弱人类中心主义,weak anthropocentrism
1)weak anthropocentrism弱人类中心主义
1.Hargrove s a weak anthropocentrism is rooted in Western thought together with the various ideas and philosophical positions that appear as aesthetic traditions,scientific interesting and natural history.哈格罗夫持弱人类中心主义的立场,以西方文明中的美学传统、18世纪博物学中形成的益趣为现代环境伦理思想的文化生长点,认为美是一种主观性的内在价值,具有善、存在等规定性,因而可在美的基础上为环境保护作本体论的辩护。
2.Western scholars identify anthropocentrism by two major types--strong anthropocentrism and weak anthropocentrism.归纳了人与自然关系理论上的人类中心主义的两种类型——强人类中心主义、弱人类中心主义,同时评述了麦基、古思瑞的强人类中心主义论点和诺顿、达琳、古德的弱人类中心主义观点。
2)weakened Doctrine of human centre弱化的人类中心主义
3)human centralism人类中心主义
1.On Modern Anthropocentrism and Human Centralism;以人为本与人类中心主义辨析
2.This article attempts to get a clearer idea of how does the ecological civilization inherit and transcend human centralism focusing the relationship between man and nature,and further puts forward the realistic pathway to realize the harmoniou development between man and nature.本文以人与自然关系为主线,试图从对人类中心主义的辩证认识入手,着力厘清生态文明对人类中心主义的继承和超越,并初步提出实现人与自然和谐发展的现实路径。
3.The arising of human centralism is the result that man conquers and remoulds the nature,and it reveals the contradiction of man and nature.人类中心主义的出现是人类征服自然和改造自然的结果,也显现了人与自然的矛盾。

1.The Synthesis of Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrisms;人类中心主义与非人类中心主义合议
2.A Discrimination between Anthropocerntrism and Anti-Anthropocerntrism;人类中心主义与非人类中心主义辩难
3.Beyond Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrism;超越人类中心主义和非人类中心主义
4.From "Anthropocentrism" to "Categorical Existentialism of Man"从“人类中心主义”到“人的类存在主义”
5.The Anthropocentrism is a capital-centrism in essence;人类中心主义的实质是资本中心主义
6.Review on the Debate Between Human Centralism and Non-human Centralism;对人类中心主义与非人类中心主义的反思
7.Marxist Visual Angle of Anti-Human-Centralism;马克思主义的“非人类中心主义”视角
8.The Anti-humanity of Anthropocentrism --A Study on W.H.Murdy s "Modern Anthropocentrism;论人类中心主义的反人类性——以W.H.墨迪的“现代的人类中心主义”为例
9.The Comparison Concerning the Outlooks of Value Between the Anthropocentrism and the Naturalism;人类中心主义与自然中心主义价值观的比较
10.The Relationship between Man and Nature: Human-centrism or Non-human-centrism;人与自然的关系:人类中心主义还是非人类中心主义
11.Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrism from View of Harmony;和谐观视野中的人类中心主义与非人类中心主义
12.Marxist Subject Philosophy of Practice and Anthropocentrism;马克思实践主体哲学与人类中心主义
13.From Conflict to Compatibility: the Compatibility of Anthropocentrism with Non-Anthropocentrism;从对抗走向兼容——“人类中心主义”对“非人类中心主义”的兼容
14.From Anthropocentrism to Non-anthropocentrism: A Perspective of Cultural Evolution;从人类中心主义到非人类中心主义:一个文化进化的观点
15.The Evaluation of the Argument between Anthropocentrism and Non-anthropocentrism;从价值论的角度看“人类中心主义”和非人类中心主义”之争
16.On the Dialectical Unity of Anthropocentrism and Non- anthropocentrism with the Views of Epistemology;从认识论看人类中心主义与非人类中心主义的辩证统一
17.Ecological Crisis,Anthropocentrism, and Human Nature;生态危机、人类中心主义和人的天性
18.The Rights and Wrongs of Anthropocentrism in Different Realms;人类中心主义在不同领域中的是与非

weakened Doctrine of human centre弱化的人类中心主义
3)human centralism人类中心主义
1.On Modern Anthropocentrism and Human Centralism;以人为本与人类中心主义辨析
2.This article attempts to get a clearer idea of how does the ecological civilization inherit and transcend human centralism focusing the relationship between man and nature,and further puts forward the realistic pathway to realize the harmoniou development between man and nature.本文以人与自然关系为主线,试图从对人类中心主义的辩证认识入手,着力厘清生态文明对人类中心主义的继承和超越,并初步提出实现人与自然和谐发展的现实路径。
3.The arising of human centralism is the result that man conquers and remoulds the nature,and it reveals the contradiction of man and nature.人类中心主义的出现是人类征服自然和改造自然的结果,也显现了人与自然的矛盾。
1.From the Perspectives of Ecological Marxism to Study the Plights of Non-anthropocentrism非人类中心主义的困境与出路——来自生态学马克思主义的启示
2.Environmental problems have triggered non-anthropocentrism's question to anthropocentrism.环境问题的出现,引发了“非人类中心主义”对“人类中心主义”的诘难。
3.Through the analysis of anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism drawback,the article discusses the concept and intension of sustainable development environment ethics.通过对人类中心主义和非人类中心主义的分析,阐述了可持续发展环境伦理观的概念及内涵,在对当今社会各层面进行考察的基础上,建立了一套以公正为核心的环境伦理模型,使之能够在社会的各个群体:个人、企业、政府内部都相应地得到推广,并使这种伦理观成为当代人类自律的一种规范,真正的实现环境的可持续发展。
1.In the traditional opinion, we consider everything from the point of humanism, however, there is disadvantage of lagging about the traditional profit that the law want to protect.传统人类中心主义法益观有被动滞后的弊端,而晚近生态中心主义法益观亦存在诸多无法回避的问题。
2.The discussion about the direction to the basic value of Economic Law almost covers a fact,which means,more or less,considering everything from the point of humanism.学界对经济法域内基本价值取向的探讨大都遮蔽了这样一个事实,即或多或少地持一种“人类中心主义”视角。
3.With the development of ethnics in which the focus switches from traditional humanism to ecologism, the problems as to animals rights and status in legal relation arose and need to be solved.随着环境伦理学的升华 ,即由传统的人类中心主义向生态中心主义的转变 ,动物的权利、动物在法律关系中的地位等问题也随之浮出水面 ,亟待学者们的探讨与解决。
1.Explanation and ethics-critique of disaster:self-examination and modification about anthropocentrism;自然灾害的释义及伦理省思——人类中心主义的反思和修正
2.The right comprehension of anthropocentrism;对人类中心主义发展观的重新解读
3.On the Recent Domestic Research Concerning Anthropocentrism;近年来国内学者关于人类中心主义研究述评
