乐感,sense of music
1)sense of music乐感
1.Briefly on the sense of music in accordion instruction;浅谈手风琴乐感的培养训练
2.Based on 4 study methods including literature review,investigation and logical analysis,from the angle of psychology,and in view of the factors which affect body performance in the body-shape course of female students,four training methods including sense of beauty,sense of music,mentality and expression are applied in the teaching process.文章以文献资料法、问卷调查法以及数理分析法为基础进行实验研究,从心理学的角度出发,针对形体课中女大学生表现力的影响因素,运用了美感、乐感、心理和表情四种训练法进行教学。
3.The sense of music is the inner facfor for dance, and it determines the performance of dance.乐感是舞蹈的内部环境,是再创作的灵感,是与舞蹈无法割裂开来的且具有必然联系的真实表现。

1.The Israel Philharmonic were in awe of the music.以色列爱乐乐团对这音乐感到了敬畏。
2.Music interest,music sense and music theory --on how to teach an electronic musical instrument;乐趣 乐感 乐理——电子琴技能训练探略
3.On Dance Sensation,Music Sensation and Synesthesia-also on Emotion,Aesthetic Perception and Inspiration;试论舞感、乐感及其通感——兼谈情感、美感和灵感
4.Jim cares about nothing but music.吉姆只对音乐感兴趣。
5.are you interested in music?你对音乐感兴趣吗?
6.Are you interested in listening to classical music at all?你对古典音乐感兴趣吗?
7.a keen musical sense; a good sense of timing.他有音乐感,有绝对音准。
8.People say @Happy Thanksgiving!@ to each other.人们互相说“感恩节快乐”。
9." Coca-Cola" --- you can't beat the feeling.“可口可乐”挡不住的感觉。
10.Are you interested in musicals?你对音乐剧感兴趣吗?
11.To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.使…感到狂喜、快乐或满意
12.make happy or satisfied.使感到快乐或者满意。
13.But you have a good understanding of music.可你对音乐的感悟很好。
14.He was remarkably susceptible to music.他对音乐敏感得出奇。
15.Music is an expression of the people.音乐是人类情感的表达。
16.Just wild about the new music.对于新音乐大感兴趣
17.I'm interested in electric music.我对电子音乐很感兴趣
18.I'm interested in music.我对音乐很感兴趣。

musical sense乐感
1.Therefore, gaining musical sense will have an effect of getting twice the result with half the effort for musicians to learn music and to conduct various music activities, and bring more vigor and glamour to music art.乐感 ,即对音乐的感觉 ,被许多有经验的音乐老师及演奏家、作曲家、指挥家喻为“乐者的灵魂”。
2.But musical sense is the perfect combination of skill and sensibility, which is the soul of musical performance.音乐表演,绝不仅仅是纯技巧的显现,技巧是载体,情感才是目的,而乐感,正是技巧与情感完美结合的表达,是音乐表演的灵魂。
3.The musical sense of poems comes from the expression of sentiment and emotion, and the rhythmic move of the mind.诗歌是心与物的复合体,诗歌的乐感来自情感的宣泄、心灵的律动,画意来自物象的自我呈现。
3)music sense乐感
1.Music interest,music sense and music theory --on how to teach an electronic musical instrument;乐趣 乐感 乐理——电子琴技能训练探略
2.It`s different from the natural music sense,which needs more practice and training.乐感是钢琴弹奏艺术的灵魂 ,是对音乐的感受与表达的内在涵义的深刻表现 ,是钢琴弹奏的关键性因素之一 ,是技术与感受、理解的融合 ,这种有别于自然状态的乐感需要天赋 ,更需要培
1.Development of White-collar Happiness Questionnaire中国白领快乐感问卷的编制
2.Methods General Self-Efficacy Scale,Life Satisfaction Scale and Happiness Scale were used for examining 218 impoverished students and 216 non-impoverished students.方法采用一般自我效能感量表、生活满意度量表、快乐感量表,对218名贫困生和216名非贫困生进行测查。
3.A comparison of the relationship of happiness and social support between outdoor and indoor workers was evaluated by using questionnaire.以测绘人员为例,通过量表法对外业人员与普通内业人员的快乐感和社会支持进行的比较研究表明,快乐感和社会支持在测绘行业的被试中表现出更高的相关。
5)Music perception音乐感知
1.So far as we know, we still not sure that the music perception ability has its own plasticity.音乐是探究人脑高级认知能力的有效窗口,目前有关人类音乐感知能力是否具有神经可塑性的研究还具争论。
6)music emotion音乐情感
1.Main melody is the basis of music emotion automatic detection by computer,as it contains the most important information about emotion.音乐的主旋律包含了最主要的情感信息,是人们研究计算机自动识别音乐情感的基础。
2.The possibility of the application of hermeneutics in music psychology research is clarified through defining basic music context structure in terms of music psychology phenomenon,such as music emotion,music forms and music ideas,as well as the analysis is on interpretation restore(li.本文以“音乐作为人类一种有目的的活动”为基本前提,通过确立“音乐情感”、“音乐形态”以及“音乐意念”为音乐心理现象的基本语境结构,以对人类音乐活动中“解释学复原”(聆听、体验和感悟)和“解释学创意”(创意、表演、创作和反思)的剖析,来阐明解释学应用于音乐心理研究的可能性。
3.Music is the most effective form which expressing the people s intrinsic emotion, rhythm is the important form which expressing the music emotion.音乐是表达人类固有情感的最有效形式 ,节奏则是表达音乐情感的重要形式。
