孝治,Filial Piety Policy
1)Filial Piety Policy孝治

1."Ruling the Country with Filial Piety" in Han Dynasty and the Political Personality of Scholar-bureaucrats汉代“以孝治天下”与士人的政治人格
2.An Informal Discussion about the Social Practice to Govern the World with Filial Piety in the Han Dynasty(I)漫谈汉代“以孝治天下”的社会实践(上)
3.Informal Discussion on Social Practice of the Theory of "Ruling the World with Filial Piety" in Han Dynasty;漫谈汉代“以孝治天下”的社会实践(下)
4.On Confucian Filial Piety s Development and Repression of Blood Revenge;儒家“孝治”对“血亲复仇”的扬抑
5.Xiao Jing is an ancient book dealing with the confucianist thought of filial duty and filial rule, and it owns its unigue position in the formation and development of confucianist thought.《孝经》是专门论述儒家孝道、孝治思想的典籍,在儒家思想形成及发展中占有独特的地位。
6.The Rule of Filial Piety of the Han Dynasty and the Mechanism of the Influence of Virtues in the Order Construction汉代的孝治及其社会秩序建构的德化机制
7.The Filial Piety Policy of Middle and Late Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of Shi Meng-lan从“京东第一人”史梦兰看清代中后期的孝治政策
8.The Continuing and Innovation of Governing the Country by the Filial Piety Ethics:The Analysis Based on the Contemporary Public Governance;“孝治”伦理的传承与开新——基于当代公共治理的分析
9.Realistic Effect of Ruling by Filial Piety in the Han Dynasty--Investigation Focusing on the Group of Scholar-bureaucrat’s Clan;汉代“以孝治天下”政策的现实效果——以士人宗族群体为中心的考察
10.From Individual Morality to Political Ethic;从个人德行到政治伦理——以贞、孝、忠为中心的考察
11.Discussion on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Political Consciousness of Citizens in Small Town in Xiaogan City;孝感市小城镇公民政治意识现状调查及对策
12.The Analysis on the "Filial Scripture" s Role for the Consolidation of Feudal Governing;《孝经》在巩固封建统治中的作用机制分析
13.Study on the Generation and Control of Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) in Xiaogan Paddy-field District;孝感稻田地区玉米螟发生与防治的研究
14.Investigatoin of Garden Tree Diseases and Non-pollution Control in Xiaogan City孝感市园林树木病害调查及无公害防治
15.A Preliminary Research on the Citizens Political Consciousness at the Small Towns in Xiaogan City: Based on the Examples from Six Small Towns;关于孝感小城镇公民政治意识的初步研究——以孝感六镇公民抽样调查为例
16.Formation of Political Characteristics and the Replacement of Political Ideas During Metaphaseof the South Song Dynasty;南宋中期政治特性之形成与治国理念之嬗递——以宋孝宗、韩侂胄为例
17.The Similarities and Differences between the Views of Chen Yan and Zheng Xiaoxu on Poems;割席华与管 安得长相从——论陈衍与郑孝胥治诗的异同
18.On Foundation,Development of Chinese Traditional Piety Culture and Its Influence on Chinese Social Politics and Culture;中国传统孝文化的形成、演变及其对中国社会政治文化的影响

governing the country by the filial piety ethic"孝治"伦理
3)governing people by filial piety孝治理论
4)govern by filial piety以孝治国
5)filial doctrine in ruling孝治天下
1.The traditional culture of filial piety has taken far reaching political significance by filial doctrine in ruling.汉代以降,儒孝伦理被封建国家奉为施政圭臬,演化成为一系列治国安民的制度化行政措施,传统中国孝道文化,通过“孝治天下”的历史途径和历史实践,获得了极其丰富的社会政治意义。
6)rule by benevolenceand filial piety仁孝治国
