群众观,Mass Viewpoint
1)Mass Viewpoint群众观
1.To deeply understand and carry through the idea, it s necessary for us to study and comprehend the basic content and development of the mass viewpoint of our party and especially Mao Zedong s mass viewpoint in the socialistic period.要深刻领会和贯彻江泽民“三个代表”的思想 ,就非常有必要研究和了解我党群众观的基本内容及其发展 ,特别是了解和研究毛泽东社会主义时期群众观的基本观点。
2.The essay explains why Mao Zedong, Deng Xiao-ping and Jiang Ze-min have insisted on mass viewpoints and how to persist the viewpoint, and analyzes the characteristics of their viewpoints.本文阐述了毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民三代领导核心关于群众观的基本论述。

1.Mass Paramountcy On Deng Xiaoping s Mass Notion and Its Development;群众至上——论邓小平群众观及其发展
2.The masses are the source of our strength and the mass viewpoint and the mass line are our cherished traditions.群众是我们力量的源泉,群众路线和群众观点是我们的传家宝。
3.The View of the Masses is the Quintessence of Maxism News;群众观点是马克思主义新闻观的精髓
4.Only by pressing close to the masses can we win the masses -Discussing the broadcasting reporters mass concept;贴近群众才能赢得听众——浅谈广播记者的群众观
5.Hu Jintao s Thought of "For the People" and Marxism Opinion on the Mass;胡锦涛“为民”思想与马克思主义群众观
6.Setting a Concept about People to Advance the Level to Come into Power;树立正确的群众观 提升党的执政水平
7.DENG Xiao-ping s New Contributions to Marxist Mass Viewpoints;邓小平对马克思主义群众观的新贡献
8.Adhering to Holding Office for the People and Upholding Marxist Mass Viewpoint;坚持执政为民 树立马克思主义群众观
9.A Comparative Study on the Mass-View by Three Leading Cores of the Party;党的三代领导核心群众观的比较研究
10.Deng Xiaoping s Understanding of the Party s Mass Line and Mass Concept and His Contributions;邓小平关于党的群众路线和群众观点的思想认识及贡献
11.Strengthening the Education of Marxist Mass Viewpoint;大力加强马克思主义群众观教育——学习党的三代中央领导核心关于群众观的论述
12.The Idea of “Mass”of the Mass Literature in 40~( TH) ~70~(TH)略论40—70年代群众文艺之“群众”观
13.A large audience or group of spectators, as at a tennis or golf match.大批观众网球或高尔夫球比赛时许多的观众或成群的观众
14.Human-Oriented View of Scientific Development and the Mass Line;以人为本的科学发展观与群众路线观
15.The crowd was at fever pitch when the home team scored a goal.当主队踢进一球时,观众群情激昂。
16.On the Public Movie-Watching Psychology and the Making of Audience;中国大众的观影心理、群落构成初探
17.On Formative Orbit of the Marxist Outlook on the Mass History;马克思群众史观思想的形成轨迹初探
18.Mobilize, inform, educate and serve the people组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

mass view群众观
1.DengXiaoping s mass view persists in, inherits and develops Marxism, MaoZedong thoughts.邓小平的群众观,是对马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的坚持、继承和发展。
2.It is the important reflection of the fundamental tenets of the Chinese Communist Party to stick to the mass view and mass line and tightly connect with and depend on mass and serve the people with whole hearts, it is also the essential content of Marxist mass view.坚持群众观点和群众路线,密切地联系和一切依靠群众,全心全意为人民服务,这是我党的根本宗旨,也是马克思主义群众观的核心内容。
3.The mass viewpoint is not only a basic principle of Marxism, also is the Communist Party of China most basic viewpoint.本文群众观是马克思主义的基本观点,也是中国共产党最根本的观点。
3)view of mass群众观
1.Correct View of Mass: the Basis of Enhancing the Administrative Abilities of Our Party;树立正确群众观是提高党的执政能力的基础
4)the mass viewpoint群众观
1.Under the new historical conditions,DENG Xiao ping has enriched and expanded the mass viewpoint of the Communist Party of China——to fully confirm the people s principal position in the socialist modernization drive,to highly respect the people s wills and invention,to maintain close ties with the people and to pay close attention to the people s interests.邓小平在新的历史条件下丰富和发展了中国共产党的群众观 :充分肯定人民群众在社会主义现代化建设中的主体地位 ;尊重人民的意愿和创造 ;密切联系群众 ;高度关注人民群众的利
2.The mass viewpoint is not only a basic principle of Marxism, but one of the most essential viewpoints of communist Party of china, Deng Xiaoping′s mass viewpoint is the one of Marxism in china of our times and the most important part of Deng Xiaoping′s theory .群众观点是马克思主义的基本观点,也是中国共产党最根本的观点。
5)mass viewpoint群众观点
1.These viewpoints are that Buddhism s opinion has some common ground with Communist Party s,attitude to Buddhism incarnates mass viewpoint ,antitheism isn t coercively pursued,and Buddhism must be reformed unceasingly.论述了毛泽东对佛教文化的主要观点:佛教具有特殊的社会功能;佛教与共产党的主张有共同之处;对佛教的态度体现了群众观点;不懂得佛学是只红不专;无神论不能强制推行;佛教也应不断改革。
2.He upheld and carried Mao Zedong s mass line, and on the basis of which he gave it distinctive contents and features of times and formed his own mass line viewpoints, that is, the unity of mass viewpoints and leading methods of mass lines, the unity of truth from facts and mass lines, the unity of mass creative spirits and objective laws, the unity of close contact with masse.邓小平在坚持和继承毛泽东同志群众路线思想的基础上,赋予它以鲜明的时代内容和特色,形成了自己的群众路线观,即坚持群众观点与群众路线领导方法的统一;坚持实事求是与群众路线的统一;坚持尊重群众首创精神与尊重客观规律的统一;坚持密切联系群众与接受群众监督的统一;坚持人民利益标准与“三个有利于”标准的统一。
6)the mass viewpoint群众观点
1.The article demonstrates the mass viewpoints deepening and development in the period of socialism and on the conditions of CPC s becoming the party in power.群众观点是无产阶级政党的基本观点。
2.The leaders of three generations of our Party are models in persisting in the mass viewpoint.群众观点是马克思主义的一个基本观点。
3.Based on the study of the theory of Three Represents and in combination with the practical work, suck problems to be solved as how to follow the mass line and strengthen the mass viewpoint in the new situation are expouded in this article.在学习邓小平理论的基础上,结合工作实际阐述了在新形势下坚持群众路线,增强群众观点方面要解决好的几个问题。
