道德教育思想,moral education thought
1)moral education thought道德教育思想
1.The predicaments could be obtained by analyzing Rousseau s moral education thought,those are: the predicament of choosing between natural education and citizen education;the predicament of implementing the education periodization theory in the reality of the growth of children;and the predicament of developing lofty education and teachers.分析卢梭的道德教育思想,能够得出其在自然教育与公民教育选择的困境、教育分期理论在儿童成长现实中实施的困境以及高尚的教育与教师何以产生的困境,这些困境的产生是卢梭理想的道德教育与当时社会现实矛盾的体现,但这并不否定卢梭道德教育思想的重要意义,相反,对其道德教育思想困境实质的分析,可以为我国当前未成年人道德教育存在的问题提供一些有益的启示。
2.Cai Yuan-Pei s approach to moral education,based on a comprehensive review of traditional Chinese moral education thoughts,is a combination of the Chinese and Western moral education thoughts.蔡元培的道德教育思想是他在全面疏理中国传统道德教育思想的基础上,试图融会中西道德教育思想以重构中华民族道德教育思想体系,塑造新的民族性格的结果;认为传统文化的中庸思想是他的道德教育思想的哲学基础。

1.A Review of moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy in the U.S.;美国批判教育学的道德教育思想述评
2.Freedom and Autonomy: Kant s Moral Education Ideology;自由与自律:康德道德教育思想研究
3.The Exploration of the "Give instruction anytime and anywhere;“无教而无不教”道德教育思想探索
4.Interpretation of the Mortal Education Thoughts of Plato's Utopia柏拉图《理想国》道德教育思想阐释
5.A Tentative Discussion about Moral Decline and Moral Education;浅议思想道德教育中的道德失范问题
6.On the Modern Value of Confucian Theory of Moral Education儒家德育课程思想对现代思想道德教育的价值
7.On the Education of Mord Faith of College Students in Ideological and Political Education大学生思想教育中的“道德信仰”教育
8.On Harmonious Education and Middle School Students Ideology Education.;和谐教育与中学生思想道德教育探讨
9.Exploration and Analysis of the Educational Idea of Zhouyi·Meng--Educational Moral Personality;《周易·蒙》教育思想探析——教育道德人格论
10.Listening Attentively Is an Important Aspect in the Ideological and Moral Education of the College Students浅谈大学生思想道德教育的倾听教育
11.On Innovation of the Moral Education of University Students;“以德治国”与大学生思想道德教育创新
12.Govern the nation by morality,the intruction of ideological and ethical education in institutions of higher learning;用“以德治国”思想指导高校思想道德教育
13.About the Construction of Ideological and Moral Education System;构建大学生思想道德教育体系的思考
14.About the Education in Ideology and Morality to Minor College Students;对未成年大学生思想道德教育的思考
15.The New Thoughtway for The Ideological and Moral Education of University Students;积极探索大学生思想道德教育新思路
16.Reflections on the Student Intake of Ideological and Moral Education;关于大学生思想道德教育接受的思考
17.Some Thinking Over the Moral Education to Minors;对未成年人思想道德教育的一些思考
18.Rethinking of the moral education in higher institutions;关于高校思想道德教育工作的再思考

Moral Education道德教育思想
1.Rousseau s Idea of Moral Education and its enlightenments;卢梭的道德教育思想及其启示
2.On Confucius moral education thinking and its function in modern life;浅论孔子的道德教育思想
3)Moral Education思想道德教育
1.The functions of traditional culture in moral education;传统文化在思想道德教育中的作用
2.Environmental function to moral education;德育环境对思想道德教育的制约
3.Some thoughts about the conformity of psychologically healthy education and moral education;高校心理健康教育与思想道德教育有效整合的几点思考
4)ideological and ethical education思想道德教育
1.Experience education, the heart-striking pattern of moral education——Research on the pattern of ideological and ethical education at higher vocational colleges体验教育,触动心灵的道德教育模式——高职院校思想道德教育模式探析
2.To develop pop music towards the direction,which is in favor of ideological and ethical education of youth,we should put forward countermeasures for school music education,music creation and social spreading by rational analysis of popularity actuality of pop music in colleges.通过对校园中流行音乐流行现状的理性分析,提出学校音乐教育、音乐创作以及社会传播的应对策略,使流行音乐向着有利于青少年思想道德教育的方向发展。
3.Currently, there are some problems in ideological and ethical education of teenagers.当前青少年思想道德教育存在一些问题。
5)ideological moral education思想道德教育
1.The college ideological moral education plays an important role in cultivating students′ lofty ideal,good moral quality and perfect individual psychology.高校思想道德教育对塑造大学生崇高的理想信念、良好的道德品质和健全的个性心理发挥着重要的作用。
2.The sense of socialist honor and disgrace,as a new standard for morals judgment,with rich thoughts,plays a very important guiding role in students ideological moral education.社会主义荣辱观作为新的道德价值评判标准,以丰富的思想内涵,对大学生的思想道德教育有着重要的引领作用。
3.Thereby,these have brought new circumstances to the ideological moral education of colleges,have also brought new questions.因此,正确地分析网络的发展给高校道德教育带来的机遇和挑战,思考如何在网络环境下播种正确、积极、健康的思想是当前高校思想道德教育面临的一个新课题。
6)ideological and moral education思想道德教育
1.Contemporary foreign approaches to ideological and moral education and their enlightenment;当代国外思想道德教育方式及启示
2.Human s Born Wildness in Young People Ideological and Moral Education;从人的自然性看青少年思想道德教育
3.Exploration on new trend of ideological and moral education function;探索思想道德教育功能新趋向

成功道德描写的教育作用成功道德描写的教育作用education by successful moral writting  驱力,给人以启发和勇气,促人前进,甚至陪伴人们走完人生的历程。这些其他手段难以比拟和代替的道德教育作用,是文学中的道德描写通过艺术形象诱发读者的想像、牵动读者的感情而实现的。 (梁息全撰}亘{巫固审)成功道德描写的教育作用(。ducationby sueeessfu一moral writting)文学的道德内容熔铸在形象之中,对人的品德影响是在无声无形中进行的。成功的道德描写的教育作用有:(l)能激发人们的道德情感、荡涤人们的心灵。作品中的道德力量能激发人们的思想情感,但又不停留于斯。作品描写得好,就会拨动人的心弦。在赏心悦目的欣赏过程中,读者的心灵被荡涤、情操被陶冶,促使人去追求做一个有益于人民的有价值的人。(2)能使人辨美丑、分善恶、明是非,提高读者的道德认识能力。在形象感染的过程中提高了读者的道德判断力,促使正确的道德观念和信念的形成。这种情理结合的判断力不仅充实了人们的道德意识,而且成为道德情绪中的直觉力量,成为人们面临实际情境时迅速进行道德定向,作出合乎道德反应的内驱力。(3)能给人以前进的勇气、开拓新生活的力量。作品通过潜移默化使读者形成追求美好境界的道德信念和情操。成功的道德描写促成的这种内