个体利益,individual interest
1)individual interest个体利益
1.Whole social interest is the foundation domain of economic law which is always seriously misunderstood in the study of economic law as it has complicated association with both individual interest and state interest.因其与个体利益、国家利益之间的复杂关联 ,在以往经济法学的研究中被严重“误读”。
2.Under the market economy conditions,close attention must be paid to the tax-payer s individuality,and the tax-payer s individual interest must be respected and protected.在市场经济条件下 ,应关注纳税人的个性特征 ,尊重和保护纳税人的个体利益
3.The purpose of the Administrative Law is to regulate the conflict between the public interest and the individual interest,and to maximize the realization of public interest on the basis of the protection of individual interest.行政法的目的就是协调个体利益和公共利益之间的矛盾,在保护好个体利益的基础上实现公共利益的最大化。

1.Theoretical Basis of Modern Administrative Law;现代行政法的理论基础——公共利益与个体利益协调论
2.The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective.个人利益必须服从集体利益。
3.We should subordinate our personal interest to that of the collective.我们应该让个人利益服从集体利益。
4.The interest of the individual is bound up with that of the community.个人的利益是与集体的利益分不开的。
5."Subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collective to those of the states"眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益
6.The doctrine that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.个人利益至上主义认为个人的利益高于国家或集体利益的信念
7.On the question of distribution, we must take the interests of the state, the collective and the individual into account.在分配问题上,我们必须兼顾国家利益、集体利益和个人利益。
8.Country and collectivity decides individual freedom of action个体的自由只被允许在由国家利益,集体利益构成的大网中。
9.A group of people or of companies with the same interest有共同利益的一个群体或公司集团
10.Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests.个人主义思潮的盛行会危及集体利益。
11.We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.我们要兼顾国家,集体和个人的利益。
12.Interest Group and Collective Action: Literature Review;利益集团与集体行动:一个文献述评
13.Tax system reform basing on individual business interest基于个体工商户利益视角的税制改革
14.The union of two or more commercial interests or corporations.联合体两个或两个以上商业团体或利益的联合
15.The state protects the lawful rights and interests of the individual economy.国家保护个体经济的合法的权利和利益。
16.The renaissance person advocated individual value above the value of group.文艺复兴时期的人们提倡把个人的利益置于集体利益之上。
17.In this case study, the transactions within the company harm the majority of interested parties.在这个案例中,公司内部的交易伤害了大多数利益群体的利益……
18.To meet the needs of the whole, he never hesitated to sacrifice the interest of the part.为了党的整体利益,他总是毫不犹豫地牺牲个人和局部的利益,

individual interests个体利益
1.To value protect individual interests is the requirement of market economy.尊重和保护个体利益是市场经济的要求,在互利互惠中实现个体利益则是生产的社会化、专业化所决定的,促使经济主体通过互利实现个体利益的最有效的途径就是职业道德的建设,加强职业道德建设对规范和完善社会主义市场经济尤为重要,而我国加入WTO进一步强化了职业道德建设的紧迫性。
2.Corresponding to family interests,the matrimony basis of ancient society,the matrimony basis of modern China is individual interests,that is,the satisfaction of an individual s demands for marriage on aspects of physiology,material life,and emotional and spiritual life.与中国古代社会家族利益的婚姻基础相对应 ,现代中国的婚姻基础是个体利益 ,即个体对于婚姻在生理上、物质生活上、感情与精神生活上的要求与满足。
3)individual benefit个体利益
1.By unifying the urban planning and law,this article analyzed the reasons why there were contradictions between the public interests and the individual benefits,at last it gave some solutions.在城市化发展的中期阶段,城市的扩张性与资源的稀缺性之间的矛盾日益突出,引发了现实生活中的各种矛盾,其中最突出的就是公共利益与个体利益之间的矛盾冲突。
4)security for individual interest个体利益保护
5)personal interest个人利益
1.The prob- lems of harmonious relationship between public interest and personal interest are the key to build a harmonious society.公共利益与私人利益的和谐问题是构建和谐社会的关键,文中对二者关系现状进行了分析,并对如何处理好公共利益和个人利益的关系提出了解决之道。
2.Accordingly, personal interest prohibits knowledge sharing while personal efficacy promotes knowledge sharing.以组织内知识共享为研究对象,借鉴经济学中公共物品理论,将组织内知识共享作为一种特殊的公共物品贡献行为,提出对个人利益的考虑将阻碍知识共享而个人功效感能够促进知识共享,进而提出团队工作以及信任度将通过对个人利益和个人功效感的作用影响知识共享行为。
3.In face of the divergent definitions of public interest,it is a must to extract the basic elements and reveal their relationships between public interest,governmental interest and personal interest in order to grasp the gist of public interest.在众说纷纭的公共利益面前,提炼出公共利益的基本要素,揭示其与政府利益、个人利益的关系是准确把握公共利益的精义所在。
6)Individual benefits个人利益
1.It also introduces Deng Xiaoping′s creative construction of the theory which studies human beings from concrete and historical viewpoint and which attaches importance to individual benefits.在分析了这一预言所基的历史原因 ,并简述了旧模式下集体主义的负面效应后 ,阐述了邓小平同志为了把个人从虚幻的极左的集体主义中解脱出来 ,坚持用具体的历史的观点研究人 ,重视个人利益 ,进行了创造性理论构建。
2.On the other hand,it should be integrated with laws,govermmental means and economic work to make people achieve their individual benefits by lawful means.思想政治工作一方面要耐心细致 ,以人们的切身利益为出发点 ,调动人们的积极性 ;另一方面又要“硬”起来 ,要结合法律手段、管理手段和经济工作去做 ,使人们通过正当途径实现个人利益。

十种利益──慈忍十种利益【十种利益──慈忍十种利益】  ﹝出月灯三昧经﹞  慈即爱念,忍即安忍。谓修菩萨行者,于一切违顺等境,皆能慈忍,故获此十种利益也。  [一、火不能烧],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切违逆之境,了知身心自性本空,悉无所恼,是以嗔恚之火,所不能烧也。  [二、刀不能割],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切横逆之境,了知自身体性空寂,悉无所畏,是以嗔恚利刀,所不能割也。  [三、毒不能中],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,人或有所加害,了知身心本空,不以为意,是以贪嗔毒药,所不能中也。  [四、水不能漂],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切顺情之境,了知诸法本空,悉无所染,是以贪爱之水,所不能漂也。  [五、为非人护],非人,即鬼神之类。谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切时处,鬼神之类,悉皆护卫也。  [六、身相庄严],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,爱念于人,是以能感色身相好庄严之报也。  [七、闭诸恶道],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,成就善法,是以恶道之门,自然闭而不开也。  [八、随乐梵天],梵天,即色界初禅天也。谓修菩萨行者,慈忍具足,梵行无亏,故报尽命终,随其意乐,而得生于梵天也。  [九、昼夜常安],谓修菩萨行者,常行慈忍之心,利益有情,而不恼害,故得身心寂静,昼夜常安也。  [十、不离喜乐],谓修菩萨行者,常怀慈忍之心,利益众生,令其各获安隐,是以自之身心,亦不离于喜乐也。