特殊性与普遍性,Particularity and universality
1)Particularity and universality特殊性与普遍性

1.The Class Base and Mass Base to Be Enhanced for the Communist Party of China;论无产阶级政党特殊性与普遍性的统一——兼论增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础
2.universality and particularity of contradiction矛盾的普遍性和特殊性
3.Administrative Monopoly & Its Catholicity and Particularity试论行政垄断及其普遍性与特殊性
4.tendency to act blindly due to failure to know the universality and peculiarity of contradiction;不懂得矛盾的普遍性与特殊性,表现出盲动性;
5.From Africa to East Asia: Universality and Specialty In Research of Clan;从非洲到东亚:亲属研究的普遍性与特殊性
6.Universality and Particularity: Jurisprudence Construction of Modern Judicial Ideas;普遍性与特殊性:现代司法理念的法理建构
7.Increasing Returns:Analysis on the Conversion from the Particularity to the Universality;报酬递增:特殊性向普遍性转化的分析
8.A probe into the issue that the relationship between the universality of contradiction and the specificity of contradiction is one between the commonality and the individuality;对“矛盾普遍性与矛盾特殊性关系是共性与个性关系”问题的质疑
9.How to Realize Universal Ethic--On the Relationships between Moral Universality and Moral Particularity;如何认识普世伦理——论道德的普遍性与特殊性之关系
10.Universality and Specificity of Culture--From Universal Culture;文化的普遍性和特殊性——从普世文化谈起
11.On the Existence of Logic in Ancient China --From the Angles of Universality &Particalarity;中国古代有没有逻辑——从普遍性与特殊性的角度看
12.Universality and Particularity:The Two Dimensions of Moral Education in the View of Global ization;普遍性与特殊性:全球化视野下道德教育的两个维度
13.The Historical Experience and Enlightenment from the Integration of Universality and Particularity in the 20~(th) Century s Socialist Movement;20世纪社会主义运动普遍性与特殊性相结合的历史经验及启示
14.The Universality and particularity of Techno-culture: The Philosophy Analysis of Deep Level Problem in Technology transfer;论“技术-文化”的普遍性与特殊性——关于技术转移深层问题的哲学分析
15.The universality of contradiction resides in the particularity of contradiction.矛盾的普遍性存在于矛盾的特殊性之中。
16.It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides.矛盾的普遍性即寓于矛盾的特殊性之中。
17.The Generality and Speciality of Language of Space Design;空间设计形式语言的普遍性和特殊性探析
18.On the Generality and Particularity of Indoctrination;浅谈思想政治教育中灌输的普遍性和特殊性

universality and specificity普遍性与特殊性
3)integrating universality with particularity普遍性与特殊性的统一
4)speciality and universality特殊性和普遍性
1.The Methodology on Chinese learning included speciality and universality;continuity and non-continuity;internality and externality.沟口雄三的中国学研究 ,在方法论上反对欧洲中心论影响下的一元主义 ,力主在相对性原理上 ,重新审视中国文化 ,以特殊性和普遍性、连续性和跳跃性、自生性和外来性相结合的方法来理解中国文明固有价值 ,在一定程度上纠正了日本中国学研究方法论上的偏
5)universality and particularity普遍与特殊
6)universality and particularity of contradiction矛盾普遍性特殊性
1.A shining example of applying the tenet of universality and particularity of contradiction;运用矛盾普遍性特殊性原理的光辉范例

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-