知情同意原则,informed consent
1)informed consent知情同意原则
1.In this article , we will propose four principles autonomy, nonmaleficence, informed consent and justice as the basic principles .根据网络主体道德活动方式的特点可知 ,网络伦理的基本原则应当主要包括无害原则 ,自主原则 ,知情同意原则和公正原

1.Ethical Analysis on Carrying Out the Principle of Informed Consent in Clinic;临床上贯彻知情同意原则的伦理难题分析
2.The Principle and its Related Factors of Informed Consent in Psychological Counseling and Therapy;心理咨询和治疗的知情同意原则及其影响因素
3.Principle of Informed Consent in American Law and Speculation on Legislation of Law in our Country;论美国法中的知情同意原则及我国的立法思考
4.Research on the Current Principal of Informed Consent in Doctor-patient Relationship我国当前医患关系中知情同意原则的伦理研究
5.Informed Consent and Exceptions on the Legal Relationship of Physician-patient论医患法律关系中的知情同意原则及其例外
6.On some issues concerning the doctrine of informed consent and medical negligence liability: a case report;知情同意原则下医疗过失损害赔偿责任的几个问题——从一起患者知情同意纠纷案说起
7.Response of Patent Law to the Principle of Informed Consent;知情同意原则的专利法回应——生物材料使用者的揭示义务
8.The Confrontation between Libertarian and Life Value:An Ethical Study on Generalization of Principle of Informed Consent in Psychiatry意志自由与生命价值的对峙——精神医学领域知情同意原则泛化的伦理分析
9.Exploring the Informed Consent through Tracing the Origination and the Development;从知情同意原则的历史渊源和发展轨迹看其所保护之权利及其性质
10.Breach of the doctrine of informed consent:medical judgment?是否违反“知情同意”法则是医学判断吗?
11.A Right of Health Service Dlient: Relevant Information Need and Provision.;临床知情同意准则确立的伦理和法律意义
12.Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.在任何情况下我们也不会同意这一原则。
13.On Medical Informed Consent Document and Informed Consent Process;对知情同意书和知情同意过程的探讨
14.On the"Consent"in the Principle of Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights;论知识产权权利穷竭原则中的“同意”规则——以欧盟法和英美法为主导
15.On the Differences and Coordinations between Optimum Principle and Satisfactory Principle;论最优化原则与满意原则的差异协同
16.prior informed consent procedure事先知情的同意程序
17.On the Application and Trend of Informed Consent Principle in the Research of Population Gene;论告知同意原则在族群基因研究的应用及其发展趋势
18.I agree in principle, but our emotions exist anyway .原则上我同意,但不管怎么说我们的情感是存在的。

informed consent知情同意
1.The conflict and relation between informed consent and medical privacy regulations;知情同意与保护性医疗的冲突与联系
2.A Re-exploration of the Reason of "Informed consent" Being Difficult to Enforce;“知情同意”实施难原因研究综述
3.Influential Factors And Strategies of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Informed Consent;植入前遗传学诊断“知情同意”的影响因素与对策
1.The purpose of informed-consent is to protect the legal right of the patients effectively.实施知情同意旨在有效地保护患者的合法权利不受侵犯 ,同时也是缓解医患关系 ,减少医疗纠纷的有效手段。
4)principle of moral sympathy同情原则
5)principle of consent同意原则
6)the right of informed consent知情同意权
1.The "rejection" hit the weakness of the right of informed consent in the process of medical implementation.因为丈夫拒签手术同意书而造成"一尸两命"的事件,"拒签"事件击中了医疗法规知情同意权在医疗实施过程中的软肋。
2.Methods:225 inpatients who were different conditions were investigated on relevant condition of the right of informed consent and patients’psychological condition before informed consent and after informed consent by using a combination.方法:采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,对225例不同病情的住院患者进行知情同意权的相关情况及知情同意前、后心理状况的调查,以家属知情组作为对照,对相关结果进行分析。
3.In order to modify this, the right of informed consent has been entitled to the patient by law which intents to protect the disadvantaged and respect human rights.医方与患方由于专业知识的差距造成了信息上的不对称,为修正此种不对称,体现对弱势群体的保护和对患者人权的尊重,法律赋予了患者知情同意权,它是法所追求的公平、正义和人权保护等终极价值的具体体现。
