吉语,auspicious word
1)auspicious word吉语
1.Its content includes auspicious words or mottos for morality cultivation.汉印中的吉语格言印如同先秦时期的吉语格言古玺一样,并不具备信物的功能,其内容往往都是一些以祈福为目的的吉祥语词或修身的箴言。

1.The Turkic language of the Kirghiz.吉尔吉斯语吉尔吉斯人讲的突厥语言
2.Language: Kyrgyz is the official language, but about30% of the population speaks Russian and12% speaks Uzbek.语言:官方语言为吉尔吉斯语,但大约有30%人讲俄语,12%人讲乌兹别克语。
3.Language:Kyrgyz is the official language, but about 30% of the population speaks Russian and 12% speaks Uzbek.语言:官方语言为吉尔吉斯语,但大约有30%的人讲俄语,12%的人讲乌兹别克语。
4.the Turkic language spoken by the Kirghiz people.吉尔吉斯斯坦人说的突厥语。
5.The Study and Teaching of Dun gan and Chinese Languages in Kirghiszstan;吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国的东干语及汉语教学研究
6.Republic of Kirghizstan吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国
7.lebesgue stieltjes integral勒贝格 斯蒂尔吉斯积分
8.fourierstieltjes transform傅里叶 斯蒂尔吉斯变换
9.Peng Li hoped that the Kirghizian news media would relay greetings from the Chinese people to the Kirghizian people.李鹏希望吉尔吉斯新闻媒介转达中国人民对吉尔吉斯人民的问候。
10.A member of a traditionally nomadic people living principally in Kirghiz.吉尔吉斯人主要居住在吉尔吉斯的游牧传统民族的一员
11.the capital of Kyrgystan.吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国首都。
12.Relations Between China and Kyrgyzstan: Current State, Problems, and Prospect;中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦:现状、问题、与前景
13.Aushi,the Name of an Ancient City of Kirghistan;关于吉尔吉斯斯坦古城地名“奥什”
14.Language: English is the official language, I-Kiribati ( Gilbertese) and English are widely spoken.语言:官方语言为英语,通用基里巴斯语(吉尔伯特语)和英语。
15.It was not fair to let Jurgis support the family.让吉尔吉斯一个人养家是不公平的。
16.Hydrocarbon perspective of the Alay Basin, Kyrgyzstan吉尔吉斯阿莱依盆地含油气远景分析
17.Study on the Transition of Kirgiz s Society in 19~(th) Century;19世纪吉尔吉斯民族社会转型研究
18.Backus-Gilbert approach巴克斯-吉尔伯特法

4)propitious language吉祥语言
5)auspicious words吉祥语
1.On the social culture connotation,function and significance of auspicious words;吉祥语的文化意蕴、功能和社会意义
6)Miao Language in Jishou吉首苗语
