自然人性论,theory of natural human nature
1)theory of natural human nature自然人性论
1.Analysis on logic starting point of Chinese modern utilitarian political philosophy: theory of natural human nature;中国近代功利主义政治哲学的逻辑起点:自然人性论

1.Return and expansion of natural humanity--on Wangbi s view of xing and qing;自然人性论的回归与张扬——王弼性情观初论
2.Aesthetic declaration of the modern theory of human nature;近代自然人性论的美学宣言——论明代童心说、性情论美学的思想方法
3.The natural theory of human nature and individualism are two major theory pillars of his humanistic thought.自然人性论和个人主义是其人道主义思想的两大理论支柱。
4.On the Scientific and Humane Properties of Natural Science;试论自然科学的科学属性与人文属性
5.On the Naturalistic Characteristics of Maugham s of Human Bondage;论毛姆《人性的枷锁》中的自然主义特色
6.The Necessity of Constructing the System of Insolvency of Natural Person in China;论我国构建自然人破产制度的必要性
7.Trial Remark on the Early Confucian People s Understanding of Man s Natural Attribute;试论早期儒家对人的自然属性的认识
8.Nature Civilization Moral--On Rousseau’s thought of nature and moral自然 文明 道德——论卢梭人性道德思想
9.ethology hypothesis based on mechanism,on reductional theory and on naturalism ;以机械论、还原论和自然论为基础的"人性假设";
10.Humanity of traditional natural epistemology and gather environment with contemporary people;传统自然认识论中的人文性与当代人聚环境
11.On the possibility and feasibility of harmonious coexistence of human beings and the nature;论人与自然和谐相处的可能性与现实性
12.On the Necessity and Feasibility of the Establishment of Bankruptcy System of Natural Persons in Our Country;论我国建立自然人破产制度的必要性与可行性
13.On The Necessity And Feasibility Of Legislation Of Natural Person s Capacity Of Bankrupt;论我国自然人破产能力立法的必要性和可行性
14.On the Original Harmony between Man and Nature-An Important Reason Why Nature Is Beautiful;论人与自然的本原性和谐——自然之所以美的一个重要原因
15.Radical defect: (1)still be limited in naturalism human - nature theory;根本缺陷:(1)未摆脱自然主义人性论的羁绊;
16.Historicity of Society--The Unity of the View of Human Being, Nature and Value;论社会的历史性——人、自然、价值视野的统一
17.A comment on romantic style of Wordsworth s poems;讴歌自然崇尚人性——论华兹华斯的浪漫诗歌
18.On the Basic Connotation of Contemporary Natural Humanity;论中国现代文学中自然人性的基本内涵

On Laozi s Theory of Human Nature老子自然人性论
3)natural humanity自然人性
1.As a value choice of contemporary culture,contemporary natural humanity isn t abstract.现代自然人性作为现代文学中的一种价值意向并非笼统的抽象,具体来看主要表现在对人的本能欲望的肯定,对道家自然人性的借鉴发展,对生命强力与生存意志的张扬等三个方面。
2.The ethical root of his theory is heaven s will,and the theory is grounded on the thoughts of natural humanity.他人口伦理的道德根源是"天志",其人性论基础是自然人性论
3.The paper makesan analysis of the description and changes of natural humanity shown in the three novels of Lu Xun’s:Call to Arms,Wandering and Old Tales Retold ,and from this perspective Lu Xun’s thoughts of history and humanity are thought of as a talented intellectual of enlightenment.本文试从鲁迅一生创作的三部小说《呐喊》、《彷徨》、《故事新篇》着手,分析这几部小说中流露出的自然人性描写及其变化,从这一角度透视鲁迅作为该时代的一位优秀的启蒙主义人文知识分子对历史和人性的思索。
4)natural human nature自然人性
1.A Combat between Natural Human Nature and Social Human Nature——An Interpretation on Involution of Frollo's Natural Human Nature自然人性与社会人性的“战斗”——解读克洛德自然人性的复归
2.This system includes three closely-related aspects: thinking and reconstruction of national morality with the "May Forth Movement" tradition;the contrast of city and country from boor s angle leading to the escape from the secular world and the praise of natural human nature.这个体系包括紧密关联的三个方面:带有“五四”启蒙传统的对民族品性的思考与重塑;“乡下人”视角下“城”与“乡”对立所导致的对世俗的躲避和对自然人性的讴歌;基于对“人”更高意义上的关怀,他还对现代文明的弊病做了深刻的思考,庄严地呼唤和谐“神性”的建构。
5)human nature自然人性
1.Lawrence spent all his life seeking humanitarianism and the regression of human nature.劳伦斯的一生都在为追寻人道主义和自然人性的回归而不懈探索,他的创作对性爱这一问题进行了深入的探讨,并与人类的文明进程相联系。
2.From the articles Man’s Literature,My Own Garden and Ground,The Origin of Chinese New Literature,we can see that Zhou Zuoren insists “human nature”,“individual freedom” and “independent art spirit”.研读周作人《人的文学》、《自己的园地》和《中国新文学的源流》,可以看出他一贯坚持的自然人性、个体自由、艺术独立等人本文学思想。
3.(2) Li Zhi opposed to constrain people’s desire, which led to the capitalist class’ theory of human nature.李贽哲学主要有三个方面的启蒙特征首先他高扬了个体性原则,他的天赋平等、个性自由、利己自适的主张引出了近代意义的个人主义;其次,他为人的感性欲求张目,反对以天理压制人欲,开启了资产阶级自然人性论的源头;最后,他追求的理想人格“狂狷”与“亢龙”不再是高不可攀,而是具有平民化倾向,其中“亢龙”体现的殉道精神、战斗性格预示了职业革命家的出现。
6)humane nature人性自然
