道德科学,moral science
1)moral science道德科学
1.The two connotations of expectation enabled it to bridge mathematical probability and social sciences,and to relate probability theory to rationality and the initial concepts of moral science.这两重含义使得它成为将数学概率与社会科学连接起来的桥梁,并将概率论与理性和道德科学的启蒙观念联系在一起,于是对于期望思想的探讨便成为17、18世纪启蒙思想实践的一部分。
2)Science moral科学道德
1.The article,taking the example for Suzhou University survey,analyses the actualities and problems of science moral and academic standardization in university at present.科学道德、学术规范是当今学术界讨论的一个热门话题。

1.Understand the Science-related Moral Education in the Perspective of Students Majoring in Science, Technology and Engineering;从理工科大学生的视角解读科学道德教育
2.The Reasons and Countermeasures of the Misconduct of Science Morality;科学道德失范的原因分析及对策研究
3.The Issue of Science Moral of Postgraduate and Multi-dire Ction of Moral Education;研究生科学道德及德育教育的多方位性浅议
4.Scientific Ethical Issues in Appointing Academic Title and Evaluation of Scientific Researcher科技人才的任用和评价中的科学道德问题
5.Viewing Ethical Education in School from the Perspective of the Mutual Containing of Science and Morality;从科学与道德的互蕴关系看学校道德教育
6.The role of moral education in the improvement of the sexual ideologies among the youth;性道德教育对专科学生性道德观念影响的研究
7.(7) popularize the noble and scientific vocational ethics.(7)提倡高尚与科学的职业道德。
8.to the moral as well as the practical applications of science.如何维持道德准绳和将科学投入实践。
9.universal, scientific, moral, etc verities普遍的真理、 科学的真谛、 道德的准则.
10.The Impact of Chinese Traditional Ethic and Morality on Scientific Innovation;中国传统伦理道德对科学创新的影响
11.Inquiry on the Grounds for Science and Morality in Humanity;在人性中追问科学和道德的存在理由
12."Teachable" or "Unteachable":A Discussion of Morality from an Interdisplinary Perspective;道德可“教”与不可“教”:多学科的视野
13.Scientification legalization and moralization of public administration;公共行政的科学化、法治化和道德化
14.Scientific Managing the Modern Enterprise by Moral Seeking;试论现代企业科学管理中的道德诉求
15.Developing the Natural Science and Upgrading Human Being s Morality Feeling;发展自然科学与升华人类的道德情感
16.On Harmonious Development of Socialist Spiritual Civilization;试论思想道德与科学文化的和谐发展
17.A Review on three Moral Metaphors in Nicomachean Ethics;评《尼各马科伦理学》的三个道德劝喻
18.Studies on moral education and actuality of undergraduate s innovative activities in science and technology;大学生科技创新活动现状与道德教育

Science moral科学道德
1.The article,taking the example for Suzhou University survey,analyses the actualities and problems of science moral and academic standardization in university at present.科学道德、学术规范是当今学术界讨论的一个热门话题。
3)scientific morality科学道德
1.The reasons for misconducts of scientific morality include the effects of passive elements in traditional culture,soundless of science and technology system and institution,the lack of scientific morality education.科学道德失范的原因主要包括传统文化中消极因素的影响、科技体制和制度措施不够健全、科学道德教育的缺失等。
2.An analysis was made of the undesirable situations of scientific morality of post-graduates and education strategy.分析了研究生的不良科学道德问题和教育的对策。
4)scientific ethics科学道德
1.The basic content of scientific spirit and scientific ethics and their important effects on scientific and technical personnel are described.论述了科学精神、科学道德的基本内容及其对科技工作者的重要作用 ,分析了当前科技界存在的科学道德失范现象 ,思考了加强科技工作者的科学道德修养 ,反对学术腐败 ,净化学术环境等问题。
2.The paper stresses that scientific ethics is an important component of the strategy of "Ruling the State by Ethics". 强调科学道德是中国"以德治国"方略的重要组成部分,是建设社会主义精神文明的重要内容,也是培育创新文化的重要方面;科学道德是关系科学自身生存和发展的重要问题,每一位科技工作者应了解和遵循国际道德准则,研究和借鉴欧洲国家科学道德建设的有些先进经验;应倡导科学道德和优良传统学风,对违背科学道德行为和不良学风应引起高度警惕;同时针对中国科技界存在的科技道德滑波问题,提出了加强科学道德建设的若干建议。
5)scientific moral科学道德
1.A strong scientif ic country cannot be built without effective scientific moral education.科学道德是指科学共同体内形成的行为的基本准则;科学道德失范问题已引起了社会的广泛关注。
2.The paper discusses the relationship between science and hu manistic spirits from three aspects, namely, scientific moral, scientific goal a nd scientific value.本文从科学道德、科学目标及科学的价值三方面讨论了科学与人文精神的关系。
6)science morality科学道德
1.Analyzing the form and cause of weakening science morality reflected b y scientific essay for a long time;suggesting how to rebuild the system of distinguishing and stricking fake,and then putting forward the sociological problem o f striking the science corruption.分析了长期以来科技论文中折射出的科学道德下滑的表现形式和产生原因,给出重建识假、打假机制的建议,进而提出痛击学术腐败的社会学问题。
