为政,official career
1)official career为政
1.This paper analyzes and discusses his achievements in his official career.他为政清廉、秉公执法、外宽内明、体察民情,为西汉的中兴起了一定作用。

1.political skill, know-how, opinions为政之术、 为政之道、 政见
2.Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng".见《论语-为政第二》。
3.Confucius said, "What does the Book of History say about filial piety? 'Righteous by being a good son and friendly to ones brothers and sisters you can have an effect on government.' Since this is also 'doing government, ' why do I need to do 'doing government?'"子曰:「书云:孝乎惟孝,友于兄弟,施于有政。是亦为政,奚其为为政
4.A policy that was billed as an important departure for the administration.此政策被公告为政府行政机构的重要新方案
5.From then on Hsin-mei considered himself a statesman.从此他自以为政治家。
6.Rule by Law: Government Behavior, Fiscal Action and the Budget法治化:政府行为·财政行为·预算行为
7.Improving Citizens Political Participation and Modifying Government s Administration;扩大公民政治参与 规范政府行政行为
8.(5) to regulate administrative acts and to regulate administrative remedy acts;(5)规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;
9.The Core of Administration according to Law is Conducting Administration for People and Building the Chinese Communist Party for the Public;依法行政的核心是立党为公、执政为民
10.On the Government Asset Accounting Policy:Case Studying on the American Federal Financial Accounting;政府资产会计的政策选择——以美国联邦政府为例
11.The Political Control of Administrative Power:From the Perspective of American Administrative Law;行政权力的政治监督——以美国行政法为视角
12.On the Impact of Political Personality on Politics--Analysis from the perspective of statesman;论政治个性对政治的影响——以政治家为分析视角
13.Being in power for the people is the marxism achievements view;执政为民是马克思主义执政党的政绩观
15.Governmental Policy Behavior: Political Nature, Function and Value Standard;论政府政策行为的政治性质、功能与价值准则
16.Public Administration as an Administrative Science-On Herbert Simon's Administrative Thoughts作为行政科学的公共行政学——西蒙行政思想述评
17.They appointed him as postmaster.他们委任他为邮政局长。
18.The government declared Los Angeles a disaster area.政府宣布洛杉矶为灾区。

government actions政府行为
1.Government Actions in the Developing National Insurance;论民族保险业发展中的政府行为
2.This paper makes a study on several roles, forms and measures of government actions in IRE/BPR.针对知识经济条件下 ,现代信息技术对制造业企业生存和发展的重大作用 ,本文就IRE与BPR在实施中的政府行为的关键影响及作用进行了初步研究。
3.In this paper, considering the problems of financial deficits and surpluses with government actions, we construct a dynamic model of monetary economic, obtain some economic dynamic properties, discuss different effects when the systems are in equilibrium, and explain the cause of business cycle.针对有政府行为时实行财政盈余、赤字等实际问题,建立了有政府行为的货币经济动力学模型。
3)government behavior政府行为
1.Research on Government Behavior in Industrial Clusters;产业集群中的政府行为研究
2.The problem in the development of semiconductor industry of our country and the study of government behavior;我国半导体产业发展存在的问题及政府行为初探
4)government action政府行为
1.Analyzing government actions on classified management of medical institutes;试析医疗机构分类管理中的政府行为
2.The Construction of Food Safety Inspection and Testing System and the Analysis of Government Action;食品安全检验检测体系建构与政府行为分析
3.Under the new situation, government actions should be moderate, normal, opening and effective.在新的形势下 ,对政府行为提出了适度、规范、公开、高效等方面的要求。
5)Administrative acts行政行为
1.The mending of administrative act is a minor procedure for remedying defects in administrative acts by administrators within a certain period of time afterwards.行政行为补正是行政主体在一定期限内对程序存在轻微瑕疵的行政行为进行的补救,通过补正使原来违法的行政行为成为合法行政行为并维持其法律效力。
2.Discretionary administrative acts,as a derivative product,are obviously reasonable in modern society.自由裁量行政行为作为权力的伴生物,在现代社会中具有明显的主客观存在合理性。
3.Because of the restriction from traditional theory on Administrative acts, and the traditional background in politics, economy and culture, the concept of administrative acts is not clearly defined and always in conflict with administrative acts in reality.囿于传统行政行为理论的限制 ,以及传统行政行为运作背景政治、经济、文化的束缚 ,导致行政行为概念缺乏统一内涵 ,并与现实行政活动发生冲突和矛盾。
6)being in power for people执政为民
1.Keeps firmly in mind the "Two Musts" to persist being in power for people;牢记“两个务必” 坚持执政为民
2.Sticking to being in power for people is the essence of 16th CCCPC;坚持执政为民:十六大精神的本质
3.This article attempts to expound why our Party looks on Party building for the public and being in power for people as a essential demamd of"Three Representives"in theory from the nature and aim of Party,historical dominant role of the masses,historical position and mission of Party and so on.本文从党的性质和宗旨、人民群众的历史主体地位、党的历史使命、苏联亡党的经验教训以及增强全党的执政意识和忧患意识等五个方面 ,阐述了新时期我们党为什么把“立党为公 ,执政为民”作为“三个代表”的本质要求。

为政1.治理国家;执掌国政。 2.指执政者。 3.处理政事。 4.做主。 5.作宫。