明智,practical wisdom
1)practical wisdom明智
1.In Aristotles ethics,practical wisdom,as practical reason,is different from the theoretical reason such as knowledge.在亚里士多德的伦理学中,明智作为实践的理性不同于知识等理论理性,它指导伦理德性的形成,是理性在道德活动中实践的能力。
2.As an important topic in Aristotle s ethical system, practical wisdom has great significance for the aim of forming individual excellence and stabilizing polis order.明智是亚里士多德伦理学中的一个重要主题,它对于个人德性的塑造和城邦秩序的和谐稳定有着巨大的理论意义。

1.That's very wise, Robbie.这是很明智的 ,Robbie。
2."Brighter shopping, brighter prices "明智的购物,透明的价格
3.A wise outlook, plan, or course of action.明智明智的看法、计划或行为过程
4.It' s bad policy to smoke too much.吸烟太多并非明智之举。
5.Try to use your time sensibly.要明智地使用你的时间。
6.and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all,明智地懂得世界充满爱,
8.Fat belly do not make fine wit.脑满肥肠未必明智
9.It makes sense to take care of your health.保重身体是明智的。
10.It is to your advantage to invest wisely.明智地投资对你很有利
11.spend frivolously and unwisely.轻浮地不明智地花费。
12.This approach is not a wise one.这种设想是不明智的。
13.It may also be said that rational,也可以这样说,不明智的、
14.He acted foolishly when he agreed to come.他同意来,真是不明智的。
15.You are as wise as Solomon.你像圣人一样明智
16.He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest.他很明智,退出了竞
17.It is wiser to keep out of the limelight.不引人注目更为明智
18.It is unwise to judge people by externals.以貌取人是不明智的。

3)wise-use movement明智利用
4)intelligent lighting智能照明
1.The application of distributed intelligent lighting control system in intelligent building;分布式智能照明控制系统在智能建筑中的应用
2.Application Technology of Intelligent Lighting System Based on C-Bus;基于C-Bus的智能照明系统应用技术
3.Intelligent Lighting Control and Its Application in Library;智能照明控制技术及其在图书馆的应用
5)intelligent illumination智能照明
1.Study on of the Control Method in Intelligent Illumination Based on Image Processing Technology;基于图像处理技术的智能照明控制研究
2.Design and Realization of Distributed Intelligent Illumination Control System Based on CAN Bus;基于CAN总线的分布式智能照明控制系统的设计与实现
3.The structure of the design scheme and the key points of intelligent illumination control system were given out.给出了智能照明控制系统的设计方案结构及要点,同时阐述了HDL-BUS“多网合一”控制系统在大型户外景观工程中应用的技术优势及特点。
6)wise behavior明智行为
