羞愧感,Sense of shame
1)Sense of shame羞愧感
1.This study examines 180 10-12 year-old children s understanding traits of shame,which shows :(1) 10-12 year-old children have possessed the ability to produce sense of shame,only that there are some age differences in the depth of their understanding.本研究考查了180名10—12岁儿童羞愧感理解的特点。
2.The moral sense of shame,like general moral regulations,can not be separated from the inner feeling of the subject.而同情心、羞愧感和内疚感构成的"情意丛",作为耻道德的情感内驱力,为耻道德的产生提供了内在心理机制上的担保。

1.He who can feel ashamed will not readily go wrong.能有羞愧感的人不易堕落。
2.Shamefaced or guilty.羞愧的,感到有罪的
3.She felt shame after she told the lie.她撒谎后感到羞愧。
4.Carrie was ashamed, and Drouet aggrieved.嘉莉感到羞愧,杜洛埃感到委屈。
5.He felt no shame and no regret.他既不感到羞愧也不感到遗憾。
6.The girl was ashamed of her humble background.这个女孩对自己卑微的出身感到羞愧。
7.so it is right that other people should participate in my shame,别人理应同我一样感到羞愧。
8.He was covered with shame at his failure .他对增进的失败感到很羞愧。
9.a feeling of shame when you do something immoral.做坏事之后的羞愧的感情。
10.She was ashamed of her humble background.她对自己卑微的出身感到羞愧。
11.shame sB. for his ill conduct使某人为自己的劣迹而感到羞愧
12.He Blushed at his friend's Bad manners他的朋友举止不雅,他为此感到羞愧。
13.Speak the truth and shame the devil说真话可使魔鬼感到羞愧
14.I blush to think of such conduct.想起这样的行为,我感到羞愧。
15.Because of he does not answer it, he feel bashful.他因回答不出而感到羞愧难当。
16.She felt great shame at having failed the exam.她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧。
17.She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。
18.She feels shame at failing in the exam.她因考试失败而感到羞愧。

1.The experimental study shows that the beginning of shame is related to children s understanding of morals,and the complete course of children s growth in the future can never be separated from this understanding of morals.羞愧感是一种深刻的社会情感,它与人的个性道德认识有密切的联系。
2.As a method of socialization, shame technique is used by parents to make their children feel shame and follow rules.羞愧感,又称羞耻感,和骄傲、内疚一样,是构成自我意识情感的重要部分。
3)He was/felt mortified.他深感羞愧.
4)She ought to be ashamed of herself.她应当感到羞愧。
5)He felt a flush of shame.他感到一阵羞愧。
6)I am ashamed for you.我替你感到羞愧。
