和谐生态伦理观,harmonious ecological ethics
1)harmonious ecological ethics和谐生态伦理观
1.The harmonious ecological ethics is a forword concept,the innovation is base on the traditional ecological ethics,its primary embodiment is three theoretical questions.和谐生态伦理观是在传统生态伦理观基础上的观念创新,是一种新的生态伦理观,主要体现在和谐生态伦理观的三个主要理论问题上。
2.This paper argues that the traditional Ecological Ethics should be terminated,reconstructed and replaced with a Harmonious Ecological Ethics.重构生态伦理学的理论,以和谐生态伦理观代替传统生态伦理观,不仅是可能的,而且是必要的。
2)On Ecological Harmonious Ethics论生态和谐伦理
3)ethical view of harmony和谐伦理观
1.Tan’s ethical view of harmony can be exemplified from two aspects.谭氏的和谐伦理观主要体现在两个方面:首先,小说中四对母女由冲突到融合的趋势体现了她对代际沟通和异质伦理沟通的渴望;同时,四个女儿摆脱婚姻家庭危机,最终融入美国社会的过程,体现了她对异质伦理沟通和种族融合的期待。

1.A Journey of Reconciliation: On the Ethical View of Harmony in the Joy Luck Club融合之旅:论《喜福会》中的和谐伦理观
2.Calling Love and Pursuing Harmony--On Harmonious Ethics in The Diaries of Jane Somers;爱的呼唤,和谐的追求——评《简·萨默斯的日记》中的和谐伦理观
3.Sage and social harmony in Mozi s ethics;墨子伦理观中的圣人与天下和谐理想
4.Sustainable Development Concept in the Harmonious Environment Ethical Implications;可持续发展观中的和谐环境伦理意蕴
5.The Necessity for Cultivating Land Ethics for a Harmonious Man-land Relationship;和谐人地关系亟需树立土地伦理观念
6.Rational thinking on ecological ethics in the visual field of harmonious society;关于和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观的理性思考
7.Construction the Ecological Ethics and the Ecological Civilization in Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观和生态文明
8.Fifthly, can humanitarian ethic he the ethics basis of harmonious development?五、人本主义伦理观能成为和谐发展的伦理基础吗?
9.On the Concept of Ecological Ethics Construction under the Vision of a Harmonious Society;试述和谐社会视野下生态伦理观的构建
10.On the Sense of Value about Environmental Ethics from the Perspective of Harmonious Society and Theory Innovation;和谐社会视野下的环境伦理价值观及创新
11.Honor or Disgrace View in New Period Is the Ethics Foundation for Constructing Harmonious Society;新时期荣辱观是构建和谐社会的伦理基础
12.Outlook for Honors and Dishonors in the New Era--the Ethics Foundation of Constructing Harmonious Society;新时期荣辱观:构建和谐社会的伦理基础
13.The Concept of Eco-ethics and Ecological Civilization Construction under the Vision of Harmonious Society和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观与生态文明建设
14.On "Ethics of Harmonious Relation": Beyond "Ethics of Conviction" and "Ethics of Responsibility";关系和谐伦理:信念伦理和责任伦理之外
15.From the "revolutionary morality" to "harmony ethics"--The ethical demands of a harmonious society从“革命道德”到“和谐伦理”——和谐社会的伦理诉求
16.Ethical Support of a Harmonious Society--the Ethics of Institutional Operation;制度运行伦理:和谐社会的伦理支撑
17.System Ethics:Ethics Perspective of Building Harmonious Society;制度伦理:构建和谐社会的伦理之维
18.Harmonious Ethics Supporting Harmonious Society and Its Way;和谐伦理支撑和谐社会及其路径分析

On Ecological Harmonious Ethics论生态和谐伦理
3)ethical view of harmony和谐伦理观
1.Tan’s ethical view of harmony can be exemplified from two aspects.谭氏的和谐伦理观主要体现在两个方面:首先,小说中四对母女由冲突到融合的趋势体现了她对代际沟通和异质伦理沟通的渴望;同时,四个女儿摆脱婚姻家庭危机,最终融入美国社会的过程,体现了她对异质伦理沟通和种族融合的期待。
4)eco-harmonious view生态和谐观
1.So in modern eyes,study on LIU s theory , which includes eco-harmonious view and eco-value view and eco-legal view ,will h ave very important theoretical and practical meaning for maintaining ecological balance and searching for a sustainable way of development.因此,用时代的眼光看待刘禹锡的"万物一贯"的生态和谐观,"天人交相胜,还相用"的生态价值观,以及"法大行"的生态法制观,对于维护生态平衡,走可持续发展的道路有着十分重要的理论和实践意义。
5)Harmonious employment ethics和谐就业伦理观
6)My Idea of Harmonious Ethics我的和谐伦理观

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