先秦儒学,pre-Qin Confucianism
1)pre-Qin Confucianism先秦儒学
1.Pre-Qin Confucianism development and trend, this is ancient but often new topic.就目前研究现状而言,学者们大多是对具体儒者的修养方法进行了探讨,很少有人从修养方法这一角度来全面考察先秦儒学的流变。

1.A Comparative Study on the Failure Causes of the Officialization of Pre-Qin Dynasty s Confucianism;从儒法之对比谈先秦儒学官学化的失败原因
2.Theory on Educating Moral Qualities of Confucianists in the Pre-Qin Days and Its Practical Value;先秦儒学的道德修养论及其现实价值
3.Confucius on ‘The Book of Song’,Xunzi and Pre-Qin Confucian Classics and the Continuity of Their Thoughts;《孔子诗论》、《荀子》及先秦儒学思想的历史脉络
4.The Illustrious Role of the Confucian Ontology Philosophy in Pre - Qin Period;从先秦本体哲学看儒家的“显学”地位
5.Discussing the Problem of Learning Happiness--The Study Principle of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty;学习快乐论——先秦儒家的学习理念
6.A Comparison of Views on Harmony in the Aesthetic Thought of Confucianism and Taoism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty先秦儒道美学思想中的“和谐”观比较
7.Research on the Enlightenment of Early Ch in Dynasty Confucian Philosophy to the Modern News Dissemination;先秦儒家哲学对现代新闻传播的启示
8.Pre-Qin Confucians Eco-aesthetics View and Constitution Situation;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势
9.The Modern Value of the Theory on Human Nature between Pre-Qin Confucianism and Legalist School;先秦儒家与法家人性学说的当代价值
10.The Ontological Study of the Pre-Qin Confucianist and Taoist Philosophy;“道”——先秦儒道哲学本体论研究
11.On Confucianism s diffusion and development in the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties;论儒学在先秦两汉时期的传播与发展
12.Review on Hanfei s criticism of the confucianists rule of virtue prior to Qin dynasty;简评韩非对先秦儒家“德治”学说的批驳
13.Wisdom and Water in the Early Confucian and Taoist Traditions;先秦儒道哲学中的智、水关系之比较
14.Exploration and Analysis on Confucian Anthropological Thoughts of Pre-Qin Dynasty--In the Perspective of Education先秦儒家人学思想探析——以教育为视角
15.Dong Zhongshu Development the Pre-qin Confucian Universe Metaphysic董仲舒对先秦儒家宇宙形上学的发展
16.The Influence of Pre Qin and the Confucianists Human Thought on the Establishment of Modern Human Theory;先秦儒家人学思想对当代人学理论建构的影响
17.An Outline of Culture and Ideas of Confucianism,Taoism,Mohism and Legalism during the Period of Pre-Qin.先秦时期儒、道、墨、法四个学派的文化思想概述
18.Understanding of philosophic process of "God" from different angles of pre-Qin period Confucian从先秦儒家的不同理解看“天”的哲学化过程

Pre-Qin Confucian先秦儒学
1.Pre-Qin Confucian Economical Philosophy;试论先秦儒学的经济哲学思想
2.The reason why they relied the Confucian School was that Pre-Qin Confucian was a notable doctrine in that time.本文把庄子学派借重儒学作为研究的主线,从《庄子》借重儒学的形式——“寓言”、“重言”的分析入手,以《庄子》如何借重儒学(正面褒扬孔子、颜回,反面贬抑孔子两方面进行借重)、借重儒学的原因(先秦儒学的显学地位,包括分析先秦儒学如何成为显学以及这种显学地位在《庄子》书中的表现,同时还对“庄学出于儒”之说进行辨析)、借重儒学所反映的文化现象(战国时期庄学与先秦儒学之间的对立与互补),作为文章的主要内容,对庄子学派借重儒学这一文化现象进行系统、完整的理论阐释。
3)Confucian aesthetics in the pre-Qin period先秦儒家美学
4)the Pre-Qin Confucianist and Taoist philosophy先秦儒道哲学
5)Early Ch'in Dynasty Confucian Philosophy先秦儒家哲学
6)Pre-Qin Confucianism先秦儒家
1.The Ecological Value of People-first Thought in Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家民本思想的生态学价值
2.Analysics on "self-cultivation by music" in Pre-Qin Confucianism s theory of music;先秦儒家“以乐修身”思想论析
3.The Big Ethics Meanings of "Father and Son Conceal Misconduct Mutually " in the Pre-Qin Confucianism;先秦儒家思想中“父子相隐”的伦理大义
