思无邪,Si Wu Xie
1)Si Wu Xie思无邪
1.A Comparison between The Book of Songs and The Analetics of Confucians about the implication of Si Wu Xie;《诗经》和《论语》中的“思无邪”比较

1.Confucius said: "The verses of the Book of Odes can be summed up in a single phrase: 'Don't think in an evil way.'"子曰:「诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。」
2.A Comparison between The Book of Songs and The Analetics of Confucians about the implication of Si Wu Xie;《诗经》和《论语》中的“思无邪”比较
3.Another Interpretation of "Thinking without Evil" and Confucius Theory of Commenting "Poems;“思无邪”别解及孔子的论《诗》系统
4.On Common Purport of "Poetry to Express Aspirations" and "Thought of Justice;“诗言志”与“思无邪”的共同旨趣
5.A Textual Research on the Confucius' Comment on the Book of Songs According to the Bamboo Slips for Writing on which are Preserved in Shanghai Museum从上博竹书《孔子诗论》解“思无邪
6.The influence of the confucianist ideas to ancient Chinese literature;从“思无邪”看儒家思想对中国古典文学的影响
7.On the Original Cultural Pointingand Confucian Poetic Content of "Si-Wu Xie";试论“思无邪”的原初文化指向和儒家诗学内涵
8.The Aesthetic Limitation and Negative Domino Effect of "Si wu xie" Poetics Mode;“思无邪”诗学模式的审美缺陷及负面效应
9.Influence of Confucius s "Thinking nurely" on Ancient Chinese Theory on Poetry and Literary Creation;孔子“思无邪”思想对中国古代诗论和文学创作的影响
10.A Countryside World with Friendly Kindness--Reflective thinking on Pure Pondering by Lu Min;充满温情友善的乡土世界——鲁敏中篇小说《思无邪》解读
11.Response of Readers and Ethic of Confucius--The Changes of Elucidation of the Pure Thought in Song Dynasty and Its Meaning Through Reception Theory;“读者反应”与“圣人之志”——宋代“思无邪”阐释变化的接受理论意义
12.On the Dimension of Introversion of Confucian of Pre-Ch'in--To Begin with "Pure Pondering"先秦儒家道德价值内倾性向度发微——由“思无邪”说起
13.The attitude of Confucius to the Songs Of Zhen g and Wei from the musical aesthetics从孔子的音乐美学思想看孔子对待郑卫之音的态度——兼论“思无邪”作何解
14.Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him.把紧思想关,邪念无空钻,苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋。
15.Baseness of mind or character.邪恶思想或性格的邪恶
16.No chaste-minded, unsophisticated peasant maid she, but the last dregs of a decadent stock!她不再是思想纯洁、天真无邪的农家少女,而是堕落家族的残渣余孽。
17.The Function of Mentality Factor in the Conviction, the Discretion and the Execution of Punishment--The behavior is innocent,unless heart is evil;论思想因素在定罪量刑行刑中的作用——行为无罪,除非内心邪恶
18.columbine innocence鸽子一样纯洁无邪的

"Thinking Purely" Prove Again"思无邪"新论
3)Analysis of "All Is Thought to Be Good""思无邪"解析
4)Shi yan zhi" poetics mode"思无邪"诗学模式
1.His treatise on poems emphasizes the unevilness of expressing emotions and meanings and application of cultivating moral character and dealing with affairs.文章认为 :孔子的“诗论”可以从学诗与作诗的兼容性方面去理解 ,孔子的“诗论”注重抒情与表意的“无邪”性和修身与处事的应用性。
6)naivety and innocence天真无邪
1.On the basisof psychology,this paper intends to explore in what way Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn go along with their childish psychology,their naivety and innocence,and their curiosity behavior and therefore wins the .芬如何以孩子的心态,以他们的天真无邪和好奇心赢得广大年轻读者的芳心。
