人生境遇,circumstances in life
1)circumstances in life人生境遇
1.This paper discusses the functions of circumstances in life,the features of college students circumstances, probing students abilities to deal with setbacks in life and fostering them to grasp chances and develop themselves.人生境遇是人生道路上出现的顺境和逆境,困难和逆境也是人生进步和成功的机遇,是当代大学生必须面对和正确思考的课题。

1.Returning to the Life-World--Philosophy and Our Real Life;回归生活世界——哲学与我们时代的人生境遇
2.The Self-rescue of People in the Incomplete Life Circumstances--On the Suffering Consciousness in Shitiesheng s Prose;残缺人生境遇的自我拯救——史铁生散文的苦难意识
3.Aesthetic Taste,Life Experience and Poem s Overt and Covert Content;审美趣味、人生境遇与诗歌之显晦——由钟嵘品陶不公说起
4.Modern Human Subsistence and the Construction of Ecological Aesthetics;当代人类生存境遇与生态美学的建构
5.Invisible Man: A Piece of Jazz Yelling for Black American s Predicaments;《看不见的人》:一曲为黑人生存境遇呐喊的爵士乐
6.Illusory Life and Miserable Lot --An Analysis of Women′s Plight in The Bible虚幻人生 悲惨境遇——《圣经》中妇女问题透视
7.Human Being s Perplexity and Struggle under the Living Circumstances--On the Theme of the Thunderstorm;生存境遇中人的困惑与挣扎——《雷雨》主题之我见
8.A Realistic Presentation of Human Survival:Zhang Ziping’s Novels;如实透视人的生存境遇——论张资平的身边小说
9.Illusory Life and Miserable Lot --An Analysis of Women′s Plight in The Bible;虚幻人生 悲惨境遇——《圣经》中妇女问题透视
10.No man is content with his lot.没有人满意自己的境遇。
11.Between the Public Life and the Private Life:The Modern Condition of the Traditional Ethics;在公共生活与私人生活之间:传统伦理的现代境遇
12.In which case, she may ask herself whether she wouldn't be better off on her own.而在这样情况下,女人就会思量独自生活的境遇是否会更好。
13.Pay Attention to the Human Survival Circumstances with the Wise Narration s Method--Explanation for Hong Ying s Wise Narrative Technique;智性叙述下的人类生存境遇——虹影智性化叙事手法解读
14.Searching for survival circumstance of Chinese modern intellectual women--Decoding from Old Friend on the Seashore to Nowhere to Say Goodbye;探幽中国现代知识女性的生存境遇——解读从《海滨故人》到《无处告别》
15.On the Change in ZHANG Shen s Image from the Scholars Situation in Tang and Yuan Dynasties -Comparative Study of Yingyingzhuan and Xixiangji;从唐元士人境遇看张生形象的转型——《莺莺传》与《西厢记》之比较研究
16.The Pursuit of Certainty and the Loss of the Self--A Perspective of Reviewing the Existence of Pre-modern Man;确定性追求与自我的失落——考察前现代人生存境遇的一个视角
17.The Source of the Patriotism of The Fan up Which Peach Blossom Is Dravn;社会环境·儒家文化·人生际遇——《桃花扇》反清爱国思想溯源
18.Marginal Existence and Its Manifestations: Some Reflections on the Literary Marginal Gesture of Kensaburo Ohe;边缘人生存境遇及形态表现──大江文学边缘化姿态扫描

mankind's existence situation人的生存境遇
3)interpersonal circumstance人际境遇
1.To sum up the achievements concluded from above, there is a conclusion on the key factors about junior high school students\' interpersonal circumstance, which are the feeling of security and the sense of belonging.初中生“人际境遇”是指其在人际交往过程中,特别是与同辈群体交往过程中所产生的互动状态,以及由此产生的心理感受。
4)the human-culture circumstance人文境遇
5)living conditions生存境遇
1.The thesis,with the reference of then commodity prices and officials’ income,discusses the meaning of the price of the Famous Paintings of All Dynasties and explores the living conditions of painters at that time.本文将以当时的物价水平及百官俸禄为参照,论述《历代名画记》所载绘画作品价格的意义,进而探讨当时画家的生存境遇。
6)survival circumstance生存境遇
1.Searching for survival circumstance of Chinese modern intellectual women——Decoding from Old Friend on the Seashore to Nowhere to Say Goodbye;探幽中国现代知识女性的生存境遇——解读从《海滨故人》到《无处告别》
