伦理辩护,ethical justification
1)ethical justification伦理辩护

1.Ethical Arguments on Principles of Higher Education in Contemporary China;当代中国高等教育若干理念及其伦理辩护
2.On Defense Attorney s Ethics: From the Viewpoint of Loyal Duty;辩护律师的伦理:以忠诚义务为视点
3.From the Intellective Vindication of Ethics to the Ethical Critique of Knowledge;由知识对伦理的辩护到伦理对知识的批判——论知识的伦理价值
4.Advocacy for Induced Abortion from the Point of View of Feminist Care Ethics女性主义关怀伦理视阈下对人工流产的辩护
5.Hargrove s Aesthetic Ontological Argument for Environmental Ethics;论哈格罗夫对环境伦理所作的美本体论辩护
6.A Justification for Making Life--The Ethical Arguments on Synthetic Biology为制造生命辩护——有关合成生物学的伦理争论
7.A Study of Contemporary Virtue Ethics:The Justification and Defense of Ethical Diversity;当代美德伦理学研究:关于伦理多样性的论证与辩护
8.God s Hand --How can the biotechnology with high risk of morality get the justification from ethics and theology;上帝之手——高道德风险的生命技术何以从伦理学与神学获得辩护
9.in vindication of...辩护 [拥护] …
10.She was ready to find excuses for him.她替他找辩护的理由。
11.McLennan defended his theory in a new edition of Primitive Marriage(Studies in Ancient History, I876).麦克伦南在《原始婚姻》的新版(《古代史研究》1876年版)中起而为自己的理论辩护。
12.Systematic ethics, with regard to its connotation, is a dialectic unity of ethicalization of systems and systemization of the ethics.制度伦理就其内涵而言是制度伦理化和伦理制度化的辩证统一。
13.Dialectic Thinking of Medical Research and Ethics;医学科研与医学科研伦理的辩证思考
14.The Issue of Legalization of Euthanasia From the Ethical Angle;伦理学视角下安乐死合法化问题辩难
15.Analysing Classic Ethics Energy of Adjusting and Controlling in Countryside Market Economy;农村市场经济下传统伦理调控力辩证
16.The Transcendence from Negative Dialectics to Environmental Ethics从否定的辩证法到环境伦理学的超越
17.Nursing Aesthetics in "Nursing Ethics" Teaching护理美学在《护理伦理学》教学中的应用
18.On the Unity of Burgher Society s Ethics and National Ethics;市民社会伦理与国家伦理的辩证统一——兼与张博颖同志商榷

The Ethics Defend on Efficiency效率的伦理辩护
3)In Defense of River Ethics为河流伦理辩护
4)Justify the Right to Health Care医疗权的伦理辩护
5)psychology in defence辩护心理
6)Nursing ethics护理伦理
1.Nursing ethics is the guarantee of the implement of new nursing model need,and the aesthetic affection is the effective way to realize the uniform of nursing ethics and nursing aesthetics.从伦理学视野研究护理审美价值的意义,体现在护理美学和护理伦理学在对功利和社会效益的认识上是一致的;新护理模式的实施需要护士的人道伦理意识加以保证;引入审美情感机制,是实现护理道德与护理审美统一的有效途径;寻求护理伦理与护理审美的统一是护理美学发展的理论诉求。
2.In this paper,the causes of the contradiction between nurses and international patients in the hospitals of higher educational institutes concerning foreign affairs are analyzed,the requirements for nursing ethics discussed,and some specific.通过分析涉外高校医院中护患矛盾产生的原因,探讨护理伦理的要求,从而提出高校护理人员应采取的伦理措施。
3.To implement contemporary nursing ethics,there are some problems in the clinical nursing such as neglecting multi-cultural nursing,which can not serve patients with great humanity and can not completely recognize and safeguard the rights of patients.在临床护理实践中,要落实当代护理伦理职责尚存在不少问题,例如忽视多元文化护理、关爱与人性化服务不够以及不能充分认识和维护患者的权利。
