Wang Maoyin Since 1998;1998年以来王茂荫研究的新进展
3.The Research of Wang Maoyin s Reconsideration about Currency Reformation;也谈王茂荫《再议钞法折》——兼论对文献的辨析
4.An Economic Analyses on Wang Maoyin s Theory of Monetary Reform in Modern China;中国近代王茂荫货币改革论的经济学分析
5.In addition, they offer shady, leafy nesting sites in the spring and summer.更重要的是,在每年的春天和夏天,它们是鸟类荫蔽繁茂的驻巢场所。
6.a shadowy avenue through thick foliage)but may suggest shifting illumination and indistinctness:茂密的叶子遮住了林荫道),但也可暗示转换照明和模糊:
7.Re-discussion on Filing Documents Release--Responses to Mr.Wang Maoyue再论只归档发文——对王茂跃老师的回应
8.The Ko, as it is affectionately called, is the town's focal point.柯(国王林荫大道的昵称)是这个城市的焦点。
9.relatively tall deciduous water oak of southeastern United States often cultivated as a shade tree; thrives in wet soil.美国东南部的一种相对高大的落叶水栎,常栽培作遮荫树;在潮湿土壤上生长茂盛。
10.At the center of Mount Emei,among dense woods and flowers,are the Elephant Bath Pond,Cave of Nine Old Men,and the Hongchunping Mountain Glen.洗象池、九老洞、洪椿坪是峨眉山腹心之地,秀色所在,花木繁茂,绿树常荫。
11.Narrative Style with Feeling: A Study on the Tune Changing of Folk Song by Wang Zhixin声情并茂的叙事风格:王志信民歌改编曲研究
12.On the Artistic Characteristics and Transmission of Yi Ye’s Poetry--To the Memory of the 61st Anniversary of the Death of the Anti-Japanese Martyr Wang Yinnan;论一叶诗的艺术特色及诗学传承——纪念抗日烈士王荫南殉难61周年
13.Function of Series of Silt Arrester Dams to Detain Silt in Velley of Middle Reaches of the Yellow River--Taking Wangmau Valley as an Example黄河中游沟道流域淤地坝坝系拦沙作用分析——以王茂沟流域为例
14.On the Form of Life in Wang Meng’s Prose in the New Era;一棵火红繁茂的枫树——王蒙新时期散文的生命形态
15.The pretty Hofgarten at the north end of the Konigsallee offers a brief respite and, within the grounds, attempts have been made to pro-vide quiet pockets of greenery.国王林荫大道北端有漂亮的霍夫花园供人们小憩。 公园内已经尝试在僻静的小块区域种植草木。
16.As Palace go, I think the grandiose building facing down the mall is neither old or attractive.就王宫而言,我想这幢布朝林荫道的壮观建筑既谈不上古老也无吸引人之处。
17.A shaded, leafy recess;an arbor.凉亭,遮荫处一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处;凉亭
18."bower:a shaded, leafy recess; an arbor."凉亭,遮荫处:一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处;凉亭。

Wang Maoyin studies王茂荫研究
3)Wɑng Mɑoyin王茂荫(1798~1865)
4)Study on Wang Mevoyin s Writings王茂荫著述考述
5)A Study on Wang Maoyin's Family Injunction王茂荫家训考析
1.Analysis on the Benefit of Silt Dams for the Environment in Wangmaogou Catchment;王茂沟淤地坝坝系建设的生态环境效益分析
