儒学创新,Confucianism innovation
1)Confucianism innovation儒学创新
1.Confucian bioethics should be rooted in Confucianism critique and Confucianism innovation,and reflect the characteristics of Confucianism.只有在认真地清理传统儒家伦理的基础上,在不断地对儒学进行"现代诠释"或称之为"儒学创新"的基础上,所构建的儒家生命伦理学才能在后现代多元文化处境中占有一席之地,对当代生命伦理学的发展做出贡献。
2)Confucian Theory and Scientific Creation儒学与科技创新
3)original Confucian doctrine原创儒学
1.Confucianism,originating from original Confucian doctrine,keeps developing vigorously,and will continue to play a great role in the society.儒学由原创儒学发展到现在仍然具有强大的生命力,并且将会继续发挥强大的社会作用。

1.Contemporary Reflection of Confucius;孔子思想的当代反思——原创儒学的四大维度
2.That is why the school of thought developed by Confucius was called ru'xue or ru-ism and adherents of the school ru'jia or ru-ists. Traditionally the two have been translated into English as Confucianism and Confucianists respectively.将孔子创立的学说,称为“儒学”; 将宣传和维护儒学的人物,称之为“儒家”。
3.A Comparative Study on the Failure Causes of the Officialization of Pre-Qin Dynasty s Confucianism;从儒法之对比谈先秦儒学官学化的失败原因
4.On the Confucian Innovation in the End of Han Dynasty:Zheng Xuan and Wang Su论郑玄、王肃对汉末儒学的改造与创新
5.The Communication,Mutual Complement and Innovation of Confucianism and Western C ulture;论儒学与西方文化的交流、互补和创新
6.On Early Jesuits Special Interests in Confucianism;早期在华传教士“独厚儒学”原因初探
7.Geographic Distribution And Its Cause Of Confucian CultureIn Taiwan In Qing Dynasty;清代台湾儒学文化的地域分布及原因
8.Discussion on the Penetrating Exposition of the Spread and Mutation of "Li" by Confucianists儒家论礼的传承与变易——从礼学视野看原始儒学之精义
9.The Methodological Principle of Liu Shu-xian s Neo-Confucian Philosophy;“理一分殊”与儒学重建——论刘述先新儒学思想的方法论原则
10.Historical Causes of the Complementary Effects of Confucianism and Taoism儒道互补历史原因管窥——兼论道家对儒学独尊地位的挑战
11.Transformation of Confucianism and Deconstruction of Literature:On Han Yu’s Mind and His Creative Writing;儒学的转型和文学的解构——论韩愈的思想与创作
12.The Research of Taiwan Confucianism Establishment and Its Connotation during the Ming Zheng Time;明郑时期台湾儒学的创立及其内涵研究
13.The Influence of Confucian on Mongolian Writers Chinese Creation in the Yuan Dynasty;儒学对元代蒙古族作家汉文创作的影响
14.the earlier period Creation Society writer s literature thought and Confucian Taoism supplementary view of the traditional culture;论前期创造社作家文学思想与儒道互补观
15.A Correct Treatment of the Confucian School Established by Confucius by Using the Way of One Divides into Three;运用“三分法”正确对待孔子创立的儒家学说
16.Zhu Xi s Theory of “Mind” (xin) and Its Significance for the Creative Reconstruction of the Theory of Human Nature (qing) in Pre-Qin Confucianism;朱子心论及其对先秦儒学性情论的创造性重建
17.<etitle><Title>On Mou Zongsan s Theoretical Innovation of the Research on the Confucianism of Song-Ming dynasty<eauthor><Author>ZHOU Xiong yong (Philosophy staff room, Shanghai Branch of Nanjing College of Political Science, Shanghai 200433, China);试论牟宗三对宋明儒学研究的理论创新
18.Zhou Dun-yi’s Innovation of Confucian Classics--Takes Yi Zhuan and Doctrine of the Mean As a Center周敦颐对儒家经学的创新——以《易传》、《中庸》为中心

Confucian Theory and Scientific Creation儒学与科技创新
3)original Confucian doctrine原创儒学
1.Confucianism,originating from original Confucian doctrine,keeps developing vigorously,and will continue to play a great role in the society.儒学由原创儒学发展到现在仍然具有强大的生命力,并且将会继续发挥强大的社会作用。
4)New Confucianism新儒学
1.Talking about ZHOU ZUOREN S"New Confucianism;漫谈周作人的“新儒学”思想
2.It laid the foundation for the reactivity of new Confucianism,and bestowed the Chinese culture with new Confucianism as its core with worldly status.梁漱溟提出的力图解决文化与现实社会存弊相连问题的文化模式有独创性,它为新儒学在当今的活跃开了一代风气,并赋予了儒学为核心的中国传统文化在现代社会中的世界意义。
3.It plays an important part in the construction of new Confucianism s ideological system in Song and Yuan, booming of the three religions, advancement of writing style, and prosperity of science and technology, education, and art.它在宋元新儒学思想体系的构建、三教并立局面的出现、文风的演变以及科技、教育、艺术的繁荣等重大文化现象的形成中 ,都占有重要地位 ,发挥着重大的影
1.The Impact of Ancient Academy Development on the Neo-Confucianism in the Early Southern-song Dynasty;南宋前期新儒学对书院发展的影响探析
2.The Autobiographical Approach to HU Shih and Neo-Confucianism;从胡适自传看胡适与新儒学
6)new Confucian school新儒学
1.The theory of Two wings" was put up forward under the background of that while "the New Confucian School", "National Classics School" and "Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School " were neglecting the Literature Revolution held by " the May 4th Movement".“两个翅膀论”是在“新儒学派”、“国学派”、“鸳蝴派”否定“五四”文学革命的背景下 提出的,这是个错误的理论。
