宗族伦理,clan ethics
1)clan ethics宗族伦理
1.The ethics of the Judaist society is usually called the religious ethics, and the correspondingly, the social ethics of China after the Sung dynasty can be called as the clan ethics.犹太教社会的伦理,通常称之为宗教伦理;与此对应,中国宋代以后社会的伦理,我们可以将其叫做宗族伦理
2.The patriarchal clan system and the clan ethics are the most striking cultural characteristics of ancient China.宗法制度和宗族伦理是中国古代最具特色的文化现象。

1.Chinese Traditional Clan Ethics and the Construction of Ancient Harmonious Society;中国传统宗族伦理与古代和谐社会的构建
2.The patriarchal clan system and the clan ethics are the most striking cultural characteristics of ancient China.宗法制度和宗族伦理是中国古代最具特色的文化现象。
3.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Primitive Religion and the Ethic of the Lahu Nationality;试析拉祜族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系
4.Between Religion and Ethics: Religious Ethics and Secular Morals;宗教与伦理之间:宗教伦理与世俗道德
5.Ethics of Traditional Village Life--a Study Based on the Study of Southern Hunan Clan Villages;传统村落生活中的伦理——基于湘南宗族性村落的研究
7.Religious and Ethical Education Resources Catalogue宗教伦理教育资源索引
8.Explain the links between religion and ethics.解释宗教和伦理的联系。
9.Religious Pluralism and Principles of Cross-Cultural Religious Ethics;宗教多元论与跨文化宗教伦理之原则
10.Theoretically speaking,the study of religious ethics can push forward the development of both ethics and religious studies;在理论上,宗教伦理学研究有利于伦理学与宗教学的学科发展;
11.An Enlightenment of the Western Religious Ethics and Confucian Ethical Value;西方宗教伦理与儒家伦理价值的现实启示
12.On the Comparison Between Western Religious Ethics and Confucian Political Ethics;西方宗教伦理与儒家政治伦理的价值观比较
13.Religious Ethics and Everyday Life--An Introduction to Marx· Weber 5 Religious Ethical Thoughts;宗教伦理与日常生活——马克斯·韦伯宗教伦理思想引论
14.Patriarchal Clan and Chinese Society--A Review on Maurice Freedman s Theory on Chinese Patriarchal Clan;宗族与汉人社会——弗里德曼的中国宗族理论管窥
15.What the Moral Principle Means to Modern Readers -- from the theory of animals' right to the concept of moral principle and ecology天台宗伦理思想的现代阐释——从动物权利论伦理到生态伦理
16.The Nationalization of Ecumenical Ethics and The Cumenicalization of National Ethics;论普世伦理的民族化和民族伦理的普世化
17.Ethics and Religious Studies [Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination]伦理及宗教科〔香港高级程度会考〕
18."Religious, Ethical and Sex Education Resources Centre"宗教、伦理及性教育资源中心

religious ethics宗教伦理
1.This paper reviews Merton s Supposition,reveals the compatibility between Puritanism s ethics and the development of modern science from the angle of culture,and studies the significance of religious ethics in regulating scientific development and evading risk to social progres.重温"默顿命题",从文化的角度揭示清教伦理与现代科学发展相容的关系,并在此基础上结合一些学者的观点探寻宗教伦理对反思科学发展逻辑的意义,即在某种程度上有利规范科学发展,规避科学的社会风险。
2.As a matter of fact,economists who study economic development have long noticed non-material causes and found that they include thought,morality,spirit,religious ethics,value,ideology and so on and so forth.非物质原因有着十分丰富、相互渗透的内容,主要是思想、道德、精神、宗教伦理、价值观念、意识形态等。
3.In his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,Max Weber,from the prespective of religious ethics,probes into the reasons why morden capitalism has developed in the Occident rather than in the Orient.韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》从宗教伦理的角度出发,探讨了现代资本主义为什么发生在西方而不是东方的原因。
3)religious ethic宗教伦理
1.By analyzing this from the natural contents and present development of religious ethics,religious ethics is a crystallization of existence wisdom of human beings,and it doesn t reject social secular ethics,what s more,it always combines with social secular ethics so as to be a necessary regulation of maintaining social order.从宗教伦理的实质内容和现实发展历程来看,宗教伦理是人类生存智慧的重要组成部分,它不仅不排斥社会世俗伦理,而且与世俗伦理相结合,是维护现实社会秩序不可缺少的规范。
2.Chinese martial arts movie subtly combines religious ethic with narrative scene, and religious ethic, showing reasonable moral grounds for justicial power, ind.中国电影巧妙地将宗教伦理与影片叙事情节交融起来,宗教伦理在为正义力量提供合理道德依据的同时,通过皈依宗教流露出否定暴力的“出世情结”,使中国武侠电影的文化精神在世界动作影片的历史序列中独树一帜。
3.As a most important part of religious doctrine, religious ethic, irreplaceably, regulates the behavior of wo.宗教伦理作为宗教教义的重要组成部分,对规范宗教信徒的行为具有不可替代的作用。
4)ethics of religions宗教伦理
5)patriarchal ethics宗法伦理
1.As a part of Chinese traditional culture, the patriarchal ethics, characteristic of its emphasis on human relations and morals, still has an influence on Chinese management concept.宗法伦理这一中国传统文化以其重人伦、重道德为特点的思想一直影响着中国的管理理念。
6)Chan ethics禅宗伦理
1.This article wants to study how the Chan ethics absorb, compare and reinterpret the Confucian ethics by means of analysis Li(rite), Xiao(filial piety),and Zhong(loyal), the basic concepts of Chinese traditional ethics, so as to compare the difference between Chan School and Confucian,and to show the details of Chinaization about India Buddhism and the basic characteristics of Chan ethics.本文从礼、孝、忠三个基本的中国传统伦理范畴 ,考察禅宗伦理中对于儒家伦理的吸收、比较和再诠释 ,比较儒、禅之间的异同 ,突显印度佛教中国化的具体细节 ,展现禅宗伦理的基本特
