社会良知,social conscience
1)social conscience社会良知
1.The viewpoint that intellectuals are characterized by embodying "social conscience" and bearing the weight of humanity values is a representative answer to that question.以体现"社会良知"、承载人类价值作为知识分子的特性的观点,是对这两个问题的一种有代表性的回答。

1.Absence of Social Conscience in Contemporary Literature;当下文学中作家社会良知的严重缺失
2.Put in Play Restraint of Social Conscience on Capital Power Review of OECD Code on Corporate Governance 2004;启动社会良知对资本权力的制约——简评2004版《OECD公司治理准则》
3.The film digs into the AIDS issue, using dictation to cut into sensitive but pertinent questions and calling for social conscience of caring the weak.用口述实录的方式直面爱滋病问题,并深刻切中问题的要害,呼唤社会良知共同关注弱势群体。
4.Matthew Arnold-A Moral Conscience in the Transitional Era;马修·阿诺德—英国社会转型时期的道德良知
5.Knowledge,Conscience and Logos Spirit--Three-Dimensions of University Ideology Education and Its Meaning to Harmonious Society;知识、良知与理性精神——大学教育的本质及其对和谐社会的意义
6.People who put their wealth into foundations can become known for their social good works.把自己的财富放入基金会,可以得知其良好的社会信誉。
7.Therefore the aim of spreading sponsors fame is realized, and these enterprises will have good social reputation!从而达到传播赞助企业品牌的目的,为企业营造良好的社会知名度、美誉度创造良好的机会!
8.Such a society should never allow again that there should be prisoners of conscience nor that any person's human rights should be violated.再也不允许出现那种社会:良知被禁锢,人权遭践踏。
9.Unifying Knowledge with Behavior,Cultivating Good Teachers to Serve Society-Annotation of Education Philosophy by Taiyuan Normal University;行知统一、造就良师、服务社会——太原师范学院办学理念的诠释
10.The Mechanism of Cultivation Students Good Competition by Physical Education in Implicit Social Cognition;内隐社会认知视角下的攻击性与学生良性竞争的培养
11.Ants have a well organized society.蚂蚁有组织良好的社会。
12.dogood schemes改良社会的空想方案
13.Fostering healthy social conduct.树立良好的社会风尚。
14.Create a society with high ethical standards; foster healthy social conduct形成良好的社会风尚
15.Foundation of Positive Interactions between the Nation and the Society;社会资本:国家与社会良性互动的基础
16.Further efforts should be made to create in the whole Party and society a favorable atmosphere where there is respect for knowledge and talent and outstanding people can easily come to the fore.进一步在全党全社会形成尊重知识、尊重人才,促进优秀人才脱颖而出的良好风气。
17.a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;或者改良改良社会让世界变得更美更美;
18.On Adverse Effects and Countermeasures of Social Bad Culture to College Students论社会不良文化对大学生的不良影响及其对策

Watch a Social Conscience of Society守护社会良知
3)Conscience in the Harsh Reality冷漠社会中的良知
4)social improvement社会改良
1.It proves that Shakespeare expressed the social improvement thought of kindness overcoming crime, love overcoming hate at his old age’s writing.论证了莎士比亚在后期剧创作中,充分表达了那种以善化恶,以爱化仇的社会改良思想。
5)social reform社会改良
1.On Chen Du-xiu's Ideas about Social Reform试论陈独秀的社会改良思想
2.Although they each lived in societies two thousand years apart, both have many similarities regarding social background and thoughts on social reformation.二者虽相距两千多年,但他们所处的时代背景以及社会改良方面的思想却有诸多的相似之处。
3.The Journal of the Association publicized female liberation thoughts from two aspects: females and political revolution and social reform,which had positive function for social reform in China.中国留日女学生会的会刊《留日女学会杂志》从妇女与政治改革和社会改良两个方面着力宣传妇女解放思想,对中国社会变革发挥了积极作用。
6)social conscience社会良心
1.This article analyses the thoughts of academic freedom in the Brubacher s "On the Philosophy of Higher Education",and thinks that university should have the critical consciousness and critical character,but its critical character is the result of the academic freedom of the university and the role of intelligentsia as the social conscience.本文通过对布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》中关于学术自由理念的阐述的分析,得出了大学所应具有的批判意识和批判品格,而其批判品格的获得,是通过大学知识分子的学术自由和担当的社会良心的角色来实现的。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决