阿格妮丝·赫勒,Agnes Heller
1)Agnes Heller阿格妮丝·赫勒
1.A Study of Agnes Heller's Thoughts on Aesthetic Modernity;阿格妮丝·赫勒审美现代性思想研究

1.A Study of Agnes Heller's Thoughts on Aesthetic Modernity;阿格妮丝·赫勒审美现代性思想研究
2.On Agnes Heller s Theory of Imaginary Institution in Modernity;论阿格妮丝·赫勒的现代性想象制度理论
3.Agnes Miller was one of the earliest well-known leaders of the women's liberation movement in the United States.阿格妮丝?米勒是美国著名的早期妇女解放运动的领导人之一。
4.Out of Illusion on the Philosophy of History-Comments on Agnes Heller's Thought of Post-Marxism走出历史哲学的幻象——阿格尼丝·赫勒后马克思主义思想评析
5.AL-KHATIB, Abdel Ilah阿卜杜勒·伊拉赫·哈蒂卜
6.Denise Levertov was born in Ilford, Essex, England in 1923.德妮丝?勒富尔托夫1923年出生于英格兰埃塞克斯郡的尤佛德区。
7.Argus asked Hermes to play his pipes again.阿格斯要赫密斯再吹笛。
8.St. Helena (Incl. Ascension, etc.)圣赫勒拿岛和阿森松岛等
9.Agnes used the name Rusty Knails as her pen name.艾格妮丝使用的笔名是Rusty Knails。
10.It was in 1934 that I met Agnes Smedley.我是在1934年认识艾格妮丝·史沫特莱的。
11.On May 6, Agnes Smedley died.五月六日,艾格妮丝·史沫特莱与世长辞。
12.Heavy Flight --Different Interpretations on Agnes Gray;沉重的飞翔——对《艾格妮丝·格雷》的不同阐释及其他
13.At this time in Shanghai Agnes was involved in many things.这一时期的艾格妮丝在上海插手的活动极多。
14.An Analysis and Comparison between the Personalities of Jane and Denis;水火相融——简爱与黛妮丝的性格分析与比较
15.They find Mr. Green's secretary, Ruth Taylor,他们看到格林先生的秘书露丝?泰勒,
16.How are you, Melanie?梅勒妮,你好吗? ?
17.Yossarian was unmoved by the fustian charade of the burial ceremony(Joseph Heller)约萨仁丝毫不为葬礼上浮夸的象征性仪式所激动(约瑟夫 赫勒)
18.Yossarian was unmoved by the fustian charade of the burial ceremony(bJoseph Heller)约萨仁丝毫不为葬礼上浮夸的象征性仪式所激动(b约瑟夫 赫勒)

3)Abdul Rahmman (?~约1740)阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼
4)Aleppo silk阿勒颇生丝
5)Allegheny series阿勒格尼统
6)Herbig-Haro flow赫比格-阿罗流

阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼  阿富汗诗人。出身贫苦,生平事迹不详。著有《拉赫曼巴巴诗集》("巴巴"是对长者的尊称),在普什图文学史上与胡什哈尔汗齐名,被誉为普什图文学的先驱。他的诗大部分是爱情诗,情调忧郁悲怆。当时阿富汗处在莫卧儿帝国统治之下,诗人借这种形式来表达对祖国的热爱和对侵略者的痛恨。他的很多诗句长期在人民口头流传。著名诗篇有《盛着爱情琼浆的酒坛》、《美人儿并不需要我》和《爱情的来信》等。