道德要求,Moral requirement
1)Moral requirement道德要求
1.A factual analysis will reveal the contradiction between the unconditional moral requirement of students and the students conditional moral behavior in the current schools as aresult of which the internal tension in the school moral education has been caused.通过事实分析可以揭示出现行学校教育中对学生的道德要求的无条件性与学生道德行为发生的有条件性之间的矛盾,以及由此而导致的学校道德教育的内在紧张,调整对学生的道德要求,可以使之具有一定的张力与真正的合理性,从而在道德教育实践中发挥有效的导向作用。
2.This paper expounds the moral responsibilities and moral requirements of the library from six aspects,and points out that the morality is an inherent attribute of the library.从6个方面阐述了图书馆的道德责任及道德要求,指出道德是图书馆的固有属性。

1.Integration of political requirements and moral requirements in college students personality education;大学生人格教育中政治要求与道德要求的统一
2.Religion and morality enjoin this conduct.宗教和道德要求这种行为。
3.Requirement of Ethics and Learners Ethics Cultivation in Modern Distance Education;论现代远程教育的伦理道德要求及学习者的伦理道德培养
4.Thoughts on requirements of professional ethic for innovatively pragmatic talents;对创新型实用人才职业道德要求的思考
5.Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts;我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。
6.Unconditional Moral Requirement and Conditional Moral Behavior--The Internal Tension in the School Moral Education;无条件的道德要求与有条件的道德行为——学校道德教育的一种内在紧张
7.Diligence in The Moral Requirement for the University Study on One of Essential Morality of Moden College Students;勤勉是大学学习的道德要求——简论当代大学生应有的基本德性之二
8.The humanity that cares for nature itself contains the moral demands for kind treatments to natural objects.关爱自然界之人性本身就蕴涵着人要善待自然存在物的道德要求
9.Towards a Moral Education Based upon the Language of Rights and Minimum Moral Demands;以“权利语言与最低要求道德”为核心的道德教育
10.A: Insisting to behave under legal requirements and ethic standards.坚持按法律要求和道德标准行事。
11.Ethical Demand and the Professional Moral of Teachers;浅议新时期教师职业道德和伦理要求
12.Requine ments for the Moral Quality of the Cross-Century Leaders;浅议跨世纪领导干部的道德素质要求
13.a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters.只要求物质财富,不关心精神或道德利益。
14.Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies?这样的问题是否要求我们发展新的道德哲学?
15.Strengthening the Ideological and Moral Construction Is the Urgent Need of Preventing Commercial Bribery;加强思想道德建设是预防商业贿赂的迫切要求
16.Coexistence of Economy with Morality :Inexorable Demand of Harmonious Development of Society;经济与道德的共存是社会和谐发展的必然要求
17.Abreast of the time-requirement for efficiency of morality education in colleges and universities;合时代性是高校道德教育的实效性要求
18.An Analysis of Zhuxi s Strict Requirement of Emperorship Moral Qualification and Competence;朱熹对皇帝职位道德素质能力严格要求探析

Moral request道德要求
3)moral requirements道德要求
1.Integration of political requirements and moral requirements in college students personality education;大学生人格教育中政治要求与道德要求的统一
4)research ethics demands学术道德要求
5)minimum moral demand最低要求道德
6)basic moral requirement基本道德要求

发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利:承包人应当按照合同的约定做好开工前的准备工作,负责作好施工场地的平整,施工界区内用水、用电、道路、以及临时设施的施工:编制施工组织设计或施工方案;按照约定作好材料和设备的采购、供应和管理;向发包人提供应由发包人供应的材料、设备的计划,承包人应按照合同约定的开工日期按时开工。在施工中,承包人须严格按照施工图及说明书进行施工,承包人不按照施工图和说明书施工而造成工程质量不符合合同约定条件的,应当负责无偿修理或者返工。《民法》第一版 第515页 魏振瀛 北京大学出版社