和为贵,Amiability is Highly Valued
1)Amiability is Highly Valued和为贵
1.On the System Innovation of Criminal Penalty in the Context of "Amiability is Highly Valued" in China;“和为贵”语境下我国刑罚制度的创新

1.On Cultural Tradition of Stress on Harmony and Construction of Harmonious Society;“和为贵”的文化传统与和谐社会建设
2.Confucius stated in The Analects of Confucius, In the application of the rites, harmony is to be prized.孔子的《论语》提出“礼之用,和为贵”;
3.On the System Innovation of Criminal Penalty in the Context of "Amiability is Highly Valued" in China;“和为贵”语境下我国刑罚制度的创新
4.The Ethical Pursuit of Harmony in Confucianism before Qin Dynasty;先秦儒家“和为贵”的政治伦理追求
5.Interpersonal relationship of overseas Chinese businessmen regarding harmony as fundamentality;论海外华商“以和为贵”的人际关系
6.A Preliminary Discussion on Deng Xiaoping Thought that"Amiability is Highly Valued" and its National Character;试论邓小平“和为贵”思想的民族品质
7.Yu Tzu said: "In the actual practice of propriety, flexibility is important. This is what the ancient kings did so well- Both the greater and the lesser used flexibility.有子曰:「礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美;小大由之。
8.The Thoughts of Management on Chinese Traditional Harmony and Its Modern Values;以和为贵的管理智慧及其现代价值研究
9.Seeking Common Ground while Maintaining Differences and Taking Peace as Praiseworthiness:Reflection on the 228 Incident on Its 60th Anniversary;求同存异,以和为贵:“二二八事件”60周年反思
10.You have opened your nation to trade and investment on a large scale.贵国为大规模贸易和投资敞开了大门。
11.Dear in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints.在耶和华眼中,看圣民之死,极为宝贵。
12.It is in China's cultural tradition to value peace and harmony.中国文化传统主张“和合”为贵。
13."Serving the People", an Inheritance and Development of Confucius Thoughts of People First;为人民服务对“民贵”思想的继承和发展
14.I believe that my profound background and my qualifications would make me an outstanding asset to your school.我相信我丰富的背景和我的资质能使我成为贵校的宝贵财富。
15.According to your high reputation, we desire to enter into business relations with you, and mail you a copy of catalugue and price list for your reference.贵公司信誉卓著,我们极愿意与贵公司建立业务关系,为此寄上商品目录和价目表工贵公司参考.
16.Red carpet has been rolled ready for the royal party and special guests.为皇室成员和贵宾们准备的红地毯已被铺好。
17."It may be the most precious legacy of all--a letter and this stack of love notes.""这也许是最为珍贵的遗物--一封信和这叠情书。
18.Men went whaling to get the valuable oil, meat, and bones of whale.人们捕鲸是为了获得宝贵的鲸油、鲸肉和鲸骨。

regarding harmony as fundamentality以和为贵
1.Interpersonal relationship of overseas Chinese businessmen regarding harmony as fundamentality;论海外华商“以和为贵”的人际关系
3)tradition de cherir la paix"和为贵"传统
4)A new explanation of harmony is precious"和为贵"新解
5)Kiss and be friends.吵嘴后,和为贵
6)In the application of the rites, harmony is to be prized.礼之用,和为贵

黑社会2以和为贵黑社会2以和为贵 (2006)(election2) 我来补充资料导 演:杜琪峰主 演:古天乐 王天林 林家栋 任达华上 映:2006年4月28日地 区:中国香港语 言:粤语颜 色:彩色类 型:动作片故事梗概:《以和为贵》是《黑社会》的续集,除了在上一集里被杀死的梁家辉,任达华、古天乐、王天林、林雪、张家辉等都继续出演。《以和为贵》讲述的是想脱离黑社会的古天乐,被迫卷入了与任达华的'大哥’之争,'《以和为贵》在剧情上是完全独立的。《黑社会》讲的是黑帮的历史传统,而《以和为贵》讲的是黑帮的未来。”(更多)