伦理功能,Ethical Function
1)Ethical Function伦理功能
1.Brief Analysis of the Ethical Function of Traditional Architecture——Study of an Ancient Town, Tongli;浅析传统建筑的伦理功能——从同里古镇看起
2.Non-government organization,which is a social organization with ethical spirit,performs an important ethical function in promoting the construction of rural civilization.非政府组织是一种富有伦理精神的社会组织,在推动乡风文明建设中具有重要的伦理功能
3.The ethical function of biographies is an important part of biographical ethics.传记的伦理功能是传记伦理的一项重要内容 ,传记家认为 ,传记应该对人们的道德产生某种好的影响。

1.Transmutation of Yijing and its Ethical Functions;论《易经》的嬗变及其伦理功能的产生
2.The Ethics Function of Jinzhong House Building in Ming and Qing Dynasty;从明清时期晋中大院看建筑的伦理功能
3.On Social Ethics Functions of the Image of Supernormal Old Persons in Chinese Folktales;民间故事中智慧老人形象的社会伦理功能
4.The Stady of the Political and Ethical Function of Government Credit Development in Transformation Period;论转型期政府信用建设的政治伦理功能
5.On morality of the governmentsystems and their ethical functions in economic operation;论经济运行中政府制度德性及其伦理功能
6.Based on the New Period to Resolve Social Contradictions of the Economic Ethics Function基于社会矛盾化解的经济伦理功能研究
7.The Social Function of Environmental Ethics in the Sustainable Development;环境伦理在可持续发展中的社会功能
8.Ecological Ethic:Culture-Function-Ethical Attention to the Edging People;生态伦理:文化·功能·边缘化关注
9.Harmonious Ethics of Cultural Administration in Today s Chinese City Living Community;当代中国城市社区文化管理伦理的和谐功能
10.The Ethical Theory of "Function-Virtue" in Old Greece and Its Modern Meaning;古希腊“功能—美德”伦理理论及其现代意义
11.Analysis and Study on the Literatures on Functions of Hospital Ethics Committee;对论及医院伦理委员会功能之论文的分析研究
12.On the Cultural Characteristics and Purposes of Ethics and Morals of Bai Nationality Family;白族家庭伦理道德的文化特征与功能阐释
13.On Self Ethical Regulation--Discussion on Psychological Health Care of Self Ethic Regulation;论自我的伦理调节——兼论自我道德规范的心理保健功能
14.The Function about the Ideology of Human Capital--Revelation from Weber s Proposition;论新教伦理意识形态人力资本的经济功能——“韦伯命题”的启示
15.Special Essence of Religious Ethics and its Complex Function Conditioned On Socialism;论社会主义条件下宗教伦理的特殊本质及其多重复杂功能
16.The national traditional sports humane intension the function of ethics education;民族传统体育的人文内涵及其伦理教育功能研究
17.Ethnic, Social, Ethical and Educational Functions of the Gelos Folk Custom "Kujia"(Crying at Wedding) in Daozhen;浅析道真仡佬族“哭嫁”民俗的民族社会伦理道德教育功能
18.departure from what is ethically acceptable.伦理上不能接受的东西。

Ethics function伦理功能
1.The main body of a book keep a foothold in such background, the impact of the ethics function choosing a building over person mental outlook is an object .本文立足于这样的背景,选取建筑的伦理功能对人精神风貌的影响为研究对象,研究其理论基础和现实状况。
3)ethical functions伦理功能
1.On morality of the governmentsystems and their ethical functions in economic operation;论经济运行中政府制度德性及其伦理功能
2.This paper reviews ethical functions of biographies from the view- point of the history of biography,and examines some ethical issues about modern biographies.本文从传记史的角度对传记伦理功能进行了考察,并对当代传记伦理论争的若干个案进行了探讨,认为在20世纪,由于社会伦理观念的变迁以及精神分析对传记的介入等因素,传记伦理经历了一个转向,即现代传记的侧重点从对抽象的人性之"善"的有意追求转向对具体的人性之 "真"的深度探索;另一方面,优秀的传记作品对传主人生探索又总是建立在对人性弊病的同情与理解的基础上,这传达出更为深沉复杂的伦理情感和伦理诉求,是对传统传记伦理功能的深化。
4)Ethical function of architecture建筑伦理功能
5)social ethics functions社会伦理功能
6)educational ethical function教育伦理功能
1.The educational ethical function is the function that enables education to meet the demands of people and social development.教育的伦理功能是教育满足人和社会发展需要的功用性,教育伦理功能与人的社会化同步展开,人的社会化过程同时是接受教育的过程,人社会化的内容,对人的道德也是一种养成过程,而人的社会化过程也是教育伦理功能实现的途径。

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]