道德合理性,moral rationality
1)moral rationality道德合理性
1.The moral rationality of ruling refers to the legitimateness or rationality for which the rulers rule on the base of principles recognized by the mass.执政的道德合理性是指执政者基于被民众认可的原则基础上实施统治的正当性或合理性。
2.This article draws up the rationality and the necessity of the criminal law\'s adjustment scope from the jurisprudence angle of view,which integrates"the natural bribe"on the level of its moral rationality and legislation origin of"the natural bribe"being punished by criminai law.从法理学的视角,从"性贿赂"入罪的应然性、道德合理性、立法渊源的层面,来论证将"性贿赂"纳入刑法调整范围的合理性和必要性。

1.Practical Reason and Rationality of Morality --An Introduction to Contemporary Western Theories of Rationality of Morality;实践理性和道德的合理性——当代西方哲学道德合理性理论评析
2.On CPC s Long-term Reigning Moral Rationality;论中国共产党长期执政的道德合理性
3.The Agreement between Economics and Ethics--The Rationality of Economical Behaviors;经济学与伦理学的契合:经济行为的道德合理性
4.Disenchantment of Technology and Disenchantment of Ethics: Limits of Moral Considerations in Modern Life Sciences;技术祛魅与道德祛魅——现代生命技术道德合理性限度反思
5.Analysis on CCP s long-term reign moral rationality;中国共产党长期执政的道德合理性探析
6.Reconstruction of the Basis of Value Individualism and Moral Rationality;价值个体主义与道德合理性基础的重构
7.The popular will is the key to the moral rationality of ruling.人民群众的心理向背是执政道德合理性的根本之所在。
8.On "Sub-morality" and "Nontraditional Morality" and Their Righteousness;刍议“次道德”和“亚道德”及其合理性问题
9.“Prisoner Antinomy”: The Rationality of Morals and the Moral Education of the People;“囚徒悖论”:道德的合理性和国民的道德教育
10.Human Nature, Cultural Tradition and the Rationality of Moral Theories A discussion on the American post analytical arguments over moral theories;人性、文化传统与道德理论的合理性——美国后分析道德理论争论述评
11.Raising the Effectiveness of Moral Education in Middle Schools;提高中学德育有效性的心理学思考——寻求道德教育的合理支点
12.The Reasonability of Civic Morality Construction Led by the State;试析中国国家主导的公民道德建设之合理性
13.Destruction and Reconstruction on the Foundation of “Rationality” of the Western Moral Philosophy;西方道德哲学合理性基础的摧毁与重构
14.On the Perfect Combination of Sensibility and Reason in the Moral Education of College Students;论大学生道德教育情感与理性的完美结合
15.On the Dissimilation of Rational by Religion and Morality;论宗教理性和道德理性对理性的异化
16.The Reasonable Core of "Governing by Doing Nothing That Goes against Nature" from Tao Te Ching;《道德经》“无为而治”思想的合理内核——读《道德经》随笔
17.The Research of Student s Moral Mentality and Moral Effective;学生道德心理与德育实效性问题研究
18.Practical Wisdom: An Intellectual Virtue That a Moral Person Must Possess;明智——一个道德的人必备的理智德性

reign moral rationality执政道德合理性
3)moral rationality道德理性
1.The key to moral education for college students is moral rationality大学生道德教育重在培育道德理性
2.The reason that the poor-rich polarization aggravated is that economic rationality of some economic entities has not been restricted by moral rationality and some institution has not been consistent with moral rationality.我国贫富分化产生的根本原因在于经济主体的经济理性作用,贫富分化加剧是因为部分经济主体的经济理性没有受到道德理性的制约以及某些政策、制度不合乎道德理性的要求。
4)moral reason道德理性
1.The expression “moral reason” refers to the rational capability with which a moral subject analyzes moral circumstances, conducts moral reasoning and establishes his own standards of behaviours; and the achievements of capability of moral reason can accumulate to be ethics and moral principles in the end.道德理性是指道德主体分析道德情境,进行道德推理,确立自己的行为准则的理性能力。
2.Facing such a multiple-value society,a single individual is in need of moral reason,which mainly represents a spirit of exploration and critique.面对这样一个多元价值社会,个体需要道德理性。
1.The ethicalness of a ruling individualt,he organizer and implementer of administration,refers to whether his ethical orientation complies with ethical norms.执政"合道德性"是执政合法性的基础之一。
6)reasonable ethics of an institution制度的道德合理性

水文资料合理性检查水文资料合理性检查rationality check of hydrological data shuiwen ziliao helixing lianeha水文资料合理性检查(rationality eheekof hydrologieal data)检查水文资料是否准确可靠的一种技术措施。它是资料整编工作的一项重要工序。合理性检查分为单站合理性检查和综合合理性检查两类。 单站合理性检查是利用本站单项资料或几项有关的资料来进行的。例如:江河的水位变化是连续的,在逐时或逐日点绘的水位过程线上,水位观测错误或整编时抄表、计算错误,都会造成突然转折,通过过程线的连续性检查,就可以发现出来。这种检查也可以编成计算机程序,用一定的数学方程式来控制时段前后的水位允许差值,从而发现整编成果中超过限界的情况,单站检查方法还有:历年水位流量关系曲线(或其他关系曲线)对照,本站水位、流量、输沙率过程线对照等。 综合合理性检查是利用相邻测站同一时期的同类资料来进行的。如降水量在地区上的分布是渐变的,可以将相邻地区许多测站的日雨量进行对照检查。如果降水日期记错、漏测等错误,可以很容易发现出来。地下水,蒸发等项目可用类似方法检查,对于流量、输沙量,可将上下游站的过程线绘在一起进行检查。还可以按一次洪峰、一个月,一个汛期或全年这些时段,进行上下游干支流的水量、沙量的平衡比较,必要时,可将各站之间的径流量,引水量、河段冲淤沙量等因素考虑在内,这种检查,不仅可以发现一些明显的错误,而且往往可以发现资料的一些系统误差,促使改进工作。水位、水温、冰厚等资料都可用类似方法检查。 检查所发现的问题,需逐个深入分析、查明原因。确系错误的即予改正,但论证不足的,绝不允许任意修改资料,而只能作存疑说明。 中国在1949年后整编历史水文资料中,通过合理性检查,剔除了一些错误的甚至是伪造的资料,并摸索出一套行之有效的方法。在逐年资料整编中,已形成制度,其内容已列入水文测验规范。世界气象组织的《水文实践指南》中,将资料的合理性检查内容列为资料“质量控制”的一个重要组成部分。