社会幸福,social happiness
1)social happiness社会幸福
1.But in the course of observance, the personal happiness may conflict with the social happiness.但是在守法过程中,社会幸福和个体幸福有可能会发生冲突。

1.A New Viewing Angle on Well-Being A Description of Social Well-Being;幸福感研究新视角——社会幸福感概述
2.The Sociological Analysis on the SWB Level of College Students影响大学生主观幸福感的社会学分析
3.Is unacquainted with dog &chicken, is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal.鸡犬相闻,是农业社会一直的幸福理想。
4.The Study of Subjective Well-being of Urban Residents from Sociological View in Nanjing;社会学视野下的城市居民幸福感研究
5.The Pursuit of Happiness in Education;社会控制论视角下的教育与幸福研究
6.A Review on the Research of the Influence of Social Support on Subjective Well-being;社会支持与主观幸福感关系研究综述
7.Human development,harmonious society and Chinese happiness index;人的发展·和谐社会与国民幸福指数
8.The Influence of Social Support on College Students Subjective Well-being;社会支持对大学生主观幸福感的影响
9.A study on self-esteem,social supports and subjective happiness of nursing students护生自尊与社会支持、主观幸福感研究
10.Analysis of Chinese's happiness and the Harmonious society constructs略论中国人的幸福观与和谐社会建设
11.Under Socialism Harmonious Society Angle of View Happy Index Research;社会主义和谐社会视角下的幸福指数研究
12.It would only destroy her happiness, and degrade her in the public estimation.那只会破坏她的幸福,有损于她在社交界的声望。
13.This article believed that, individual and society's ultimate objective only can be a happiness.本文认为,个人和社会的终极目标只能是幸福。
14.Only in socialist countries can the people lead a happy life.只有在社会主义国家,人民才能过上幸福的生活。
15.Researches on Current Status of Mid-School Students Subjective Well-being and Social Support between the Coastal Area and the Interior;两地中学生主观幸福感及社会支持现状调查
16.Relationship among College Students Social Support, Mental Healthy and Subjective Well-being;大学生社会支持、心理健康与主观幸福感的关系
17.The Influence of Social Comparison and Locus of Control Towards Adolescent Subjective Well-being;社会比较与控制源对青少年幸福感的影响
18.Study on Influence of Senior High School Students Social Support to Subjective Well-being;高中生社会支持对主观幸福感的影响研究

Social Well-Being社会幸福感
1.A New Viewing Angle on Well-Being A Description of Social Well-Being;幸福感研究新视角——社会幸福感概述
2.Based on the new development of research,the article interprets and reconstructs the concept of sense of well-being,and concludes that well-being is the integration of subjective well-being,psychological well-being and social well-being,and their alignment is inevit.笔者分析了主观幸福感的概念模型、贡献以及局限,并根据研究新进展对幸福感概念进行了新的解读和建构,认为幸福感是主观幸福感、心理幸福感、社会幸福感的统一,走向整合是必然趋势。
3.After subjective well-being and psychological well-being,Keyes put forward the theory of social well-being,constituting the third camp of well-being theory.继主观幸福感、心理幸福感后,Keyes提出了社会幸福感理论,构成幸福感理论第三阵营。
3)social happiness degree社会幸福度
4)Social status happiness社会身份的幸福
1.This article,from the crosswise angle of view,divides happiness into four levels: physiological happiness,the stable happiness,Social status happiness,the true and the good and the beauty happiness.生理的幸福是最低层的幸福,依次经历稳定的幸福、社会身份的幸福,最后是最高层次的幸福真善美的幸福。
6)social well-being questionnaire社会幸福感问卷

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决